Biodiversity of extant snails (Gastropoda, Mollusca) in the Pliocene Mountain Spur Natural Reserve (Northern Apennine, Italy) Author Plazzi, Federico University of Bologna, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Bologna, Italy Author Pedroni, Guido Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversita - Emilia Orientale - Sede Parco Reg. le Corno alle Scale, Bologna, Italy & World Biodiversity Association, Verona, Italy text Biodiversity Data Journal 2023 2023-03-21 11 95688 95688 journal article 1314-2828-11-e95688 D9D40A67F5765326AA08D266D10CE8DA Euomphalia strigella strigella (Draparnaud, 1801) Materials Type status: Other material . Occurrence : recordedBy: Pedroni ; individualCount: 1 ; occurrenceID: C6EBFEE0-B361-5441-B9D3-6CFF0076345B ; Location : country: Italy ; locality: Monte Adone (top) (9), PMS ; verbatimElevation: 654 m ; Identification : identifiedBy: Pedroni ; Event : eventDate: 13.XII.2021 Notes Shell solid, globular, ranging from brown to reddish-brown; border of the aperture white; the last part of the last coil leans towards the aperture. Adult specimens of this subspecies inhabit moderately open and sunny habitats, avoiding excessive moisture, as is the case for the top of Monte Adone. It is possible, even if uncommon, to find individuals of this subspecies in deciduous woods, either in the leaf litter or on trunks or in hedgerows and scrub ( Kerney and Cameron 1979 , Cossignani and Cossignani 1995 , Girod 2011 ). It lives in shrubs, between leaves and semi-dry meadows at sunny slopes, up to 1,600 m a.s.l. ( Welter-Schultes 2012 ).