Taxonomic revision of the South American genus Polynoncus Burmeister, 1876 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Trogidae) Author Costa-Silva, Vinícius Laboratório de Entomologia Integrativa, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil; & Laboratório de Scarabaeoidologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiabá, Brazil; & Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of Pretoria, Hatfield, South Africa; Author Strümpher, Werner P. Department of Coleoptera, Ditsong National Museum of Natural History, Pretoria, South Africa Author Thyssen, Patricia J. Laboratório de Entomologia Integrativa, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, Brazil; Author Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z. Laboratório de Scarabaeoidologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT), Cuiabá, Brazil; text Journal of Natural History 2024 2024-01-28 58 1 - 4 14 166 journal article 291176 10.1080/00222933.2023.2260060 9ffc2003-7435-4e20-a06e-fcac24758d30 1464-5262 10830771 Polynoncus ecuadorensis ( Vaurie, 1962 ) ( Figures 24–25 ) Trox ecuadorensis Vaurie, 1962: 133 (original description) Trox ( Polynoncus ) ecuadorensis : Scholtz 1982: 16 (catalogue) Polynoncus ecuadorensis : Scholtz 1986a: 362 (systematics); Scholtz 1990: 1448 (redescription); Kawai 2007: 96 (record from Peru ); Zidek 2013: 9 (checklist); Ratcliffe et al . 2015: 189 (checklist from Peru ); Zidek 2017: 100 (checklist) Type specimens examined (through detailed photographs). HOLOTYPE ( ZMUC Figure 24 ) First label [white, aged, typeset]: ‘ Quito , Ecuador . / Vorbeck | 10.IX.1925 ’. Second label [red, Patricia Vaurie’s handwriting]: ‘TYPE / Trox / ecuadorensis / Vaurie’ . Third label [white, printed]: ‘zmuc / 00022596’ ( Figure 24d ). Type locality : ‘ Quito , Ecuador’ . This specimen was collected by Danish pharmacist and brewer Henrik Emil Vorbeck (1870–1943). PARATYPES ( 2 MNHN ) . First label [white, aged, typeset]: ‘MUSÉUM PARIS / ÉQUATEUR / QUITO / R. BENOIST 1930’. Second label [white, Emil Haaf’s handwriting]: ‘ Trox / sallei Har. / det.Dr.E.Haaf 1953’. Third label [white, aged, typeset]: ‘ ’. Fourth label [white, aged, Patricia Vaurie’s handwriting]: ‘ Trox ecua- / dorensis / Vaurie / PARATYPE’. Fifth label [white, Patricia Vaurie’s handwriting]: ‘ Trox ecuadorensis / Vaurie’. Sixth label [white with black frame, Vinícius Costa-Silva’s handwriting]: ‘ Polynoncus / ecuadorensis / ( Vaurie 1962 ) / Det . V . Costa-Silva, 2022’ ( 1 MNHN ) . First label [white, typeset]: ‘Machachi, / Ecuador . / 9–10,000 feet . / Ed. Whymper’. Second label [white, aged, typeset]: ‘ ’. Third label [white, aged, typeset]: ‘Ex- Musaeo / H.W.BATES / 1892 [vertical]’. Fourth label [white, aged, Patricia Vaurie’s handwriting]: ‘ Trox ecua- / dorensis / Vaurie / PARATYPE’. Fifth label [white with black frame, Vinícius Costa-Silva’s handwriting]: ‘ Polynoncus / ecuadorensis / ( Vaurie 1962 ) / Det . V . Costa-Silva, 2022’ ( 1 MNHN ) . Figure 24. Holotype of Trox ecuadorensis Vaurie, 1962 (now Polynoncus ecuadorensis ): habitus in a , dorsal and b , lateral view; c , male genitalia in dorsal view; d , labels. Photos by Eliana Buenaventura (ZMUC). Figure 25. Distribution map of Polynoncus ecuadorensis (red circles), P. longitarsis (green triangles), and P. pampeanus (blue squares) in South America. The records with a black dot in the centre indicate the type locality of the respective species. Differential diagnosis. This species is most similar to P. tenebrosus but can be distinguished from the latter by the presence of distinct humeral callus, which is less developed in P. tenebrosus (almost obsolete); scutellum is elongate (almost oval in P. tenebrosus ); antennae with yellow setae, which are dark in P. tenebrosus . Shares with P. diffluens and P. crypticus the elytral tubercles poorly developed, but can be distinguished from these based on the presence of erect black setae in the surface of elytral tubercles in P. ecuadorensis . For details of description, see Vaurie (1962) . Geographic distribution. This rare species is only known from Ecuador ( Figure 25 ) and a single record from Peru ( Kawai 2007 ). Polynoncus ecuadorensis is reported from the high elevations in the Andes ( 1000–3000 m above sea level; see Vaurie 1962 ). Examined non-type material ( 11 specimens ). ECUADOR : Imbabura , Chachimbiro , 18 November 1984 , F . Bravo leg . ( 1♀ CEMT ) . Napo , without specific locality, date or collector ( 1♀ MNHN ) . Pichincha , Quito , 16 January 1988 , Sanchez leg . ( 1♀ CEMT ); Quito , 2800 m , 12 October 1989 , E . Kessles [?] leg. ( 1♀ CEMT ) ; Quito , Calderón , 25 March 1997 , V . Carvajal leg . ( 1♂ CEMT ); Quito , Cumbayá , 2300 m , 28 December 1995 , M . Torres leg . (1 CEMT ); Quito , San Gregorio , 16 January 1988 , P . Mendozo leg . (1 CVMD ); San Rafael , 2517 m , 16 January 1988 , S . Gutierrez leg . ( 1♀ CEMT ); Tumbaco , 2650 m , 15 May 1989 , J . Vallejo leg . ( 1♂ CEMT ); Tumbaco , 29 December 1985 , F . Brabo leg . ( 1♀ CEMT ) . Tungurahua , Env . d’Ambato [San Juan de Ambato], 1930, Irenée Blanc leg . ( 1♂ MNHN ) .