The tiger beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Cicindelinae) of Angola: a descriptive catalogue and designation of neotypes Author Serrano, Artur R. M. Author Capela, Rúben A. text Zootaxa 2013 3731 4 401 444 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3731.4.1 fc05e511-82bb-4513-addd-3568e5c018f5 1175-5326 223206 A785056E-CE4A-40CB-B2AA-8BCD869AD10A Genus Manticora Fabricius, 1781 ( Species insectorum … 1: 320) The genus was revised by Marĕs (2002). There are four representatives in Angola . Manticora congoensis Péringuey, 1888 [ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist . 2 (6): 219] Distribution in Angola Old records: Angola [inland, Aus dem Inneren (Pogge!)] (Harold 1879 sub Mantichora livingstoni Castelnau ). —Bié (without exact locality) (Wellman & Horn 1908; Werner 2000a). —Chimporo (=Tyimpolo=Techimporo) [ 50 km west of Caiundo (=Kayundu) (CUNENE, not Huila Province) ( 15º 40´S , 17º 20´E ) (384); Tumbolé River (near PS Malengue, KUANDO-KUBANGO, not Bié Province) ( 14º 30´S , 16º 40´E ) (342) (Horn 1932). —Lunda (without exact locality) (Horn 1935; Monard et al . 1956). —Chimporo (=Tyimpolo =Techimporo) (CUNENE) (384) (Monard et al . 1956; Ferreira 1965 both sub Mantichora latipennis livingstoni ). —Lunda, Bié (without exact localities) (Ferreira 1965). —Lagoa Calundo ( 105 km eastern of Vila Luso=Lwena or Luena) (MOXICO) (220) (Werner 2000a). Material examined: Angola (without locality and date), 1 ♂ , reg. nº1907, “Old Collection” MZUC. Remarks. It is the more basal species of the genus (Marĕs 2002). It occurs in southernmost Democratic Republic of Congo and northern and central Angola . The specimen from MZUC is similar to the one figured in Marĕs ( op. cit . Fig. 37-6) from Lunda. The species lives in woody savannahs and woodlands (Marĕs op. cit .). Manticora imperator Marĕs, 1976 [ J. Entom. Soc. Iran 3 (1–2): 137, Pl. 140, 141] Distribution in Angola Old records: —Cazombo (East Angola ) (MOXICO) (224) (Werner 2000a; Marĕs 2002). Remarks. A species known from only three localities in northern Botswana , southern Zambia and eastern Angola (Marĕs, 2002). The species was collected in dry mopane woodlands of these countries. Manticora mygaloides Thomsom, 1859 (Monographie des Cicindelides I : 7, 8, 66, Pl 2, figs 3, 4) Distribution in Angola Old records: —Kawoya (=Sakawoya?; =Cazombo) (MOXICO) (224), 25 km N of… (Eastern Angola ) (Werner 2000a; Marĕs 2002). —Ukunyama (South Angola ) (=Cahama) (CUNENE) (399) (Marĕs 2002). Material examined: Angola (South, without locality), 1♀, 1950 decade, A. Bivar Sousa leg., ASC; Cangamba (MOXICO) (308), 1 ♂ , 29.IX.1957 , IICT. Remarks. A species with a wide distribution throughout Angola , Namibia , Zimbabwe , Zambia , Republic South Africa ( Natal , Transvaal) and south Mozambique (Marĕs 2002). Once again the names of localities from Angola are difficult to localize without geographic coordinates. The elytron shapes of the male specimen from Cangamba and of the specimen given in figure 196 of Marĕs ( op. cit .) which represents a hybrid of M. latipennis x M. mygaloides are very similar. Manticora mygaloides occurs in woody savannahs and woodlands (Marĕs op. cit .). Manticora sichelii Thomson, 1859 (Monographie des Cicindelides I : 8, Pl 2, figs 7, 8, 9, 10) Distribution in Angola Old records: 40 km SE Kaiambo (=Cangumbe) (MOXICO) (217) [Werner 2000a sub Manticora tuberculata (De Geer) ; Marĕs 2002]. Remarks. A species with a discontinuous known distribution (central region of Republic South Africa and centre-western region of Angola ) (Marĕs 2002). The label on a specimen ascribed to Kaiambo could be in error. Kaiambo as shown by Marĕs (2002) is between Lobito and Huambo (Benguela Province). However, it is usual that the non native Portuguese authors wrote K instead of C. If this is the case, there is another region in Angola named Caiambo (=Cangumbe) in the northern Moxico Province between Huambo and Luena that better accommodates to the established distribution of this species.