Contribution to knowledge of the genus Chydaeus in Xizang Autonomous Region [Tibet] and Yunnan Province, China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini) Author Kataev, Boris M. Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St. Petersburg 199034, Russia Author Liang, Hongbin Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China Author Kavanaugh, David H. Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California 94118 USA text ZooKeys 2012 2012-02-24 171 39 92 journal article 1313-2970-171-39 1C0AE742AF194DCE8A6E86B6D72ECCB2 F3103053C45BFFED2A35FFF7FFA5FFA6 576907 Chydaeus bedeli difficilis Kataev & Schmidt, 2002 Figs 62 67 72-73 Material examined. A total of 341 specimens (184 males and 157 females, including 89 males and 76 females in CAS, 88 males and 78 females in IOZ, and 7 males and 3 females in ZIN and cBL&KB) were examined from the following localities: China . Xizang Autonomous Region . Medong County : 1 female, Medog, Baibung, E Doxong Pass, under rocks along trail, 29.49009°N , 94.95566°E , 3100-4010 m, 15-20.VIII.2005, Huang Hao leg. (IOZ); 1 female, Medog, 1900 m, 27.XI.1998 (IOZ). Yunnan Province . Fugong County : 19 males, 16 females, Lumadeng, Laoshibali, roadside, 27.07978°N , 98.77328°E , 2305 m, 15.VIII.2005, D. Kavanaugh & D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS, IOZ); 5 males, 3 females, same data, but 27.07831°N , 98.77416°E , 2305 m, 15.VIII.2005, H.B. Liang & J.F. Zhang leg. (CAS, IOZ); 1 female, Lishadi Town, Shibali, around hotel, 27.16536°N , 98.78003°E , 2535 m, 18.VIII.2005, D. Kavanaugh & P. Paquin leg. (CAS); 3 males, 3 females, same data, but 5-6.VIII.2005, D. Kavanaugh leg. (CAS, IOZ, ZIN); 3 males, 1 female, same data, but 27.16530°N , 98.77980°E , 2530 m, 4.VIII.2005, H.B. Liang leg. (CAS, IOZ); 6 males, 5 females, Lishadi Town, 2.8 km W Shibali, road, 27.17405°N , 98.76722°E , 2750 m, 9.VIII.2005 , D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS, IOZ); 1 male, 1 female, Lishadi Town, 7 km SW Shibali, river, 27.10220°N , 98.73107°E , 2800 m, 13.VIII.2005, D. Kavanaugh & P. Raquin leg. (CAS); 1 male, 1female, Lumadeng, 8.4 km W Shibali, roadside, 27.18740°N , 98.71936°E , 3160 m, 14.VIII.2005, D. Kavanaugh & D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS); 1 male, 1 female, Lishadi Town, 0.5 km below Shibali, 27.16520°N , 98.77980°E , 2530 m, 5.VIII.2005, H.B. Liang & G. Tang leg. (IOZ); 2 females, Lishadi Town, 0.5 km W Shibali, 27.20192°N , 98.71371°E , 3250 m, 7.VIII.2005, P. Paquin leg. (CAS); 2 females, Lishadi Town, 4 km W Shibali, roadside, 27.17740°N , 98.75490°E , 2800 m, 16.VIII.2005, D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS, IOZ); 1 male, Lishadi Town, 2 km E Shibali, roadside, 27.16100°N , 98.79370°E , 2300 m, 18.VIII.2005, D.Z. Dong leg. (IOZ); 1 male, Lishadi Town, 8.5 km up Shibali, river, 27.18408°N , 98.71882°E , 3095 m, 8.VIII.2005, H.B. Liang & J.F. Zhang leg. (IOZ); 1 male, Lishadi, 9.5 km up Shibali, road, 27.19436°N , 98.71487°E , 3195 m, 14.VIII.2005, H.B. Liang leg. (IOZ); 6 males, 4 females, Lishadi Town, 10 km up Shibali, road, 27.19980°N , 98.71375°E , 3200 m, 16.VIII.2005, J. Zhang leg. (CAS, IOZ); 1 female, same data, but 12.VIII.2005, H.B. Liang & J.F. Zhang leg. (IOZ); 1 male, same data, but 12.VIII.2005, H.B. Liang & J.F. Zhang leg. (IOZ); 2 males, 1 female, Lishadi Town, 6 km up, roadside, 27.17628°N , 98.74167°E , 2920 m, 2.V.2004, H.B. Liang & X.Y. Li leg. (CAS, IOZ); 1 male, 1 female, Lishadi Town, Shibali, 1 km up, roadside, 27.17084°N , 98.76983°E , 2687 m, 1.V.2004, H.B. Liang leg. (IOZ); 2 males, 4 females, Lishadi Town, Shibali, 2 km up, roadside, 27.17156°N , 98.77098°E , 2733 m, 1.V.2004, H.B. Liang leg. (CAS, IOZ); 1 female, Lishadi Town, Shibali, 4 km up, roadside, 27.17750°N , 98.75508°E , 2820 m, 3.V.2004, H.B. Liang & M. Xie leg. (IOZ); 1 male, 3 females, Lishadi Town, Shibali, 12 km up, roadside, 27.20654°N , 98.71772°E , 3280 m, 8.V.2004, H.B. Liang & B.-X. Zhu leg. (CAS, IOZ); 2 males, 2 females, Lishadi Town, Shibali, 10 km up, roadside, 27.19980°N , 98.71375°E , 3200 m, 6.V.2004, day, H.B. Liang & B.X. Zhu leg. (CAS, IOZ, ZIN); 4 males, 1 female, Lishadi Town, Shibali, 1.5 km down road, 27.16284°N , 98.78989°E , 2420 m, 2.V.2004, H.B. Liang & G.X. Peng leg. (CAS, IOZ); 4 males, 5 females, Lishadi Town, 4.3 km above Shibali on Yaping road, 27.17262°N , 98.76943°E , 2826 m, 3.V.2004, D. Kavanaugh leg. (IOZ); 1 male, 1 female, Lumadeng, Yaping-Shibali, roadside, 27.14627°N , 98.81559°E , 2030 m, 3.V.2004, H.B. Liang, M. Xie leg. (IOZ, CAS); 1 female, Lumadeng, Yaping, Rimalige, road, 27.09728°N , 98.80475°E , 2040 m, 4.V.2004, H.B. Liang & B.-X. Zhu leg. (IOZ); 6 males, 6 females, Lumadeng, Yaping, Yejiadi, roadside, 27.08004°N , 98.77325°E , 2307 m, 10.V.2004, H.B. Liang & B.X. Zhu leg. (CAS, IOZ); 3 males, 5 females, Lumadeng, Laoshibali, riverside, 27.07831°N , 98.77416°E , 2305 m, 21.VIII.2005, H.B. Liang & J.F. Zhang leg. (CAS, IOZ); 1 female, Lumadeng, 8 km up Laoshibali, road, 27.10421°N , 98.73274°E , 2800 m, 13.VIII.2005, H.B. Liang & J.F. Zhang (IOZ); 1 male, Fugong (IN BURMA side), Lumadeng, Laoshibali Yakou, road, 27.06427°N , 98.75129°E , 3267 m, 13.VIII.2005, J.F. Zhang leg. (IOZ); 5 males, 10 females, Lumadeng, Laoshibali Yakou, 27.06429°N , 98.75123°E , 3270 m, 13.VIII.2005, D. Kavanaugh & D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS, IOZ); 3 males, 1 female, Maji Town, Majimi Vill., riverside, 27.39630 °N , 98.81701°E , 1567 m, 28.IV.2004, H.B. Liang leg. (IOZ); 1 female, Shangpa, Nujiang River, roadside, 27.06428°N , 98.75105°E , 3276 m, 6.V.2004, X. Li leg. (IOZ); 2 males, W Yunnan Province, SW Weideng, 27°00'09"N , 99°00'47"E , 3145 m, 4.VI.2006, I. Belousov & I. Kabak leg. (cBL&KB, ZIN); 2 males, 1 female, W Yunnan Province, NE Fugong, 26°56'46"N , 98°56'13"E - 26°57'32"N , 98°56'44"E , 3240-3449 m, 31.V.2006, 29.V.2006, I. Belousov & I. Kabak leg. (cBL&KB, ZIN). Gongshan County : 14 males, 7 females, Cikai Town, Dabadi, riverside, 27°47'48"N , 98°30'21"E , 3000 m, 1.X.2002, X. Li leg. (CAS, IOZ, ZIN); 1 male, Cikai Town, Heipu Yakou to Dahaituo, 27.78440°N , 98.46038°E , 3342 m, 13.VIII.2006, Y. Liu leg. (ZIN); 4 males, 2 females, Cikai Township, 41 km W of Gongshan on Dulong Valley Road at Dabadi, 3000 m, 27.79655°N , 98.50562°E , 27.IX.-6.X.2002, Stop DHK-2002-031A, D. Kavanaugh, P. Marek, H.B. Liang & D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS, IOZ); 2 females, Cikai Township, 8.3-13.1 km to NW of Gongshan on Dulong Valley Road, 2620-3000 m, 27.75653°N , 98.58214°E to 27.78982°N , 98.52802°E , 23.IX.2002, D. Kavanaugh, P. Marek, H.B. Liang & D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS, IOZ); 1 male, Cikai Town, 16.8 km W of Gongshan on Dulong Valley Road at Heiwadi, 2150 m, 27.79584°N , 98.58443°E , 10.X.2002, D. Kavanaugh, P. Marek, H.B. Liang & D.Z. Dong leg. (IOZ); 1 female, Dulongjiang, Moqiewang He, 27.91040°N , 98.41076°E , 2185 m, 8.XI.2004, D. Kavanaugh & M. Dixon leg. (IOZ); 1 male, Bingzhongluo, Gongdangshen Shan, 27°59'51"N , 98°37'7"E , 2540 m, 17.IV.2002 , H.B. Liang, W. Ba, G. Yang & X.Q. Li leg. (IOZ); 7 males, 1 females, same data, but 2480 m, 24.IV.2002 (IOZ); 15 males, 14 females, No 12, Bridge to Dulongjiang, 27°42'54"N , 98°30'8"E , 2770 m, 30.IV.-3.V.2002, H.B. Liang & W. Ba leg. (CAS, IOZ); 1 female, Yeniugu, along road, 27°43'3"N , 98°44'14"E , 2020 m, 16.IV.2002, H.B. Liang & W. Ba leg. (IOZ); 3 males, 1 female, Heiwadi, on new road to Dulongjiang, 27°47'39"N , 98°35'13"E , 2020 m, 20.IV.2002, H.B. Liang & W. Ba leg. (IOZ); 2 males, Danzhu, along road, 27°37'50"N , 98°37'14"E , 2600 m, 14.IV.2002, H.B. Liang & W. Ba leg. (IOZ); 18 males, 18 females), Dongshaofang-Yakou, 27°41'40"N , 98°28'47"E , 3400 m, 1.V.2002, H.B. Liang, W. Ba, G. G. Yang & Z.Q. Li leg. (IOZ, CAS); 2 females, Dulongjiang Yakou, 27°46'51"N , 98°28'11"E , 2350 m, 1.X.2002, H.B. Liang leg. (IOZ); 1 female, Danzhu He, 13.5-13.8 km SSW of Gongshan, 2720-2840 m, 27.63267°N , 98.60861°E to 27.63331°N , 98.60356°E , 30.VI.-5.VII.2000, D. Kavanaugh et al. (CAS); 5 males, 3 females, Nujiang State Nature Reserve, Dong Shao Fang area, 18-20 km W of Gongshan, 27.69504°N , 98.48433°E , 3230-3300 m, 16-17.VII.2000, D. Kavanaugh et al (CAS, IOZ); 1 female, Nujiang Pref., Dulong Co., Dulong Jiang, 2 km N of Bapo, 31.4 km W of Gongshan, 1510 m, 27.76000°N , 98.34611°E , 16-17.VII.2000, P. Tomas leg. (IOZ). Longyang County : 1 female, Bawan, Nankang station, 24.83178°N , 98.76472°E , 2180 m, 26.V.2005, D.Z. Dong leg. (IOZ); 1 female, same data, but 22.V.2005, D. Kavanaugh & D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS); 5 males, 2 females, same data, but 24.82587°N , 98.76832°E , 2048 m, 22.V.2005, H.B. Liang leg. (CAS, IOZ); 2 males, Bawan, Sanchahe, 24.94849°N , 98.75699°E , 2300 m, 3.VI.2005, D. Kavanaugh & D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS); 1 male, same data, but 2325 m (IOZ); 2 males, 2 females, same data, but 24.94755°N , 98.75564°E , 2300 m, 3.VI.2005, H.B. Liang & H.M. Yan leg. (CAS, IOZ). Lushui County : 1 male, 1 female, Pianma, 6 km ESE Pianma, river, 26.00703°N , 98.16209°E , 2254 m, 15.V.2005, D.Z. Dong leg. (IOZ); 2 males, Pianma, Fengxue Yakou, roadside, 25.97288°N , 98.68336°E , 3150 m, 11.V.2005, D. Kavanaugh leg. (CAS); 2 females, same data, but 25.97347°N , 98.68780°E , 3130 m, 17.V.2005 (CAS); 2 males, same data, but 25.97410°N , 98.67716°E , 3120 m, 18.V.2005, D. Kavanaugh & D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS, IOZ); 1 male, Pianma, Changyanhe, riverside, 25.99414°N , 98.66336°E , 2540 m, 12.V.2005, D. Kavanaugh & D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS); 2 males, 1 female, Pianma Yakou, 58.1 km W of Nu Jiang Road on Pianma Road, 3140 m, 25.97288°N , 98.68336°E , 15.X.2002, D. Kavanaugh, P. Marek & H.B. Liang leg. (CAS, IOZ); 6 males, 4 females, Luzhang, Yaojiaping, riverside, 25.97722°N , 98.71091°E , 2527 m, 19.V.2005, D. Kavanaugh & D.Z. Dong leg. (CAS, IOZ); 4 males, 2 females, same data, but 20.V.2003 (CAS, IOZ). Tengchong County : 1 female, Jietou, Datang, Dahelingganjiao, 25.7394°N , 98.69630°E , 2010 m, 14.V.2006, D.Z, Dong & X.P. Wang leg. (IOZ); 3 males, same data, but 16.V.2006, D. Kavanaugh leg. (CAS, IOZ); 1 female, same data, but 15.V.2006, H.B. Liang leg. (IOZ); 2 males, 1 female, Mingguang, No. 8 Boundary Post, 25.80984°N , 98.62084°E , 2887 m, 23.V.2006, D. Kavanaugh leg. (CAS, IOZ). Distribution. Fig. 62 . Subspecies Chydaeus bedeli difficilis was known previously from only the type series, which was collected in the Hengduan Shan (Mountains) in northwestern Yunnan Province, China ( Kataev and Schmidt 2002 ). Based on the new records presented here,it occurs also in southeastern Xizang Autonomous Region (Medog County) and western Yunnan (in the Gaoligong Shan and Nu Shan mountains in Fugong, Gongshan, Longyang, Lushui, and Tengchong counties). Figures 62-63. Toporelief map of southeastern Asia, illustrating localities for Chydaeus species 62 Chydaeus bedeli ( Tschitscherine ): Chydaeus bedeli difficilis Kataev & Schmidt = red dots, Chydaeus bedeli interjectus Kataev & Schmidt = green diamonds, and Chydaeus bedeli vietnamensis Kataev & Schmidt = yellow squares 63 Chydaeus similis Kataev & Schmidt = yellow squares and Chydaeus irvinei (Andrewes) = red dot. Only new records reported here are shown. Scale bar = 300 km (in 100 km increments). Habitat. Specimens were collected in roadside and road cut open areas ( Figs 67 , 72 ), on open, disturbed stream banks, and in other disturbed areas ( Fig. 73 ), hidden under stones and other debris during daylight hours and active on the soil surface at night. Figures 64-65. Digital photographs of habitats for Chydaeus species 64 Yaojiaping, Lushui County, Yunnan Province, China, ca. 2500 m; locality for Chydaeus satoi Ito and Chydaeus shunichii Ito 65 Fengxue Yakou, Lushui County, Yunnan Province, China, ca. 3150 m; locality for Chydaeus bedeli difficilis Kataev & Schmidt and Chydaeus shunichii Ito. Figures 66-67. Digital photographs of habitats for Chydaeus species 66 Shibali (6 km W), Fugong County, Yunnan Province, China, ca 2920 m; locality for Chydaeus fugongensis sp. n. 67 Shibali, Fugong County, Yunnan Province, China, ca. 2530 m; locality for Chydaeus asetosus sp. n. and Chydaeus bedeli difficilis Kataev & Schmidt Figures 68-69. Digital photographs of habitats for Chydaeus species 68 Kongdang, Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, China, ca. 1525 m; locality for Chydaeus andrewsi andrewsi Schauberger 69 Dulong Valley N of Kongdang, Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, China, ca. 1550 m; locality for Chydaeus andrewsi andrewsi Schauberger and Chydaeus obtusicollis Schauberger. Figures 70-71. Digital photographs of habitats for Chydaeus species 70 Nankang Yakou, Longyang County, Yunnan Province, China, ca. 2130 m; locality for Chydaeus andrewsi andrewsi Schauberger, Chydaeus convexus Ito, and Chydaeus salvazae Schauberger 71 Danzhu Valley, Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, China, ca. 2700 m; locality for Chydaeus semenowi ( Tschitscherine ). Figures 72-73. Digital photographs of habitats for Chydaeus species 72 Gongshan-Dulongjiang road at Dabadi, Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, China, ca. 2470 m; locality for Chydaeus andrewsi andrewsi Schauberger and Chydaeus bedeli difficilis Kataev & Schmidt 73 Heipu Yakou, Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, China, ca. 3340 m; locality for Chydaeus bedeli difficilis Kataev & Schmidt. Figure 74. Digital photograph of landscape at Fenshuiling, Jinping County, Yunnan Province, China, ca. 2060 m; locality for Chydaeus andrewsi kumei Ito.