Brief morphological description of stichotrichid ciliates (Ciliophora: Stichotrichia) from Korea Author Min, Kang-San Kim and Gi-Sik text Journal of Species Research 2018 7 4 323 332 journal article 10.12651/JSR.2018.7.4.323 2713-8615 13161222 1. Parabirojimia similis Hu et al ., 2002 ( Fig. 1 ) 324 JOURNAL OF SPECIES RESEARCH Vol. 7, No. 4 Fig. 1. Photomicrographs of Parabirojimia similis from life (A) and after protargol impregnation (B- E). (A- D) Ventral views. (E) Dorsal view. Scale bars = 100 μm. Material examined. Seawater (32‰) from Oho breakwater, Gangwon Province , Korea ( 38°19ʹ33ʺN , 128°31ʹ 47ʺE ), on June 2018 . Diagnosis. Cell size 130-155 × 40-55 μm in protargol preparations, body outline roughly elongated elliptical, widest in anterior body third, left and right margin converging posteriorly, and flexible; adoral zone 25% of body length, 37-54 adoral membranelles, bipartite; 4 or 5 macronuclear nodules with about 3 micronuclei; 3 frontal and 2 frontoterminal cirri; 1 buccal cirrus; 5-7 cirri in midventral pairs with 37-48 additional midventral cirri; 5-8 transverse cirri; 1 left and 5 or 6 right marginal cirral rows; 3 dorsal kineties; caudal cirri lacking. Remarks. Two described Parabirojimia species , P. multinucleata and P. similis , are different by the following combination of features: numbers of macronuclear nodules (43-70 vs. 3-6), right marginal cirral rows (invariably 5 vs. 5-8), ventral cirri (44-69 vs. 27-45), and adoral membranelles (52.4 vs. 46.7 on average) ( Chen et al. , 2010 ). The Korean population of P. similis corresponds very well with the Chinese population ( Berger, 2006 ). Deposition. Four slides (NIBRPR0000109455-NIBRP R0000109458) have been deposited at the National Institute of Biological Resources (NIBR), Korea .