Taxonomy of the Brazilian species previously placed in Mantispa Illiger, 1798 (Neuroptera: Mantispidae), with the description of three new species Author MACHADO, RENATO JOSÉ PIRES Author RAFAEL, JOSÉ ALBERTINO text Zootaxa 2010 2010-05-13 2454 1 1 61 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2454.1.1 1175­5334 10093813 Dicromantispa gracilis (Erichson, 1839) (Figs. 7–8) Mantispa gracilis Erichson, 1839: 169 ; Stitz 1913: 30 (redesc.); Williner & Kormilev 1958: 6 , Figs. 4 , 14 (redesc.); Stange 1967: 19 (cat.); Penny 1977: 35 (list.); 1982a: 221, Figs. 16 , 21 (cit.); 1982b: 439, Figs. 84–88 (redesc.); Penny & Costa 1983: 640 (redesc.); Carvalho & Corseuil 1995: 845 . Figs. 8–16 (redesc.). Type locality: Brazil . Holotype female (ZMB), not studied. Mantispilla debilis var. nigricornis Stitz, 1913: 19 ; Ohl 2004: 168 (synon.). Type locality: Venezuela . Holotype female (ZMB). Mantispilla debilis var. rugicollis Stitz, 1913: 19 ; Ohl 2004: 168 (synon.). Type locality: Venezuela . Holotype female (ZMB). Mantispilla trilineata Navás, 1914: 230 ; Penny 1977: 36 (list.); 1982b: 439 (synon.); Penny & Costa 1983: 640 (list.); Ohl 2004: 168 (cat.). Type locality: Brazil . Holotype (sex unknown) (NHM). Mantispa bruchi Navás, 1915: 134 . Figs. 8a–b ; Williner & Kormilev 1958: 6 (synon.); Stange 1967: 19 (cat.); Penny 1977: 35 (list.); 1982b: 439 (list.); Penny & Costa 1983: 640 (list.); Ohl 2004: 168 (cat.). Type locality: Argentina . Holotype female (type depository unknown). Mantispa calceata Navás, 1917: 401 ; Williner & Kormilev 1958: 6 (synon.); Stange 1967: 19 (cat.); Penny 1977: 35 (list.); 1982b: 439 (list.); Penny & Costa 1983: 640 (list.); Ohl 2004: 168 (cat.). Type locality: Argentina . Holotype male (CN). Mantispa mista Navás, 1923: 196 . Fig. 2 ; Williner & Kormilev 1958: 6 (synon.); Stange 1967: 19 (cat.); Penny 1977: 35 (list.); 1982b: 439 (list.); Penny & Costa 1983: 640 (list.); Ohl 2004: 168 (cat.). Type locality: Argentina . Holotype (sex unknown) (MACN). Mantispilla mista ; Navás 1929: 223; Williner & Kormilev 1958: 6 (synon.); Penny 1977: 35 (list.); 1982b: 439 (list.); Penny & Costa 1983: 640 (list.). Type locality: Brazil . Holotype (sex unknown) (MACN). Mantispilla gounellei Navás, 1934: 16 ; Penny 1977: 35 (list.); 1982b: 439 (synon.); Penny & Costa 1983: 640 (list.); Ohl 2004: 168 (cat.). Type locality: Brazil : Santa Catarina . Holotype female (MNHN). Mantispa gounellei ; Penny 1977: 35 (list.). Dicromantispa gracilis ; Hoffman 2002: 260 . Figs. 572, 575, 581; Ohl 2004: 168 (cat.). Redescription, male. Vertex does not show a fixed color pattern, but most examined specimens are brown with yellow lateral stripes that border the eyes and a yellow central “Y” shaped spot (Fig. 7c). Some specimens only with smaller branches of “Y” spot, some others the brown area restricted to anterior region of vertex. Head, in frontal view, almost completely yellow, except for central longitudinal dark brown stripe beginning between antennae, ending at labrum. Stripe usually with widen variation along its length. Labrum and clypeus yellow area slightly dark (Fig. 7a). Mandible and palpi apices dark brown, other mouthparts reddish-brown or yellow. Antenna with scape yellow, some specimens with dorsal surface light brown. Pedicel light brown and flagellum dark brown (Fig. 7a). Pronotum: nearly straight in lateral view, with few setae in proximal and distal regions arising directly from it surface. Length-width-ratio at maculae: 4.8–7.5. Pale yellow to light brown except for two anterior lateral spots and two generally short dark brown central stripes. The anterior one does not exceed maculae and the posterior one does not reach midlength of pronotum (Fig. 7c). Some specimens with three small rounded brown spots between maculae and anterior lateral spots. Mesonotum: with three longitudinal dark brown stripes, one central and two lateral, with yellow stripes between them and a rounded yellow spot next to wing bases (Fig. 7c). Metanotum: most specimens dark brown, but in some similar to mesonotum (Fig. 7c). Mesoscutellum dark brown except for yellow lateral border (Fig. 7c). Metascutellum dark brown. Both scutella with 6–12 pores each one. Pteropleura predominantly yellow. Meso- and metanepisterna, anepimera, katepisterna e katepimera usually dark brown spotted (Fig. 7b). Foreleg: coxa pale yellow, except distal end brown. Trochanter pale yellow to brown; femur posterior surface pale yellow, except yellow base of spines and reddish brown apex (Fig. 7e). Some specimens with reddish brown spot in central region. Femur anterior surface dark reddish brown medially and light reddish brown laterally (Fig. 7d). Tibia and tarsomeres reddish-brown except for yellow base of tibia. Mid and hindlegs with coxae brown, yellow spoted in some specimens (Fig. 7b). Trochanters pale yellow to brown. Forewing: length: 7.1–12.8 mm , 7 costal crossveins and 9–14 veins extended posteriorly from RP. Hyaline except for apex of 1AP cell light yellow. Pterostigma reddish-brown. Veins brown, except AP2, AA, AP1, C, Sc, RA and base of CuA yellow. Sc same color as pterostigma at apex (Fig. 7f). Hindwing: 7 costal crossveins and 10–15 veins extended posteriorly from RP, hyaline except it base sometimes brown. Pterostigma reddish-brown. Veins with color pattern similar to forewing, except CuA and RA base brown (Fig. 7f). Abdomen mainly yellow with a central longitudinal dark brown stripe dorsally and ventrally except last two sternites. Stripe enlarging posteriorly in each sclerite. Ectoproct internal border brown and external yellow. Tergites IV–VI with 2 groups of 3–9 pores in two transverse parallel rows anterolaterally; each group with one or two large pores or a scar between them ( Fig. 8a ). Terminalia: ectoproct posterior border rounded. Ventromedial lobe completely sclerotized ( Fig. 8b ), straight and flatenned with long external surface with 36–41 stout setae and short internal surface with 4–11 stout setae ( Fig. 8c ). Sternite IX, in ventral view, subpentagonal and apically rounded ( Fig. 8d ). Gonarcus without median lobe but with two small lateral lobes, easily seen in posterior view ( Fig. 8g ), wider than gonocoxites in lateral view ( Fig. 8f ). Gonocoxite base bent laterally in ventral view ( Fig. 8e ). Apex wider than base in lateral view ( Fig. 8f ). Mediuncus enlarged in lateral view, apex bifurcate in ventral view ( Fig. 8e, f ). Gonarcal membrane with medial group of spinules which does not extend beyond the medincus apex in ventral view ( Fig. 8e ). Pseudopenal membrane generally as long as pseudopenis with small scales on dorsal surface ( Fig. 8e ). Hypomere apex rounded with small granules ( Fig. 8e, f ). Female. Similar to male except forewing length: 9–12.8 mm , 9–13 veins extended posteriorly from RP, hindwing with 11–14 veins extended posteriorly from RP. Terminalia: Ectoproct larger than gonocoxite ( Fig. 8j ). Sternite VIII with small medial invagination on posterior border, in ventral view ( Fig. 8h ). Spermathecal duct with few bends and wide distally ( Fig. 8i ). Fertilization canal narrow, and capsule covered by minuscule setae, except base ( Fig. 8i ). Geographical data. Neotropical, with records from Costa Rica to Argentina ( Hoffman 2002 ). Widely distributed in Brazil , with records in all regions. Bionomy. There is a record of one larva in a spider egg sac from inundated area in Central Amazon ( Carico et al. 1985 ). Labels suggest that specimens may be collected at any time of year. Discussion. The illustration in Penny (1982b) did not show the group of spinules in the gonarcal membrane of male terminalia. However, this character does not have great importance for the identification of this species. It is easily recognized due to the straight and flattened ventromedial lobe. Material examined: Brazil : Roraima : Rio Uraricoera , Ilha de Maracá , iii.1988 , luz, Mantispa gracilis Erichson , det. N. Penny , 1988 ( 1 ♂INPA ) ; Amazonas : Tabatinga , 04°12’15’’S69°54’32’’W , ix.2005 , luz ( 2 ♂INPA ) ; Benjamin Constant , Comunidade Nova Aliança , 04°20’35’’S69°15’04’’W , iv.2004 ( 3 ♂ , 1 ♀INPA ) ; Careiro , xii.1961 , Mantispa gracilis Erichson , det. N.D. Penny , 1981 ( 1 ♂INPA ) ; Lago do Rei : Ilha do Careiro , iv.1967 , Mantispa gracilis Erichson , det. N. D. Penny 1981 ( 5 ♂ , 1 ♀MZUSP ) ; Manaus , ZF-2, luz, 16–17.i.1988 ( 1 ♂INPA ) ; Lago Janauaca , ii.1977 (1?– INPA ) ; Fonte Boa , Est [rada] Mamopina , 02°32’27’’S66°04’08’’W , x.2005 (1?– INPA ) ; Manacapuru , Com [unidade] Lauro Sodré , 03°20’55’’S60°37’25’’W , xi.2005 , luz ( 1 ♂ , 2 ♀INPA ) ; Tocantins : Jalapão : Mateiros : Rio Novo , 10°33’24’’S46°35’38’’W , iii.2008 , luz ( 2 ♂INPA ) ; Mato Grosso : Poconé , Faz [enda] Ipiranga , 16°23’06’’S56°35’28’’W , v.2006 , luz ( 1 ♀INPA ) ; Distrito Federal : Brasília , Colina UnB, vii.2004 , coleta em casa ( 1 ♂INPA ) ; ii.1987 , ( 1 ♂UNB ) ; Minas Gerais : ix.1947 ( 1 ♀MZUSP ) ; Bahia : Senhor do Bonfim : Serra de Santana , 10°23’23’’S40°11’59’’W , v.2007 , luz, ( 12 ♂ , 8 ♀INPA ) ; lençóis, light, x.1999 ( 1 ♂ –MZUEFS); Cachoeira Faz [enda] Vila Rial , 14°36’23’’S38°53’47’’W , v.2007 , luz ( 2 ♂MZUSP ) ; Encruzilhada , 15º32’25’’S40º50’12’’W , xii.2007 , luminosa ( 3 ♂ , 1 ♀INPA ) ; Espírito Santo : B. Guandú , x.1970 , (1?– DZUP ) ; Rio de Janeiro : Barra de Itapoana , x–xi.1935 , ( 1 ♀MNRJ ) ; São Paulo : Barueri , xi.1962 , Mantispa gracilis Erichson , det. N. D. Penny 1981 ( 2 ♂MZUSP ) ; i.1967 ( 2 ♂ , 1 ♀MZUSP ) ; i.1966 ( 1 ♂MZUSP ) ; Capoeira , xii.1965 , Mantispa gracilis Erichson , det. N. D. Penny 1981 ( 8 ♂ , 7 ♀MZUSP ) ; x.1955 ( 1 ♀ MNRJ ); Rio Claro , xi.1968 ( 1 ♀UNB ) ; Paraná : Colombo : Embrapa , ii.1992 , ( 1 ♀INPA ) ; Santa Catarina :