Correction to: The resurrection of Cerasommatidiidae, an enigmatic group of coccinelloid beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinelloidea) based on molecular and morphological evidence
Seidel, Maưhias
Ślipiński, Adam
Fikáček, Martin
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
journal article
Key to genera and species of
1. Trochanters flaưened, projected to cover tibio-tarsal joint in repose (Figs 4E, 4, 5H, 7K, 9F, 10F, 11F, 18E); vestiture of dorsal body surface uniform (tiny decumbent hairs (offen missing)) (Figs 4B, C, 5C, G, 18C, F) or moderately long suberect setae (Figs 9E, 10C, 11B, D) ........................................................................................................................................................................2
- Trochanters normal, not flaưened or produced to cover tibio-tarsal joint in repose (Figs 13D, 15D, G, 16D); vestiture of dorsal surface of body composed of minuscule decumbent hairs and sparse long erect setae (Figs 15F, 16B) [
Puerto Rico
2. Pronotum with lateral and anterior borders simply margined (Figs 4B, 5C, 18C); dorsal surface with tiny decumbent hairs (offen missing) (Figs 4B, C, 5C, G, 18C, F) .............................................................................................................................................3
- Pronotum with lateral margins bordered with an internal subparallel carinae (Figs 9C, 10C, 11B); anterior margin of pronotum with crenulate bordering line (Figs 9C, 10C, 11B); dorsal surface with moderately long suberect pubescence (offen missing) (Figs 6A–F, 9E, 10C) ...................................................................................................................................
3. Abdominal ventrite 1 with complete semicircular postcoxal lines (Figs 3D, 4G, 5H); prosternal process with long lateral carinae reaching anterior third of prosternum, without median carina (Fig. 5D);
- Abdominal ventrite 1 without postcoxal lines, only with anterior bordering margin thickened posterior to coxae and widening laterally (Fig. 18G); prosternum with raised, single, median carina, (Fig. 18D);
Mahavelo madagasus
4. Pronotum with lateral margins bordered with an internal carina (Figs 12C, D, 16B); anterior margins of metaventrite and abdominal ventrite 1 with small longitudinal carina below each coxa (Fig 16D, F);
Puerto Rico
Yamuy marginatus
- Pronotum with lateral margins only narrowly bordered with simple bordering line, with internal carina short, weakly marked, present only basally (Fig. 15C); anterior margins of metaventrite and abdominal ventrite 1 without longitudinal carinae beyond coxae (Figs 13D, 15G, H);
Puerto Rico
Yamuy constratus
5. Body more than
1.40 mm
long; metaventrite with setiferous punctures inserted in wide foveate impressions (Fig. 9F); terminal labial palpomere elongate and acuminate, 2.2 times as long as wide (Fig. 9B);
Karumbe brethesi
- Body less than 1.00 mm long; metaventrite with simple setiferous punctures (Figs 10E, 11F); terminal labial palpomere short and apically rounded, 1.2–1.4 times as long as wide (Figs 7D, 10A);
6. Prosternal process narrower, about 0.67 of width of procoxal diameter (Fig. 11C); pronotum with postero-lateral indentation short and rectangular (Fig. 11B);
Karumbe pakaluki
- Prosternal process wider, about 0.90 of width of procoxal diameter (Fig. 10B); pronotum with postero-lateral indentation large and oblique (Fig. 10C);
Karumbe geiseri
7. Pronotum 2.0 times as wide as long, with bordering line at anterior margin complete; body size about
1.7 mm
Cerasommatidia rotundata
- Pronotum at least 2.2 times as wide as long, with bordering line at anterior margin vanishing medially; body size
1.1–1.4 mm
8. Body
1.15 mm
long; posterior margin of pronotum narrowly bordered at least medially (Fig. 5C); aedeagus as in Fig. 3E .............................................................................................................................................................................
Cerasommatidia plaumanni
- Body
1.4 mm
long; posterior margin of pronotum not bordered (Fig. 4B); aedeagus as in Fig. 3F ......
Cerasommatidia arrowi