Notes on Oriental and Australasian Manotinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae), with the description of thirteen new species Author Hippa, Heikki Author Ševċík, Jan text Zootaxa 2010 2333 1 25 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.205203 9be87532-d3ac-492e-9ee3-250b772bbdbe 1175-5326 205203 Manota dolichothrix sp. n. Figs 6 A, B, C Male. Colour . The single specimen seems strongly faded. Head pale brown, vertex darker brown. Antenna unicolorous pale brown. Mouthparts pale yellowish-brown. Thorax unicolorous pale brown, scutum posteromedially and scutellum medially apparently darker brown. Legs with coxae and trochanters yellowish, more distal parts of all legs broken off. Wing unicolorous pale yellowish-brown; haltere yellowish-brown, knob slightly darker. Abdominal tergites pale brownish, sternites paler than tergites. All setosity yellowish or brownish, thicker setae apparently darker than finer setae and trichia. Head . Antennal flagellomere 4, Fig. 6 A. Palpomere 3 of maxillary palpus with apicomesial extension, with 5 apically expanded curved sensilla; palpomere 4 with parasegment; palpomere 5 1.4 times as long as palpomere 4. Ten strong postocular setae. Thorax . Anepisternum setose, with 30 setae; anterior basalare non-setose; preepisternum 2 setose, with ca. 9 setae; laterotergite non-setose; episternum 3 setose, with 14 setae. Wing . Similar to Fig. 1 A; wing length 1.5 mm . Hypopygium, Figs 6 B, C. Sternite 9 about one half of ventral length of gonocoxa, with sharply delimited convex sides, posterior margin convex with a medial indentation, anterior margin deeply incised, the setae similar to adjacent ventral setae of gonocoxa. Ventral mesial margin of gonocoxa simple, slightly angulate at middle. Parastylar lobe oblique, slightly subtriangular, with 4–5 setae antero-mesially (at apex). Paraapodemal lobe well exposed in ventral view. The dorsal mesial margin of gonocoxa simple, convex, apicomesially lobe-like and partly covering an oblique, apically setose apophysis. Two juxtagonostylar setae, both long megasetae, one strongly sigmoid, the other curved, both arising from a common basal body, nearly half the length of megasetae. Gonostylus elongate and slightly curved, ventrally with moderately long setosity, with a few very long setae at apicomesial margin, dorsal side only setose apically. Aedeagus short subtriangular, basal part not clearly visible in the mount, apex curved ventrad as a long tube. Hypoproct posteriorly extending to level of middle of gonostylus, ventrally with a mesial row of ca. 10 setae (sternite 10) on each half. Cerci mesially separate, apparently fused at base. Female unknown. Discussion . M. dolichothrix is not very similar to any other Manota . It belongs to a large group of species, common in the Oriental region, all of which have a well-developed apicomesial apophysis on palpomere 3, a setose anepisternum and preepisternum 2, a nonsetose anterior basalare and laterotergite, a short vein R1, tergite 9 laterally free, an oblique sickle-shaped or subtriangular parastylar lobe, an apically setose apophysis at the apico-dorsal margin of the gonocoxa, two juxtagonostylar megasetae arising from a long common basal body, a rather unmodified gonostylus and the hypoproct with a ventral mesial row of setae, flanking the apex of the aedeagus. M. dolichothrix is distinguished from all species in this group by the extremely long setae apicomesially on the evenly broad, curved gonostylus and on the mesial stripes of the hypoproct. M. perangulata ( Figs 9 A, B) has a curved gonostylus with equally long setae at the apex, but it has only two very thick setae and the gonostylus has a prominent basomesial angle. The setae on the hypoproct are long, but not so extremely long as in M. dolichothrix . Etymology. The name is derived from the Greek words dolichos , long, and thrix , hair, and refers to the very long setae on the hypoproct and gonostylus. Types . Holotype . Male, MALAYSIA , Sabah , Danum Valley, WO (south), 18.xii.198618.i.1987 , Malaise trap, M. Still leg. (NHM).