Atlas Florae Europaeae notes, 35. Further critical notes on Cytisus sect. Tubocytisus (Fabaceae) in Europe Author Sennikov, Alexander N. Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 00014, Finland Author Tikhomirov, Valery N. Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus text PhytoKeys 2024 2024-02-23 238 199 230 journal article 1314-2003-238-199 2C202838490D5F6CA2296FE1958BBBE2 2. Cytisus polytrichus M.Bieb., Fl. Taur.-Caucas. 3: 477 (1819) - Cytisus hirsutus var. polytrichus (M.Bieb.) Briq., Etud . Cytises Alpes Mar.: 171 (1894) - Cytisus hirsutus subsp. polytrichus (M.Bieb.) Hayek in Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 30(1): 898 (1926) - Chamaecytisus polytrichus (M.Bieb.) Rothm. in Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 53: 144 (1944) - Chamaecytisus hirsutus subsp. polytrichus (M.Bieb.) Ponert in Feddes Repert. 83: 619 (1973). = Cytisus demissus Boiss., Fl. Orient. 2: 54 (1872) - Cytisus hirsutus var. demissus (Boiss.) Halacsy , Consp. Fl. Graec. 1: 337 (1900) - Chamaecytisus polytrichus var. demissus (Boiss.) Kuzmanov in Jordanov, Fl. Narodna Republ. Bulg. 6: 82 (1976). Type. Greece. "In Olymp. Thessaliae", P. Aucher-Eloy 1111 (holotype G; isotypes BM 000750882, K 000829496, MPU 023084). Type . Crimea. "Taur. merid.", Herb. Bieberstein ( lectotype LE 01080952, designated by Krytzka et al. (1999 : 611)). Distribution. Europe: France, Italy, Balkans, Greece, Crimea ( Cristofolini 1991 ); Asia: Russian Western Caucasus. Notes on taxonomy and distribution. Cytisus polytrichus sharply differs from C. hirsutus in its creeping stems, small leaves and constantly axillar flowers ( Cristofolini 1991 ). Plants of this species have been known from the Western Caucasus under a wrong name, C. wulffii auct. ( Kreczetowicz 1940 ; Grossheim 1952 ). The latter species is endemic to the Crimea and differs from C. polytrichus in appressed (vs. strictly patent) hairs on its leaves and calyces ( Sennikov and Tikhomirov 2024a ). Notes on nomenclature. Krytzka et al. (1999) designated the only suitable specimen at LE as lectotype, following the unpublished annotation by N.N. Tzvelev.