New data on the rare Afrotropical scarab beetles Orphnusdrumonti Frolov and Delopleurusnaviauxi Frolov et Cambefort (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Orphninae and Scarabaeinae) Author Frolov, Andrey V. Author Akhmetova, Lilia A. text Biodiversity Data Journal 2015 3 5444 5444 journal article 1314-2828--5444 Delopleurus naviauxi Frolov et Cambefort in Frolov, 2014 Materials Type status: Other material . Occurrence: recordedBy: Sofie Tind Nielsen ; individualCount: 3 ; sex: 2 males , 1 female ; Taxon: scientificName: Delopleurus naviauxi Frolov et Cambefort in Frolov, 2014; namePublishedIn: Frolov, A. V. (2014) Revision of the genus Delopleurus Erichson (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) with description of new species from Africa. Journal of Natural History, 49, 129-154.; kingdom: Animalia; class: Insecta; order: Coleoptera; family: Scarabaeidae; genus: Delopleurus; taxonomicStatus: valid; Location: continent: Africa; country: Tanzania ; county: Morogoro Region; locality: Majawanga ; verbatimLocality: Majawanga village; verbatimElevation: 1400 m ; decimalLatitude: -6.083488 ; decimalLongitude: 36.9 ; Identification: identifiedBy: Andrey Frolov ; Event: verbatimEventDate: 14-18.III.2004 ; Record Level: institutionCode: ZMUC Description Description of male Body (Fig. 5) strongly convex, black, glabrous, length 4.7-5.5 mm. Clypeus quadridentate. All four clypeal teeth acute, two medial ones relatively slender. Head without carinae on disc, small carinae present near inner margin of eyes. Genae right-angled, indistinctly separated from clypeus. Frontoclypeal and genal suturae indistinct. Eyes small, their dorsal parts slit-shaped, ventral parts sub-rectangular. Clypeus rugose in anterior part and laterally, frons densely punctate with elongate punctures. Pronotum trapezoidal, about 2 times wider than long. Anterior and lateral margins bordered, base without border. Pronotum relatively densely punctate on disc (punctures separated by 1-2 puncture diameters), punctation becoming denser laterally. Elytra trapezoidal, as wide as long, shiny. Striae distinct, with punctures larger than striae. Elytral intervals slightly convex on disc, with minute punctation. Anterior tibiae with 3 outer teeth and a small acute tooth between 1st outer tooth and apical spur (Fig. 6). Pygidium with relatively slender borders and convex disc (Fig. 7). Basal border slender and almost parallel-sided except in the middle. Apical border about 2 times thicker in the middle than the basal border, becoming more slender laterally. Disc glabrous, punctate with punctures separated by 1-2 puncture diameters. Aedeagus of typical scarabaeine shape (Fig. 8). Phallobase with two symmetrical tubercles dorsally. Parameres symmetrical, without setae apically, rounded in lateral view. Sexual dimorphism Male differs from female in having pygidium with relatively large disc without visible setae as opposed to being with a deep transversal slit-shaped fossa with yellowish setae in female. Distribution The species was described from two localities in the Northern Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets ecoregion in Kenya ( Frolov 2014 ). The new locality is in the Southern Acacia-Commiphora bushlands and thickets ecoregion in Tanzania (Fig. 9).