Revision of Beardius Reiss et Sublette, 1985 (Diptera: Chironomidae), with the description of twenty new species Author Pinho, Luiz Carlos Author Mendes, Humberto Fonseca Author Andersen, Trond text Zootaxa 2013 2013-12-02 3742 1 1 78 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3742.1.1 1175-5326 5270890 78959DF2-CFF7-442A-B7B3-0B1A053A4D73 Beardius truncatus Reiss et Sublette Beardius truncatus Reiss et Sublette, 1985: 188 . Beardius truncatus Reiss et Sublette ; Epler (1992 : 7.27, 1995: 7.27, 2001: 8.36), Jacobsen (2008: 99) . Material examined. Paratypes deposited in ZMBN. Diagnostic characters. The species belongs in the truncatus group. The male can be separated from all other members of the genus by the combination of the following characters: acrostichals present; inferior volsella with digitiform projection bearing long macrotrichia; and anal point lacking. The pupae by: tergite II with strong, uniform shagreen; tergites VII and VIII bare; and conjunctive I/II with spinules. The larvae by: antenna with 5 segments; pecten mandibularis conspicuous; and distance between ventromental plates about 2 times the width of median tooth of mentum. Description. The male was described in detail by Reiss & Sublette (1985) . The structure considered as “median volsella” must be regarded as a basal, digitiform projection of the inferior volsella; the median volsella is absent. The larva was described by Epler (2001) and the pupa by Jacobsen (2008) . Distribution. The species is recorded from southern USA ( Reiss & Sublette 1985 ).