Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae.
Smith, F.
British Museum
Meranoplus mucronatus
. B.M.
Worker. Length 2 - 2 1/2 lines. - Head, thorax and legs ferru- ginous, the abdomen black; the thorax quadrate, each angle produced into a long acute spine; the head, thorax, and nodes of the peduncle coarsely rugose; the head narrowed before the eyes, and widely emarginate in front; the eyes prominent, be- hind them the margins of the head are widened, and again nar- rowed to the lateral angles, which are rounded; the head and thorax with a few scattered long reddish hairs. The hinder mar- gin of the thorax with two short blunt spines in the middle, outside of each is a very minute tooth or spine; the metathorax smooth, shining, and concavely truncate; in the middle of the lateral margins of the truncation is a long slender acute spine; the legs and abdomen sprinkled with very long ferruginous hairs.
Hab. Malacca (Mount Ophir).
On a ticket attached to specimens of this species, Mr. Wallace writes, "House-Ant," but we have no further information.