A taxonomic review of the genus Ancyronyx Erichson, 1847 from Sulawesi (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae) Author Freitag, Hendrik Author Kodada, Ján text Journal of Natural History 2017 J. Nat. Hist. 2017-03-07 51 9 - 10 561 606 http://zoobank.org/0e11e48a-ce03-4d6f-b2f9-b83eefa0790f journal article 10.1080/00222933.2017.1285447 1464-5262 4746914 0E11E48A-CE03-4D6F-B2F9-B83EEFA0790F Ancyronyx schoedli sp. nov. ( Figures 1 (a); 6(a–d); 18; 19(c,e)) Type locality Mountain river , 10–15 m wide, Malino-Manipi, 700 m above sea level (a.s.l.), southwestern Sulawesi , Indonesia . Type material Holotype ( NMW ): ‘S – SULAWESI 1992 Malino-Manipi 700 m (31) leg. Jäch 1.V.’, terminal parts of abdomen and aedeagus glued separately . Paratypes : 1♂ , 1♀ ( NMW ): ‘S – SULAWESI 1992 Eremerasa (37) N Bantaeng leg . Schödl 2 .V.’; 3♂♂ , 3♀♀ ( NMW , CKB, CFM: [FR127]):‘ INDONESIA : S Sulawesi , T . Toraja , Salu Toriu River , 810 m a .s .l., c. 02°56′38′′ S , 119°52′24′′ E 02 Jan.1998 leg . Freitag ( Sul 8Ag) ’. Other material . 1 larva ( CFM ): ‘ INDONESIA : S Sulawesi , 17.5 km NNW Rantepao 1510 m a .s .l., mount. riv. ’Salu Maiting‘, pine forest/paddy fields, run/riffle; subm. wood, rootpacks, c. 02°49′21′′ S , 119°51′17′′ E 31 Dec. 1997 leg . Freitag ( Sul 4f/h) ’. Description Body 1.32–1.45 mm long (BL), EW: 0.60–0.70 mm ; body form elongate, 2.0–2.2 times as long as wide (BL/EW), convex dorsally. Colouration Figure 1 (a). Dominantly black to dark brown; elytra with three pairs of yellowish pale patches; patches usually well-separated; anterior patches largest, extending from humeri about up to first interval, not reaching suture; median patches small, oval, inconspicuous in some specimens, rarely connected to anterior ones; posterior patches oblique-oval, not reaching sutural, lateral nor apical margins of elytra. Pronotum and head black; coxae, femora, proximal half of tibiae, distal half of terminal tarsomeres dark brown to black; tibio-tarsal articulations, tarsomeres 1–4, maxillary palpi and Figure 6. Ancyronyx schoedli from Salu Toriu (Sul8Ag); (a) male sternite IX, ventral; (b) aedeagus, lateral; (c) aedeagus, ventral; (d) ovipositor, ventral; (Scale bars = 0.1 mm). terminal antennal segments dark brown; remaining antennal segments and claws dark yellowish to pale brown; entire ventral side pale or dark brown. Head. HW: 0.32–0.37 mm , ID: 0.19–0.21 mm ; labrum, clypeus and frons with fine sparse punctures, interstices smooth, punctures with fine short yellowish setae; frontoclypeal suture straight and conspicuous; vertex with elongate narrow and flat granules, interstices of granules smooth; eyes moderately protruding. Antennae 11-segmented, slightly longer than head width, slender; width of antennomeres 3–11 decreasing from tip towards base, pedicel enlarged. Gena and gula transversally reticulate; gular suture indistinct in dark specimens; posterior tentorial pits moderately deep, oblique. Thorax. Pronotum slightly wider than long, widest at posterior 0.3, sides arcuate, distinctly narrower than elytra, with deep transverse groove near middle; PL: 0.43–0.47 mm ; MW: 0.45– 0.49 mm ; surface moderately vaulted anteriorly, hump-like and distinctly vaulted posteriorly of transverse groove; posterolateral oblique grooves elongate, conspicuous; anterior margin distinctly arcuate, posterior margin slightly trisinuate. Surface punctate/rugulose, punctures large, irregular and deep; interstices glabrous and raised, bottom of punctures matt; lateral pronotal carina absent; hypomeron sculptured similarly as pronotum. Prosternum narrow in anterior portion; prosternal process 1.35 times as wide as long, broadly subpentagonal, anteriorly and posteriorly depressed; surface with dense large punctures and micropunctures; interstices of large punctures almost desolved, raised in form of narrow longitudinal elevations. Metascutellum subcordiform, punctate, with a few small granules. Elytra moderately elongate; EL: 0.85–0.95 mm , EW: 0.60–0.70 mm ; elytra 1.3–1.4 times as long as wide, nearly parallel-sided in anterior 0.10–0.65; apices separately rounded; each elytron with 10 complete longitudinal, slightly or non-impressed rows of punctures; seven rows between suture and humerus, accessory scutellary row irregular and short (five to seven punctures); punctures regularly arranged, moderately large and moderately deeply impressed, sublateral punctures deeper than median ones; interstices and intervals more or less glabrous; elytral margin distinctly elevated and narrow; humeri round and protruding. Mesoventrite narrow, anterior portion transversely microstriate, posterior surface as those on prosternum; mesoventral cavity deep and glabrous; pair of deep transverse drop-shaped impressions situated laterally. Metaventrite slightly longer than pro- and mesoventrite combined, with moderately deep impression near mesocoxae, laterally and anteriorly densely punctate and granulose, disc with moderately deep and almost glabrous impression mesally; discrimen distinct; anepisternum 3 narrow, smooth, with one row of shallowly impressed punctures. Hind wings present in all specimens examined. Legs slightly longer than body; pro- and mesocoxae large, subglobular (drop-shaped); metacoxae oblique; posterior surface shallowly emarginated; mesal angles at articulation with trochanter short and moderately protruding; only procoxae visible in dorsal view; trochanters short, broadly lanceolate, invisible in dorsal view, distally distinctly pointed; femora and tibiae with dense long flat granules; tarsomeres with some regularly arranged, moderately long setae at ventral side; combined length of tarsomeres 1–4 subequal to length of terminal tarsomere; claws long, moderately broad, strongly bent; base of each claw with three teeth; distal tooth distinctly larger. Abdomen. Ventrite 1 with intercoxal process as long as remaining ventrite 1; combined length of ventrites 3 and 4 as long as ventrite 1; ventrite 2 of intermediate size; ventrite 5 in female longer and in male shorter than ventrite 1; ventrites 1–5 with flat cordiform granules, latest associated with short adpressed setae. Male sternite IX ( Figure 6 (a)) 405 μm long; apical margin narrowly, shallowly emarginated, lateroapical portion with three short setae; paraprocts short, ending distinctly before apical margin; anterior strut moderately long. Aedeagus ( Figure 6 (b,c)) elongate, 420 µm long. Median lobe long and moderately wide ( 93 µm ), slightly tapering up to apical 0.15, slightly bent ventrad; ventral sac weakly sclerotized, plicate, reaching apical 0.15; fibula moderately sclerotized, narrow basally; corona inconspicuous. Phallobase distinctly asymmetrical, moderately strongly sclerotized, reaching about one-third of aedeagus length (measured in lateral view). Parameres long, narrowest near middle, inflated subapically, with c.20 moderately long setae and few small spines in apical half and with very short setae at basal half. Ovipositor ( Figure 6 (d)), total length 420 µm . Stylus moderately long, subcylindrincal, with a few apical setae. Coxite moderately long and slender; setae moderately short, peg-like and acute, most densely distributed near apex of coxite and near anterior margin of basal portion; mesal margin densely pubescent; basal portion c.0.7 times as long as distal portion; valvifer about 1.4 times as long as coxite. Distribution So far known from a few localities on southwestern Sulawesi ( Figures 18 ; 19 (c,e)). Etymology The species is named in honour of the entomologist Stefan Schödl from Vienna, who was one of the collectors of this species. The senior author learnt to know Stefan Schödl as a great companion when they participated together in several collecting excursions in Slovakia and Austria . It is so sad that Stefan passed away in 2005. Comments This species can be distinguished from all other members of the Ancyronyx patrolus group by a combination of unique colour patterns, the form of the median lobe as well as by the length, form and setation of the parameres. Among the Philippine congeners the most similar species are A. patrolus Freitag and Jäch, 2007 , A. pseudopatrolus Freitag and Jäch, 2007 , A. punkti Freitag and Jäch, 2007 and A. buhid Freitag, 2013 . Generally all these species display a less convex pronotal disc, elytra without median yellow patches and possess generally shorter parameres (comp. Freitag and Jäch 2007 : Figures 3–6 ; 11 (a,b); 12(a,b); 13(a, b); Freitag 2013 : Figures 4 , 13 (k–l)). Additionally, A. patrolus , A. pseudopatrolus and A. punkti differ in the median lobe (abruptly widening subapically) and in the distal portion of the ovipositor coxite being longer and slender. Ancyronyx buhid has a median lobe being moderately long and gradually narrowed apicad, similarly to A. schoedli , while the parameres are shorter, apically wider and more broadly rounded; the distal portion of coxite is slightly shorter. From all Sulawesian species the most similar is A. skalei . The differences are discussed below. At the Tana Toraja collection site (Sul8Ag; Figure 19 (e)), specimens have been collected from the surface of shaded submerged rocks in moderately strong current. The Salu Toriu River is about 10 m wide at this site and drains rural agricultural areas with some patches of secondary forest.