Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae) of Colombia: new species, identification key and updated checklist Author Durango, Yesica Author Ramírez-Mora, Manuel text Zootaxa 2019 2019-05-14 4604 2 301 325 journal article 26832 10.11646/zootaxa.4604.2.4 056548c2-7356-451c-8100-adc191b6081a 1175-5326 2807130 FF13F8EF-4A05-48F8-99BA-5A511112CB1B Fannia aburrae sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 , 7 , 17 , 29 , 38 , 43 , 62 , 67 ) Diagnosis: these characters apply only to the male sex. Eye bare; 12 fr ; scape with 3 setae reaching the pedicel; palpus clavate; hind femur with weak preapical protuberance on posteroventral and anteroventral surfaces, 1 row of long av that increase in length apically, with 4–6 long and strong av on the protuberance, 5–7 short pd at apex; hind tibia with 2 median av ; cercal plate widely fused; bacilliform process hook-shaped. Males Measurements: 3.79–4.20 mm (body length); 4.00– 4.27 mm (wing length). Head ( Figs. 1 , 7 ): Eye bare and holoptic, antero-internal facets larger than remaining. Frontal vitta black with golden pollinosity. Interocular space reduced, 0.07 mm . Fr 12, long. Fronto-orbital plate and parafacial black with greyish pollinosity, bare. Ocellar triangle black; oc proclinate and developed. Poc proclinate. Gena black with golden pollinosity, with some black setulae. Lunule black. Antenna inserted below middle height of eyes. Scape dark brown, 3 setae reaching the pedicel. Pedicel black with brownish pollinosity, dorsal setae developed, with 4–6 short setae. Postpedicel black with golden pollinosity, 2x the length of pedicel. Arista brown with base yellowish, pubescent. Palpus dark brown and clavate. Thorax: General color black. Presutural and postsutural acr in three rows. Dc 2+3, long. Pprn 2, long and strong. Npl 2. Pra 2. Spal 1. Ial 1. Pal 2. Wings: Brownish, with the upper third between C and R 2+3 veins dark; r-m thicker than other veins, and dmcu with a slight shadow brown all around. Calypters whitish with margins slightly darker. Halteres light brown at base, whitish at stem and dark brown at knob. Legs: General color black to dark brown. Pulvillus yellowish. Fore femur with 1 complete row of long and strong d , pd and pv . Fore tibia with 1 apical d and 1 long and stout preapical d , the preapical 2x longer than apical; ventral surface setulose, densely covered on apical half; 1 short apical v and 1 preapical pv . Mid femur with 2 rows of short ad , the upper ones being longer than the others and ending in 4 long preapical curved setae; 1 complete row of strong av , 5–7 setae increase in length and sparse at the basal half, on apical half decrease in length forming a weak ctenidium apically; 1 row of long v with hooked apices, directed towards the posterior surface; 1 row of long p directed towards the dorsal surface apex, some of them with hooked apex; dorsal surface setulose, basal third with 1–2 long d . Mid tibia with constriction on ventral surface, more pronounced pre-basally and medially; 2 apical a , one long and one short; 1 long ad on apical third; ventral surface with short setulae at constriction, longer at apex; 1 long apical v ; 1 median p and 2 short apical; 1 long pd on apical third and 1 strong apical pd ; dorsal surface setulose, with 1 strong preapical d . Hind coxa with 3–4 setae on posterior margin. Hind femur ( Figs. 17 , 29 ) on pv and a av surface with weak preapical protuberance; 1 row of av that increase in length apically, directed towards ad preapical edge, 4–6 long and strong av on the protuberance, 1 long av at the basal third; 2 rows of short p , the upper setae longer at basal third, with curved apex; 5–7 short pd at apex; 1 row of short d . Hind tibia with 1 a at the beginning of the apical third; 2 median av of the same length, 1 apical av slightly longer than median setae; 1 short apical v ; 1 long d at the beginning of the apical third, 1 preapical seta. Abdomen: Elongate, black. Syntergite 1+2 with a set of long lateral setae. Tergite 3 with 2 long and marginal lateral setae. Tergite 4 with 1 pair of long marginal lateral setae, 1 row of short setae at the marginal edge. Sternite 1 setulose. Sternite 5 wider than long, V-shaped, covered with short and stout setae on p margin, with long and stronger setae at near the apex ( Fig. 38 ). Terminalia ( Figs. 43 , 62 , 67 ): Epandrium wider than long, with long setae from the apex to the basal half and few setae lateral and apical on posterior margin; cercal plate longer than wide, V-shaped, rounded apically, widely fused, with long inner setae and short setae laterally; surstylus with visible articulation with the epandrium, surstylus long and slightly shorter than epandrium, almost straight apically, shaped as a comma in lateral view with acute apex; bacilliform process present, hook-shaped; hypandrium and associated structures as in Fig. 67 . Female: Unknown. Biology: According to label data, Fannia aburrae sp. nov. are associated with decomposed organic matter in secondary forests and synantropics environments between at 88–1943 m . Comments: The male of Fannia aburrae sp. nov. is similar to Fannia hirtifemur (Stein) and Fannia spinosa sp. nov. , but, Fannia aburrae sp . nov . can be distinguished by the number of fr (12 pairs), the eyes bare, and the absence of long setae on posteroventral surface of hind femur. The following combination of characters: bacilliform process hook-shaped, dark wings, hind coxa ciliated on posterior surface, and the shape of cercal plate (wider than long) indicate the placement of Fannia aburrae sp. nov . into the obscurinervis group ( Albuquerque et al., 1981 ). However, Fannia aburrae sp. nov . lacks setulose eyes. Etymology: The epithet of the species aburrae refers to the indigenous people “aburraes”, who inhabited the “Valle de Aburrá” ( Antioquia , Colombia ), type locality of the species. Noun in apposition. Type Material, Holotype Male : COLOMBIA , Antioquia , Medellín , Pajarito 6º17’10’’N 75º36’43’’W . 1929 m . 21-I-2011 . TrVSR [ Van Someren-Rydon trap ]. 13:51. Leg. I. Cadavid, A . Varela, C . Rave M 13P2 (CETdeA- 4994). Paratypes : (5 ³) COLOMBIA . Antioquia , Caldas , La Clara 6°3’6’’N 75°37’19’’W . 1840 m . 6-X-2010 . TrVSR [ Van Someren-Rydon trap ]. 11:45. Leg. M.A. Ramírez, I . Cadavid, C . Rave M 10C1 (CETdeA-5087; CETdeA- 5089) ( MEFLG 43539 ). 3 ³ ; COLOMBIA , Antioquia , Medellín , Cola del Zorro 6º12’19’’N 75º32’43’’W . 1943 m . 29-IV-2011 . TrVSR [ Van Someren-Rydon trap ]. 12:15. Leg. J. Pérez , J Perilla, C . Rave M 16CZ2 (CETdeA-5008). 1 ³ ; COLOMBIA , Antioquia , Medellín , Pajarito 6º17’10’’N 75º36’43’’W . 1929 m . 6-X-2010 . TrVSR [ Van Someren- Rydon trap ]. 13:21. Leg. M.A. Ramírez, I . Cadavid, C . Rave M 10P1 (CETdeA-5013). 1 ³ . Other material examined: COLOMBIA , Amazonas , Leticia , Mocagua 3°49.114’N 70°14.503’W . 88 m . 27- XI-2013 . TrVSR [ Van Someren-Rydon trap ]. 11:21. Leg E. Amat, R . Aguilar BP 0502 (CETdeA-6862). 1³ . Distribution: Colombia , departments of Amazonas (Leticia) and Antioquia (central Andean region).