A monograph of the Anisophylleaceae (Cucurbitales) with description of 18 new species of Anisophyllea Author Chen, Xin Author He, Hai Author Zhang, Li-Bing 1 Department of Botany, College of Boology and the Environment, Nanjing Forestry University, 159 Longpan Rd., Xuanwu Qu, Nanjing, 210037, P. R. China 2 College of Life Sciences, Chongqing Normal University, Shapingba, Chongqing 400047, P. R. China 3 Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri 63166 - 0299, U. S. A. and Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. O. Box 416, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, P. R. China * Authors for correspondence: e-mails: hehaicq @ yahoo. com; libing. zhang @ mobot. org hehaicq@yahoo.com text Phytotaxa 2015 2015-10-02 229 1 448 450 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.229.1.1 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.229.1.1 1179-3163 13632375 27. Anisophyllea globosa Madani (1993: 53) ( Figure 52 ) Type :— MALAYSIA . Sabah : Kudat , Bengkoka Peninsula , ca. 1.3 km northeast of Kampong Bawing , 150 m , 13 September 1972 , G . Shea & F . Minjulu 76131 ( holotype SAN !, isotypes K-H2008/00218110!, L-0520738!) . Trees to 10 m tall, 9 cm in diam.; outer bark smooth, grayish, inner bark red-brown, sapwood white; young branches pannose with hairs to 0.2 mm long, glabrescent when mature, with protuberantly glandular lenticels; buds densely pannose. Leaves dimorphic, internodes between similar types of leaves 0.8–2.0 cm long, between two adjacent different types of leaves 1–8 mm long; small leaves caducous, only leaving minute scars on young twigs; large leaves petiolate, petiole 3–4 mm long, 0.6–0.8 mm in diam., glabrous and sparsely glandular; leaf blade elliptic or lanceolate-elliptic, 5–7 cm long, 1.5–2.5 cm wide, base acute, apex acute or acuminate, margins often slightly revolute, thickly chartaceous, glabrous, sparsely and conspicuously glandular on both surfaces with tiny protruding dot-glands protuberant and transparent, 0.12–0.38 in diam., and 0.6–2.4 mm apart; main longitudinal veins 5–7, springing from blade base, or with two inner lateral veins from midrib at ca. 1 cm above blade base, MONOGRAPH OF ANISOPHYLLEACEAE Phytotaxa 229 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press • 75 outermost 2 veins very fine and almost merged with blade margins, slightly impressed or flat adaxially, prominent abaxially, other lateral veins as bold as midrib; transverse veins numerous, subparallell or irregular, at angles of 45–60° with midrib; veinlets reticulate. Inflorescence and flowers unknown. Fruit a drupe, globose, to 5.5 cm in diam., surface irregularly roughed when dried, greenish grey. Seed 1, to 1 cm in diam. FIGURE 52. Anisophyllea globosa Madani. —A.Leafy branch. —B. Fruit. —C. Cross section of fruit (Drawn by L. Madni; reproduced and modified from Madani in Sandakania 3: Fig. 1. 1993). 76Phytotaxa 229 (1) © 2015 Magnolia Press CHEN ET AL. Flowering and fruiting: —Flowering time unknown; fruiting in September. Habitat and distribution: In lowland open secondary forests; ca. 150 m . Malaysia ( Sabah ) ( Figure 53 ) . Taxonomic notes: —Though Anisophyllea globosa was suggested to be closely related with A. beccariana when it was published ( Madani 1993 ), it has glandular leaves, obvious parallel main veins, and globoid fruits that ensure its discrepancy from A. beccariana . Its difference from another similar species, A. impressinervia , included in our key was based on observation of limited material. Its inflorescence and flowers are unknown.