Restoration of the genus Hampsonascia Volynkin (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini) with descriptions of five new species Author Volynkin, Anton V. Altai State University, Lenina Avenue, 61, RF- 656049, Barnaul, Russia Author Černý, Karel Tiergartenstrasse 27, A- 6020 Innsbruck, Austria text Zootaxa 2021 2021-11-09 5067 1 82 96 journal article 3648 10.11646/zootaxa.5067.1.4 107b6466-5b93-4f17-b091-fe59516596dc 1175-5326 5656526 F2673007-F014-4077-8564-699742C1C480 Hampsonascia phukha sp. n. ( Figs 9, 10 , 27 , 37 ) Type material . Holotype ( Figs 9 , 27 ): male, “ Thailand Changwat Nan 30 km E of Pua 1700 m , 14–15. IX. 1999 leg. A. Szabó & Z. Czere ”, gen. prep. No.: ZSM Arct. 2019-835 (prepared by Volynkin) (MWM/ ZSM ). Paratypes . THAILAND : 1 male , 1 female , the same data as for the holotype, gen. prep. Nos.: MWM 31742 (male) and ZSM Arct. 2019-836 (female) (prepared by Volynkin) (MWM/ ZSM ); 1 male , the same locality and collectors but 22–23.IX.1999 (MWM/ ZSM ) . Diagnosis . The forewing length is 10–10.5 mm in males and 10 mm in female. The new species is reminiscent of H. dentifascia and H. thaifascia sp. n. but differs in the presence of three subbasal spots (whereas H. dentifascia and H. thaifascia sp. n. have only two spots) and the presence of a slight bluish suffusion in the middle area of the forewing. Additionally, the female of H. phukha sp. n. has an elongate, dash-shaped discal spot similar to that of the male whereas those of H. dentifascia and H. thaifascia sp. n. are smaller and comma-like. The male genital capsule of the new species differs from those of H. dentifascia and H. thaifascia sp. n. in the somewhat distally narrower and somewhat more dorsally curved valva, the thicker and more apically rounded distal costal process, the smaller medial costal process and the basally narrower distal saccular process. The vesica of H. phukha sp. n. is somewhat shorter than those of H. dentifascia and H. thaifascia sp. n. (in proportion to the aedeagus length) and has an evenly distally dilated shorter lobe of the distal diverticulum which is shorter and drop-like dilated in H. dentifascia and very slightly dilated in H. thaifascia sp. n. Additionally, the subbasal chamber of the new species lacks a lateral cluster of cornuti which is present in H. thaifascia sp. n. The female genitalia of H. phukha sp. n. differ from those of H. dentifascia and H. thaifascia sp. n. in the wider ductus bursae, the shorter posterior spinulose cluster of the corpus bursae and the smaller signum bursae. Additionally, the subostial lobes of the new species are narrower than in H. dentifascia . Distribution . The new species is known from Nan Province in North Thailand . Etymology . Phukha is the dynasty ruled the Varanagara kingdom situated on the territory of the modern Nan Province of Thailand in the late XIII century.