Two new species of Amnestus from Guatemala, with new records for some other Guatemalan burrower bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cydnidae) Author M, Cristina Mayorga Author P, Luis Cervantes text Zootaxa 2009 2311 19 37 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.191888 0f1d53e5-27be-46af-8cd1-5911c40e4774 1175-5326 191888 Cyrtomenus ( Cyrtomenus ) bergi Froeschner Diagnosis. The smaller ocelli which are separated from the eyes by a space slightly greater than the transverse ocellar width, or the absence of strong rugae on the head, will separate this species. Body length 6.17 to 9 mm . Head. Anterior margin nearly or quite a full semicircle, juga surpassing and covering or contiguous in front of tylus; surface polished, with weak to obsolete, radiating rugae, impunctate, with minute punctures or with few distinct punctures anterior to ocelli; jugum ventrally weakly alutaceous, sometimes with few small punctures; rostrum surpassing apices of middle coxae. Pronotum. Lateral margins straight on basal half, with submarginal row of 15 to 20 setigerous punctures; transverse impression weakly to moderately impressed, obsolete or absent at middle, marked by irregular, interrupted row of coarse punctures; anterior lobe with weak subapical impression; posterior lobe with few to many coarse scattered punctures medially; propleuron variable, from polished and impunctate to roughened by crowded, fine, longitudinal rugulae and small punctures; mesopleuron with lateral area shining, impunctate, with few oblique rugae; metapleuron with lateral area polished and impunctate. Scutellum. Disc with widely scattered, sunken, coarse punctures. Hemelytra. Clavus and corium polished; clavus with one row of punctures medially; mesocorial punctures arranged in two rows, outer row often incomplete, discal punctures numerous, well separated, often absent along radial vein; exocorium usually more sparsely punctuate; costa with six to eight setigerous punctures. Legs. Posterior tibia compressed, very weakly expanded toward apex. Sternites polished, virtually impunctate except among longitudinal rugae in spiracular area. Old records. Champerico, Morales ( Froeschner 1960 ). New records. 29 females , 4 males , Suchitepequez, Finca Los Tarrales, 8 km N of Patulul, 14° 31’37’’ N 91° 08’17’’ , 760m , 3/VI/2005 , R. Zack; 1 female , Suchitepequez, Finca Los Tarrales, 12 km N of Patulul, 14° 32’24’’ N 91° 09’40’’ , 1086m , 6/VI/2005 , R. Zack. (WSUC, UVGC, CNIN, IEXA).