Illustrated key for identification of the species included in the genus Leptoglossus (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Coreinae: Anisoscelini), and descriptions of five new species and new synonyms
Brailovsky, Harry
journal article
Key to the known species of
1. Thoracic pleura with at least two, usually more strongly contrasting yellowish maculae, or yellowish stripes, or yellowish maculate fascia, or venter widely yellow to shiny orange or dark to shiny reddish brown; thoracic and abdominal sterna without numerous black discoidal dots........................................................................... 2
- Thoracic pleura orange or pale yellowish or dark reddish brown, without strongly contrasting yellowish markings; thoracic and abdominal sterna with or without numerous small black dots.................................................. 19
2. Clavus and corium dark brown with strongly contrasting pale yellow or ochraceous veins (
species grroup)........ 3
- Clavus and corium dark brown to dark reddish brown with veins concolorous, or at most shiny red or black, but never pale yellow or ochraceous..................................................................................... 5
3. Humeral angles conspicuously acute, raised, and expanded laterally; pronotal disk lack or with narrow yellowish to reddish orange transverse fascia.................................................................................4
- Humeral angles acute, but not expanded laterally; pronotal disk with wide yellow or yellowish orange transverse fascia, some times covering the middle third of the disk (
L. subauratus
4. Antennal segment I black; antennal segments II and III bicolored; posterolateral margins of the pronotum smooth; pronotal disk with narrow yellowish to reddish-orange transverse stripe (
Fig. 57
L. lineosus
- Antennal segments I to III dark to pale ochraceous; posterolateral margins of the pronotum dentate; pronotal disk lack yellow to reddish-orange transverse fascia (
Fig. 73
L. talamancanus
Brailovsky & Barrera
5. Pronotal disk with narrow, arcuate, pale yellowish transverse fascia; thoracic pleura with 10 to 12 pale yellowish to orange maculae on each side; abdominal sterna with six to seven complete or maculate longitudinal fascia; hind tibiae with outer dilation extending for 85–90% the maximal length of tibiae (
species group) (
Fig. 45
L. gonagra
- Pronotal disk lack a narrow yellowish transverse fascia, usually unicolorous or with black or yellow or orange discoidal spots; thoracic pleura lack or never with more than six yellowish maculae of each side; abdominal sterna without longitudinal fascia; hind tibiae with outer dilation shorter, extending for at most 70% of the maximal length of tibiae........................6
6. Pronotum without yellowish spots; pronotal disk entirely dark reddish brown or pale reddish orange or almost entirely yellow and contrasting with remainder of pronotum and hemelytra; anterolateral margins of pronotum serrate or entire (
species group).............................................................................................. 7
- Pronotum with four small yellowish spots, two on anterior disk and two on posterior marginal area (some fusion may occur) or pronotum with two large yellowish spots on anterior disk or on posterior border, with or without posterior border yellow; anterolateral margins of pronotum entire, without serrations or teeths (
species group).......................... 12
7. Pronotal disk pale reddish orange, with calli and short longitudinal stripe at midline black; anterior half of corium black, and posterior half pale yellowish- orange; antennal segment III black with yellow ring near basal third; antennal segment IV black with apex yellow (
Fig. 76
L. venustus
y Grillo
- Other combination of characters.......................................................................... 8
8. Total body length less than
13 mm
; rostrum reaching abdominal sternite VI; anterolateral margins of pronotum entire (
L. katiae
Schaefer & Packauskas
- Total body length more than
14 mm
; rostrum reaching no further than abdominal sternite V; anterolateral margins of pronotum serrate.............................................................................................. 9
tibiae with outer dilations lanceolate, narrow and entire, without prominent teeths or emarginations, its width 1.0 to 1.5 times width of inner dilations; length of antennal segment IV 1.0 to 1.2 times the length of III (
Fig. 32
L. crassicornis
tibiae with outer dilations wider with one or two emarginations, its width 1.8 to 2.0 times width of inner dilations; length of antennal segment IV 1.2 to 1.8 times length of III......................................................... 10
10. Thoracic pleura with single yellow maculae occupying almost entire ventral third of each pleuron; outer tibial dilation occupying approximately 65% length of hind tibiae (
Fig. 26
L. cinctus
- Thoracic pleura without single yellow maculae occupying almost entire ventral third of each pleuron; outer tibial dilations occupying almost 55% length of hind tibiae................................................................11
11. Pro- and mesopleura with two small yellowish maculae, metapleuron with one (maculae about size of an eye or less) (
Fig. 40
L. fasciatus
- Pro-, meso- and metapleura shiny to dark reddish orange without yellowish maculae (
Fig. 67
L. polychromus
sp. nov.
(in part)
12. Head, pronotum and femora black with blue-green iridescens; antennal segments II and III black or dark brown with bluegreen iridescence..................................................................................... 13
- Head, pronotum and femora not black and without blue-green iridescence; antennal segments II and III shiny orange to shiny chestnut orange......................................................................................15
tibiae dilation very small, almost obsolete and restricted to basal third (
Fig. 41
)................ ..
L. fasciolatus
tibiae dilation conspicuously expanded...............................................................14
14. Thorax and abdominal sterna almost entirely shiny orange; anterior pronotal disk with wide transverse yellowish to orange band; outer hind tibiae dilation with at least one deep emargination (
Fig. 47
L. harpagon
- Thorax and abodminal sterna black with blue green iridescence (eventually with some shiny orange discoidal spots); anterior pronotal disk with two small yellowish spots lateral to middle line; outer hind tibiae dilation without emarginations (
Fig. 36
L. dialeptos
Brailovsky & Barrera
15. Pronotum with two large yellowish spots on anterior disk and posterior border entirely yellow (
Fig. 60
L. manausensis
Brailovsky & Barrera
- Pronotum with four small yellowish spots, two an anterior disk and two on posterior marginal area.................... 16
16. Antennal segment I bicolored, outer face black, inner face shiny orange; outer hind tibiae dilation barely phylliform, not expanded (
L. sabanensis
Brailovsky & Barrera
- Antennal segment I entirely chestnut orange; outer hind tibiae dilation expanded................................... 17
17. Humeral angles laterally expanded; thoracic pleura without strongly contrasting orange to yellowish maculae (
Fig. 67
L. polychromus
sp. nov.
(in part)
Humeral angles obtuse or barely subacute, but never laterally expanded; thoracic pleura with contrasting orange to yellowish maculae............................................................................................ 18
18. Anterior pair of yellow to orange pronotal discoidal spots small, separated by a distance greater than 3.4 than width of each spot; male genital capsule with rectangular median notch (
Fig. 74
L. tetranotatus
Brailovsky & Barrera
- Anterior pair of yellow to orange discoidal spots large, close to one another, and separated by a distance less than 1.5 the width of each spot; male genital capsule with rounded median notch (
Fig. 42
)......................... ..
L. flavosignatus
19. Dorsal abdominal segments with a median pale yellow longitudinal fascia; hind tibiae always lanceolate, with or without short spines on the external border of each dilations; anterolateral borders of pronotum always dentate (
group)...... 20
- Dorsal abdominal segments without median pale yellow longitudinal fascia; hind tibiae usually phylliform; anterolateral borders of pronotum dentate or smooth...................................................................... 22
20. Corium with a straight yellowish transverse fascia; width across humeri 5.5 to 6 times width across anterior pronotal margin; large species, length
26–39 mm
; pronotum with humeral area produced as large, broadly rounded anteriorly curving processes (
Fig. 38
L. dilaticollis
- Corium without a yellowish transverse fascia; width across humeri at most 5 times width across anterior pronotal margin; smaller species, less than
24 mm
; pronotum with humeral area broadly rounded or expanded into large gradually tapering projections, with humeral angles acute.......................................................................21
21. Humeral area broadly rounded with humeral angles blunt, non-acute (
Fig. 44
L. fulvicornis
- Humeral area expanded into large gradually tapering projection with humeral angles acute (
Fig. 69
L. rubrescens
22. Yellowish transverse fascia on corium always present, rectangular, with anterior and posterior margins straight and parallel (
species group)..............................................................................23
- Yellowish transverse fascia on corium irregular (zig-zag), or with anterior margin straight and posterior margin not straight or fascia absent........................................................................................27
23. All marginal areas of pronotum continuously and widely yellowish; thorax and abdominal sterna usually pale yellow without numerous black discoidal dots (
Fig. 19
L. ashmeadi
- At most only the posterior marginal area of pronotum yellowish; thorax and abdominal sterna dark reddish brown with numerous small black dots.................................................................................. 24
24. Posterior marginal area of pronotum yellow; pronotal disk with contrasting yellow marks; antennal segments II and III orange with apical third dark reddish; humeral angles acuminate, acute and obliquely ascending (
Fig. 20
L. balteatus
- Posterior marginal area of pronotum black to reddish brown; pronotal disk with or without yellow marks; antennal segments II and III entirely black or orange with apical third black; humeral angles subacute or acute, expanded or broadly expanded or rounded............................................................................................ 25
tibiae with outer dilations very long extending for 85–95% length of tibiae and inner dilations much shorter occupying 55–70% length of outer dilations; anterior pronotal disk with or without yellowish transverse rectangular band; humeral angles expanded, subacute; antennal segments II and III entirely black or dark orange with apical third black (
Fig. 59
L. macrophyllus
(in part)
tibiae with outer dilations shorter occupying 78% or less length of tibiae and inner dilations only slightly shorter than outer dilations; anterior pronotal disk concolorous, rarely with a yellowish areas, if present diffused and dull; antennal segments II and III entirely yellow to orange or dark to pale orange with apical third black............................. 26
26. Connexival segments black; antennal segments II and III dark to pale orange with apical third black; humeral angles broadly expanded, subacuminate and obliquely ascending (
Fig. 23
L. cartagoensis
Brailovsky & Barrera
- Connexival segments dark reddish with anterior margin yellow; antennal segments II and III entirely yellow to orange; humeral angles rounded, subacute, slightly exposed (
Fig. 66
L. phyllopus
27. Pronotum with anterolateral and posterolateral margins serrate or dentate........................................ 28
- Pronotum with anterolateral margins entire; posterolateral margins serrate, dentate, or entire......................... 38
28. Pronotum black to dark brown with wide pale yellowish white band on disk, or only with the humeral areas pale yellowish white; pronotal disk with numerous medium black discoidal dots over the pale yellowish white area (
species group)...................................................................................................... 29
- Pronotum black to dark brown, unicolorous, or with dark yellowish band, or only with posterior border dark yellow; pronotal disk without or with small to medium black discoidal dots (
species group)................................ 31
29. Clavus and corium dark with strongly contrasting pale yellowish veins; humeral areas produced as large broadly rounded lateral projections; corium with two large yellowish discoidal spots (
Fig. 17
L. alatus
- Clavus and corium without contrasting pale yellowish veins; corium without yellowish discoidal spots................. 30
30. Humeral angles extending laterad, acute or subacute; clavus and corium dark reddish brown; total body length 16.48 to 20.16 (
Fig. 75
L. usingeri
- Humeral angles broadly rounded, obtuse, non-acute; clavus and corium pale reddish brown to pale orange; total body length 19.36 to 21.44 (
Fig. 62
L. nigropearlei
31. Pronotum with humeral areas produced as broad, long to medium, and tapering laterad projections obliquely ascending; humeral angles conspicuously acute to subacute; total body length longer than 19.00............................... 32
- Pronotum with humeral areas broadly rounded, almost vertically ascending; humeral angles acute to subacute and not conspicuosuly expanded; total body length shorter than 16.00........................................................ 34
32. Rostrum reaching posterior border of abdominal sternite IV or middle third of V; hind tibiae with outer dilations phylliform, occupying 84% the length of hind tibiae (
Fig. 49
L. humeralis
- Rostrum reaching posterior border of metasternum or middle third of abdominal sternite III; hind tibiae with outer dilations phylliform, occupying 70% the length of hind tibiae......................................................... 33
33. Pronotum with humeral areas produced as broad, long, lateral projections; humeral angles acute, directed backward; antennal segment IV with basal half pale brown and apical half yellow (
Fig. 39
L. egeri
sp. nov.
- Pronotum with humeral areas not conspicuously broad, produced as medium sized laterad projections; humeral angles acute, directed laterad; antennal segment IV with basal half yellow and apical half pale brown (
Fig. 65
L. pallidivenosus
34. Entire length of anterolateral pronotal margins with well developed teeth; a single rounded black spot (about the size of an eye) on mesopleuron; abdominal terga dark with lateral areas largely yellow (
Fig. 35
L. dentatus
- Anterior half of pronotal anterolateral margins entire, only posterior half serrate; mesopleuron without large black discoidal spot at most with small black spots (about the size of an ocellus); abdominal terga without yellow areas................ 35
35. Male genital capsule with prominent dorsal prongs; anterior half of corium with conspicuosly less pubescence than posterior half, this pubescence very dense on veins; hind tibiae with width of outer dilations equal to or greater than width of head (
Fig. 51
L. impictipennis
- Male genital capsule without dorsal prongs; pubescence evenly distributed over clavus and corium, if pubescence more dense on posterior half of corium then hind tibiae with width of outer dilations subequal to interocular distance............... 36
36. Wider more robust species, total body length less than 2.5 times width across humeri; dorsal surface of male hind femora with 15–20 prominent tubercles; posterior lobe of pronotal disk pale yellowish orange, without black discoidal spots (
Fig. 52
).......................................................................................... ..
L. impictus
- Narrower more elongate species, total body length greater than 2.5 times width across humeri; dorsal surface of male hind femora with at most 10 prominent tubercles; posterior lobe of pronotal disk reddish brown with or without black discoidal spots............................................................................................... 37
37. Posterior lobe of pronotum with numerous small black discoidal spots; hind tibiae with outer dilations narrower and shorter occupying 62–71% the length of hind tibiae (
Fig. 24
L. chilensis chilensis
- Posterior lobe of pronotum without black discoidal spots; hind tibiae with outer dilations wider and longer, occupying 71–80% the length of hind tibiae (
Fig. 25
L. chilensis concaviusculus
tibial dilations lanceolate, without deep emarginations along outer margins.................................. 39
tibial dilations conspicuously phylliform with at least one (usually more) deep emarginations (
species group)....................................................................................................... 45
39. Tylus extending beyond juga as a porrect spine which is as long as, or longer than length of an eye; broad irregular transverse fascia on corium (
species group)
Fig. 27
L. clypealis
Tylus rounded or pointed apically, but never spinosely produced; transverse fascia on corium narrow, confined to veins or absent..............................................................................................40
40. Anterolateral margins of pronotum straight along the entire length.............................................. 41
- Anterolateral margins of pronotum with anterior lobe straight and posterior lobe rounded and slightly exposed........... 42
41. Rostrum shorter, reaching at most posterior third of abdominal sternite III; antennal segment IV shorter than
3.90 mm
; hind tibial dilations clearly expanded, width of outer dilation
1.34–1.44 mm
, width of inner dilation
0.74–0.84 mm
Fig. 58
L. lonchoides
- Rostrum longer, reaching middle third of abdominal sternite IV or anterior third of sternite VI; antennal segment IV longer than
4.30 mm
; width of outer dilation less than
0.65 mm
, width of inner dilation less than
0.38 mm
Fig. 48
L. hesperus
Brailovsky & Couturier
tibiae with outer dilations conspicuosly longer than inner, occupying 85% or more of maximal length of hind tibiae (
Fig. 31
L. corculus
- Inner and outer tibial dilations nearly equal length, occupying less than 70% of maximal length of hind tibiae........... 43
43. Antennal segment I entirely chestnut orange or shiny orange; pronotal disk with short decumbent setae; outer dilations of hind tibiae wider than inner dilations.........................................................................44
- Antennal segment I bicolorous, chestnut orange with inner black longitudinal stripe; pronotal disk densely clothed with long erect setae; outer dilations of hind tibiae weakly wider than inner dilations (
Fig. 63
L. occidentalis
44. Antennal segment I thickest, robust with inner surface densely setosus; dorsal surface of hind femora chestnut orange; pronotal disk without yellow trapeziform mark (
Fig. 33
)................................... ..
L. crestalis
Brailovsky & Barrera
- Antennal segment I slender with inner surface not densely setosus; dorsal surface of hind femora black to dark reddish brown; pronotal disk with contrasting wide yellowish trapeziform mark (
Fig. 34
L. dearmasi
Alayo & Grillo
tibiae with outer dilations very long extending for 85–95% length of tibiae and inner dilations much shorter occupying 55–70% length of outer dilations........................................................................46
tibiae with outer dilations shorter occupying 80% or less length of tibiae and inner dilations only slightly shorter than outer dilations.......................................................................................47
46. Anterior portion of pronotal disk with a yellowish rectangular transverse band not reaching lateral margins; dorsum light reddish brown (
Fig. 59
L. macrophylus
(in part)
- Pronotal disk unicolorous or the entire anterior half of pronotum before humeral area yellow and reaching lateral margins; dorsum black to dark reddish brown (
Fig. 53
L. ingens
47. Pronotum dark without strongly contrasting yellowish and dark areas (specimens of
L. quadricollis
L. jacquelinae
may have the anterior lobe or the entire pronotal disk yellow)...................................................... 48
- Pronotum with strongly contrasting yellowish and dark areas.................................................. 57
48. Labium short, reaching posterior margin of metasternum or anterior third of abdominal sternite II; rostral segment IV shorter than antennal segment I................................................................................49
- Labium longer, usually extending well onto abdomen, at least reaching anterior or middle third of of abdominal sternite III; rostral segment IV longer than antennal segment I........................................................... 52
49. Rostal segment IV pale chestnut orange with apex black...................................................... 50
- Rostral segment IV black..............................................................................51
50. Corium chestnut orange with veins yellowish distally, forming a distinctive “H” pattern; posterolateral and posterior border of pronotum pale yellow; antennal segment I longer than 3.00 mm; total body length longer than 18.00 mm (
Fig. 43
L. franckei
sp. nov.
- Corium entirely pale reddish brown; posterolateral and posterior border of pronotum pale reddish brown (sometimes suffused with dark orange); antennal segment I shorter than
2.50 mm
; total body length shorter than 17.00 mm (
Fig. 18
L. arenalensis
Brailovsky & Barrera
51. Yellowish transverse fascia on corium present and irregular (Zig-Zag) (occasionally very faint); tibial dilations short occupying 70% or less length of hind tibiae (
Fig. 21
L. brevirostris
- Yellowish transverse fascia on corium absent; tibial dilations longer, occupying 75–80% length of hind tibiae (
Fig. 68
L. quadricollis
52. Posterolateral margins of pronotum entire; antennal segment I usually unicolorous; yellowish transverse fascia on corium absent or reduced to a short oblique mark on medial veins.................................................... 53
- Posterolateral margins of pronotum serrate; antennal segment I bicolored with a paler inner marginal area; yellowish transverse fascia on corium complete or absent...................................................................... 54
53. Yellowish transverse fascia on corium reduced to a short oblique mark on medial veins; outer dilations of hind tibiae with two deep emarginations and two short and stout expansions; inner dilations of hind tibiae shorter than outer dilations (
Fig. 64
L. oppositus
- Yellowish transverse fascia on corium absent; outer dilations of hind tibiae multiphylliform with five deep emarginations and six elongate proyections; inner and outer dilations of nearly equal length
Fig. 37
).............. ..
L. digitiformis
54. Corial veins pale yellow and contrasting with the pale reddish brown surface; yellowish transverse fascia on corium absent; fore and middle tibiae pale orange with basal and medial ring yellow; antennal segment II robust, shorter than 3.90 (
Fig. 54
L. jacquelinae
(in part)
- Corial veins unicolorous with the surface, never pale yellow; yellowish transverse fascia on corium complete (rarely entirely absent); fore and middle tibiae pale yellowish orange with basal third darker; antennal segment II slender, longer than 4.30...................................................................................................... 55
55. Pronotal calli with a rough surface texture, numerous dark thick hairs interspersed with pale hairs on anterior pronotal disk; male genital capsule with a rectangular median notch, without dorsal prongs (
Fig. 28
L. concolor
- Pronotal calli smooth, pale pilose hairs on anterior pronotal disk; male genital capsule with a rounded median notch, with or without dorsal prongs..................................................................................56
56. Male genital capsule with dorsal prongs; rostrum longer, reaching the middle third of IV to the anterior third of abdominal sternite V; outer dilation of hind tibiae conspicuously wide (3.16 ♂, 3.30 ♀); antennal segments II and III slender; antennal segment IV longer than 6.20 (
L. stigma
- Male genital capsule without dorsal prongs; rostrum short, reaching anterior or posterior third of abdominal sternite III; outer dilation of hind tibiae barely expanded (1.48 ♂, 1.44 ♀); antennal segments II and III robust; antennal segment IV shorter than 3.40 (
Fig. 16
L. absconditus
Brailovsky & Barrera
57. Antennal segment I unicolorous......................................................................... 58
- Antennal segment I bicolorous (reddish brown to black longitudinal stripe sometimes hard to see and only reaches basal third of the segment).......................................................................................60
58. Antennal segments I and II pale orange...................................................................59
- Antennal segments I and II entirely black to dark brown (
Fig. 30
L. conspersus
59. Rostrum reaching anterior third of abdominal sternite VII; humeral areas not expanded; humeral angles subacute; corium with yellowish white transverse fascia irregular (
Fig. 56
L. lambayaquinus
Brailovsky & Barrera
- Rostrum shorter, reaching posterior border of metasternum; humeral areas expanded laterally; humeral angles acute; yellow transverse fascia on corium wide, with anterior margin straight and posterior margin rounded (
Fig. 22
L. caicosensis
sp. nov.
60. Clavus reddish brown to dark brown; antennal segment II with medial portion entirely pale orange and the remaining areas dark; anterior portion of pronotal disk with two distinctly round yellowish spots, or posterior pronotal disk and the area behind humeri pale yellow................................................................................... 62
- Clavus entirely pale yellow or dark brown with the claval vein pale yellow; antennal segment II entirely orange or with short black stripe located dorsally and extending at the anterior third of the segment; anterior portion of pronotal disk with a yellowish rectangular transverse band not reaching lateral margins................................................... 61
61. Clavus entirely yellow; antennal segment II slender, longer than
4.30 mm
Fig. 50
L. impensus
sp. nov.
- Clavus dark brown with claval vein yellow; antennal segment II robust, shorter than 3.90 (
Fig. 54
).............................................................................................. ..
L. jacquelinae
(in part)
62. Posterior lobe of pronotum with yellowish contrasting areas..................................................63
- Posterior lobe of pronotum concolorous without pale areas.................................................... 64
63. Posterior lobe of pronotal disk with a yellowish rectangular transverse band not reaching lateral margins (
Fig. 29
L. confussus
Alayo & Grillo
- Posterior lobe of pronotal disk only with posterior margin yellowish and strongly contrasting with adjacent darker areas (
Fig. 46
L. grenadensis
64. Yellowish transverse fascia on corium absent, if present narrow, confined to veins; smaller, less robust species, body length less than 18.00; left median lobe on dorsal sac of aedeagus long, without a secondary lobe (
Fig. 61
).. ..
L. neovexillatus
- Yellowish transverse fascia rarely absent, usually wide, on both corium and veins; larger, robust species, body length longer than 20.00; left median lobe on dorsal sac of aedeagus blunt and with long secondary lobe (
Fig. 77
L. zonatus