Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of Avicularia Lamarck, 1818 (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Aviculariinae) with description of three new aviculariine genera 01 Author Fukushima, Caroline Sayuri Author Bertani, Rogerio text ZooKeys 2017 659 1 185 journal article 1313-2970-659-1 79A6393D802141B8BF1A2A3723AFECFB Ybyrapora diversipes (C. L. Koch, 1842) comb. n. Figs 256, 259, 276-283, 319 Mygale diversipes C. L. Koch, 1841: 65, pl. CCCX, fig. 731 (lectotype female, Brazil, Bahia, Freir. leg., ZMB 2943, examined). Eurypelma diversipes : C. L. Koch 1850 : 73; Simon 1864 : 67, 1892 : 172; Ausserer 1871 : 202; Roewer 1942 : 239; Bonnet 1955 : 1831; 1957 : 2990. Avicularia diversipes : F. O. Pickard-Cambridge 1896 : 744; Bertani and Fukushima 2009 : 26 (figs 1-4, 13-15, 17, Appendix I, figs A1-A6); Bertani 2102: 5, 79; 80, 88; World Spider Catalog 2016 . Diagnosis (amended from Bertani and Fukushima 2009 ). Females differ from those of Ybyrapora sooretama comb. n. and Ybyrapora gamba comb. n. by presenting very long, strongly curved outwards spermathecae with its distal portion almost reaching the spermathecae base (Fig. 259). Males differ from those of Ybyrapora gamba sp. comb. n. and Ybyrapora sooretama comb. n. by having embolus more than four times tegulum's length, with strong curvature in frontal view (Fig. 278) and cymbium with well-developed process bearing thick setae on retrolateral lobe (Fig. 280). Figures 276-283. Ybyrapora diversipes (C. L. Koch, 1842) comb. n., male (IBSP 119271). 276-279 left palpal bulb 276 prolateral 277 retrolateral 278 frontal 279 dorsal 280 left cymbium, dorsal 281-283 left tibia I 281 prolateral 282 ventral 283 retrolateral. Scale bars = 1 mm. Material examined. Female, Brazil, state of Bahia, Ilheus , CEPLAC [ 14°46'S , 39°13'W ], R. Bertani & G. Puorto col., March 1991 (IBSP 11754); male, same locality, collectors and date (IBSP 119271 ref. 64.583). Diagnosis, other material examined, description, color pattern ontogeny, distribution and natural history. See Bertani and Fukushima (2009) . Complementary description. Male: Palp (Figs 276-279): globous bulb with small subtegulum, lacking prominence on tegulum. Embolus: not flattened, lacking keels, 7.76 long in retrolateral view, about 7 times tegulum's length. Medial portion and tegulum's margin form very acute angle in retrolateral view. Proximal part very curved in frontal view; thin distal width, tapering distally; basal, middle, and distal width of 1.05, 0.35, 0.08 respectively. Tegulum: 1.89 long, 1.08 high. (Fig. 319). Cymbium subtriangular with subequal lobes, with a well-developed rounded process on retrolateral lobe, bearing thick setae (Fig. 280). Tibia I with discrete elevation covered by a cluster of setae in apical portion, on prolateral side (Figs 281-283). Type II urticating setae: 0.791-0.860 long; 0.017-0.020 wide in male; 0.427-0.520 long; 0.012-0.016 wide in female. Female: Spermathecae (Fig. 259): two completely separated, not-twisted very long spermathecae, with walls lacking lobes and accentuated outwards curvature medially. Spermatheca midwidth as wide as its base width, virtually non-sclerotized.