Revision And Analysis Of Pseudosaldula Cobben (Insecta: Hemiptera: Saldidae): A Group With A Classic Andean Distribution Author Schuh, RT Author Polhemus, JT text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2009 2009-06-30 2009 323 1 102 journal article 10.1206/323.1 0003-0090 13223580 Pseudosaldula huamachuco , new species Plate 3; figures 1 , 12 ; map 7 DIAGNOSIS : Known only from brachypterous specimens; recognized by the small size, the highly polished anterior two-thirds of the exocorium and extensively polished claval commissure contrasting with otherwise dull hemelytra, the extensive pruinose areas on the clavus and corium, and the dense dorsal vestiture composed of recumbent, golden, shining and suberect, dull-black, simple setae of moderate length, both types also occurring on the forewing membrane. Similar to P. andensis , P. bruesi , and P. vulgaris in its possession of numerous setae on the membrane, at least on the veins, but those species with only a single setal type on the membrane, the setae being shorter in P. vulgaris than in the other three species. Easily distinguished from small specimens of P. vulgaris by the entirely dull exocorium in that species and from P. andensis and P. bruesi by the polished areas on the corium in those species. DESCRIPTION : Male : Total length 2.71, width pronotum 0.99. COLORATION (pl. 3): Hemelytron ranging from almost entirely dark with cells of membrane at least partially pale, to totally pale; corium and clavus with extensive pruinose areas, these appearing off-white in pale specimens; antennal segments 1 and 2 pale to moderately darkened, segments 3 and 4 more strongly darkened; legs, including at least apical portion of coxae, largely pale with some darkened areas. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (pl. 3): Corium and membrane dull except for highly polished anterior two-thirds of exocorium and very broadly polished claval commissure. Vestiture of the dorsum consisting of medium length suberect black setae intermixed with golden, shining setae, both setal types also occurring on veins of membrane. STRUCTURE (pl. 3): Known from brachypterous forms only, body ranging from ovoid to teardrop shaped. Thorax : Pronotum with lateral margins straight to weakly convex, distinctly narrowing anteriorly. Hemelytra : Membrane of forewing with four distinct cells. GENITALIA ( figs. 1 , 12A–C ): Parandria : Inner sclerotized margin convexly rounded; posterior margin weakly curving to nearly straight. Parameres : Processus sensualis with 10–15 setae on the sensory lobe with another group of setae on the anterior face and distad to the processus sensualis itself. Fig. 12. Pseudosaldula huamachuco (scanning electron micrographs). A. General view of ventral face of right paramere. B. Detail of setae on processus sensualis as viewed from ventral face of paramere. C. Apex of left paramere showing short setiform sensors. D. Detail of gland pore on paramere. Female (pl. 3): Total length 2.82, width pronotum 1.07. COLORATION (pl. 3): As in male. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (pl. 3): As in male. STRUCTURE: Known from brachypterous forms only. Abdomen : See generic description. GENITALIA: See generic description. ETYMOLOGY : Named for its occurrence near the Peruvian town of Huamachuco, La Libertad Department; a noun in apposition. HABITAT DATA AND ALTITUDINAL RANGE : Known from a single locality at 3930 meters. Available specimens were collected on the margin of a small pond, with 70%–100% vegetative cover. DISTRIBUTION : La Libertad Department, northern Peru . DISCUSSION : The appearance of P. huamachuco is very similar to that of small specimens of P. vulgaris , including the form of the vestiture, the strong brachyptery, and the dark and pale pigmentation of the hemelytra. The two species also occur in similar habitats and are sympatric with one another. Nonetheless, the distinctive attributes of P. huamachuco are consistent and readily observed, as are those of the much more common and widespread P. vulgaris . HOLOTYPE : PERU : La Libertad : 38 km SW of Huamachuco , 8.0109 ° S 78.31887 ° W , 3930 m , 21 Jan 1976 , R.T. and J.C. Schuh , 13 ( AMNH _ ENT 00023365 ) ( AMNH ). PARATYPES : PERU : La Libertad : 38 km SW of Huamachuco, 8.0109 ° S 78.31887 ° W , 3930 m , 21 Jan 1976 , R.T. and J.C. Schuh, 63 ( AMNH _ENT 00020093, AMNH _ENT 00023360– AMNH _ENT 00023364), 6♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023366– AMNH _ENT 00023371), 83 ( AMNH _ENT 00022935– AMNH _ENT 00022- 942), 6♀ ( AMNH _ENT 00022945– AMNH _ ENT 00022950) ( AMNH ). 13 ( AMNH _ ENT 00022943), 1♀ ( AMNH _ENT 000- Map 7. Distribution of Pseudosaldula huamachuco . 22951) ( EELM ). 23 ( AMNH _ENT 000- 23838, AMNH _ENT 00023839), 2♀ ( AMNH _ ENT 00023840, AMNH _ENT 00023841) ( JTPC ). 13 ( AMNH _ENT 00022944), 1♀ ( AMNH _ENT 00022952) ( USNM ).