Contributions to the knowledge of the “ Staphylinus­complex ” (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Staphylinini) of China. Part 11. The genus Wasmannellus Bernhauer, 1920 and Nelmanwaslus gen. nov. Author Smetana, Aleš text Zootaxa 2006 1316 33 43 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.173961 f6d41be9-6bd2-4b2a-bb37-d44262098720 1175­5326 173961 Wasmannellus Bernhauer, 1920 ( Figs. 1, 2 ) Type species. Wasmannellus tristis Bernhauer, 1920 , by monotypy. Diagnosis. The members of Wasmannellus differ from habitually similar members of the genus Platydracus Thomson, 1858 by the combination of the following character states: puncture bearing postocular seta on the head situated closer to posterior margin of head than to posterior margin of eye; hind tibia lacking spines on dorsolateral face; mandibles each with one simple tooth. The character state of the absence of spines on dorsolateral face of hind tibia will distinguish Wasmannellus from the members of all other genera that may appear similar in their habitus. Description. Mandibles each with one tooth, delimited basally by a narrow, subbasal indentation. Mandibular prostheca with supporting structure long, lanceolate, with ciliae along medial margin short but becoming longer toward apex. Gular sutures approximate, contiguous. Maxillary palpus rather short, with last segment broadly fusiform, narrowly subtruncate apically, asetose, about as long as segment 3. Labial palpus short, with last segment setose, short, markedly widened anteriad and obliquely truncate apically. Puncture bearing postocular seta on the head situated closer to posterior margin of head than to posterior margin of eye. Superior line of pronotal hypomeron moderately, rather gradually deflected ventrad, anterior portion of superior line therefore situated only moderately below basal portion in lateral view; puncture bearing first lateral macroseta on pronotum situated close to superior line, separated from it by about two diameters of puncture; superior and inferior lines joined just behind anterior angles of pronotum and continuing together to anterior margin of pronotum; deflected portion of pronotal disc visible in ventral view at anterior angles of pronotum. Prothoracic epimeron absent. Prosternum short, with deep, margined anterior depression, with sternacostal ridge almost straight. Mesosternum without ridges on intercoxal projection, intercoxal mesosternal process narrow, barely separating middle coxae. Metasternum short, evenly convex, with anterior projection short, middle coxal cavities margined posteriorly. Posterior basal line on first three visible abdominal tergites subangulately extended posteriad on each lateral portion, base of tergite between extensions somewhat depressed. Dorsolateral face of front tibia with a few spines on apical third, that of middle tibia with several spines, dorsolateral face of hind tibia aspinose. Female genital segment with each of the two lateral sclerites of tergite 9 large, wide and flat, densely setose at apical margin and with long, stiff setae on apical portion and along lateral margin; tergite 10 pigmented apically, markedly narrowed into narrow, rodlike apical portion ( Fig. 1 ); first gonocoxites apparently fused basally, second gonocoxites each with dense, strong stiff setae on basal half of medial margin, gradually changing into regular setae toward apex of gonocoxite ( Fig. 2 ). Relationship and comments. Bernhauer (1920: 186–187) , in the original description, compared the genus to the genera Physetops , Barygnathus Bernhauer, 1902 and to a certain group of species that at that time were associated with the genus Staphylinus Linnaeus, 1758 and discussed some distinguishing characters between these genera. As it turns out, the genus Wasmannellus is not most closely related to any of these genera. The character state of the superior line of pronotal hypomeron being rather gradually deflected ventrad in front of anterior angles of pronotum (identical to that found in most species of the genus Platydracus ), combined with the character state of the position of the puncture bearing postocular seta on the head (situated closer to posterior margin of head than to posterior margin of eye) indicates that these two genera form a clade. Wasmannellus is the only other Palaearctic genus, in addition to Platydracus , with this position of the puncture bearing the postocular seta; however Wasmannellus does not share with Platydracus the character state of mandibular teeth appearing in two planes, which is believed to be a synapomorphy for all species of the genus Platydracus . The presence of a single tooth on each mandible in Wasmannellus tristis indicates that this species is not a member of the genus Platydracus . In addition, unlike in most species of Platydracus , in which the last segment of labial palpus is moderately elongate and more or less fusiform, the last segment of labial palpus in Wasmannellus tristis is short, widened anteriad and obliquely truncate apically. Unlike in all species of Platydracus , in which the hind tibiae bear spines on dorsolateral face, the hind tibiae of Wasmannellus tristis lack spines on dorsolateral face. Unfortunately, the only known specimen of Wasmannellus tristis is a female, so the possible differences in the development of the male genital segment and of the aedoeagus remain to be discovered. Wasmannellus will key out in the key to the genera associated with Staphylinus sensu lato in Smetana & Davies (2000) to the couplet 3 which should be modified as follows: 3a. Puncture bearing postocular seta on head situated moderately to distinctly closer to posterior margin of head than to posterior margin of eye (Fig. 102 in Smetana & Davies 2000 ). Head at least slightly dilated posteriad, very slightly so in Platydracus brevicornis ( Motschulsky, 1862 ) and P . juang Smetana, 2005 ................................... 3b ­ Puncture bearing postocular seta on head situated distinctly, or at least appreciably, closer to posterior margin of eye than to posterior margin of head (Figs. 103, 104 in Smetana & Davies 2000 ). Head not appreciably dilated posteriad (slightly so in some Ontholestes Ganglbauer, 1895 ), with posterior corners variably, obtusely rounded, or if dilated posteriad, then posterolateral portions of head each extended posteriad as rounded lobe (Fig. 105 in Smetana & Davies 2000 )..................................................... 4 3b. Last segment of labial palpus asetose, moderately elongate, more or less fusiform (Fig. 135 in Smetana & Davies 2000 ). Dorsolateral face of hind tibia with spines. Mandibular teeth, at least two on each mandible, appearing in two planes, dorsal and ventral ( Figs. 6 , 7 in Smetana & Davies 2000 ) .............................. Platydracus Thomson, 1858 ­ Last segment of labial palpus setose, short, markedly widened anteriad and obliquely truncate apically. Dorsolateral face of hind tibia lacking spines. Mandibles each with one tooth ........................................................................ Wasmannellus Bernhauer, 1920