H. lamicola
H. ser
H. yangae
sp. nov.
Mandibular apex |
simple (as in Fig. 1f) |
simple (Fig. 1f) |
bifid (Fig. 1e; rare specimens with simple apex exist) |
Lacinia |
simple, with trichoid setae (as in Fig. 1d) |
simple, with trichoid setae (Fig. 1d) |
bilobate, with stout setae distally (Fig. 1c) |
Pronotum shape |
flat |
weakly arched |
highly and evenly arched |
Pronotal grooves |
largely reduced (Figs 2e, 4a–c) |
well developed (Figs 2c, 4d–h) |
well developed (Figs 2a, 5) |
Lateral margins of pronotum |
very weakly arcuate (Figs 4a–c) |
strongly arcuate, strongly narrowed anteriorly (Figs 4d–h) |
evenly rounded (Fig. 5) |
Basal pronotal margin |
narrower than elytral bases combined (Figs 3a–c) |
narrower than elytral bases combined (Figs 3e–g) |
ca. as wide as elytral bases combined (Figs 3h–k) |
Strial punctures of elytra |
minute, scarcely impressed (Fig. 2b) |
coarse, well impressed (Fig. 2d) |
minute, scarcely impressed (Fig. 2f) |
Interval punctures |
ca. as large as strial punctures |
much smaller than strial punctres |
ca. large as strial punctures |
Punctures of scutellary stria |
7–9, often become indis- tinct |
4–7, coarse and always distinct |
6–8, always distinct |
Legs including claws |
conspicuously long |
conspicuously long |
less obviously long |
Metarsomere 5 |
ca. as long as metatar- someres 3–4 combined (sometimes longer) |
much longer than meta- tarsomeres 3–4 combined (sometimes as long as) |
slightly longer or as long as metatarsomeres 3–4 combined |
Metatarsomere / tarsal claw |
1.5 |
1.7 |
1.9 |
Apex of parameres |
pointed |
pointed |
blunt |
Apical portion of median lobe |
equilateral triangle |
isosceles triangle |
isosceles to almost equilat- eral triangle |
Phallobase |
short |
short to very long |
short |