The Psocoptera (Insecta) of Tasmania, Australia Author Schmidt, Evan R. Author New, Timothy R. text Memoirs of Museum Victoria 2008 2008-12-31 65 71 152 journal article 10.24199/j.mmv.2008.65.7 1447-2554 12211502 DA62FFC8-02A6-429F-9478-93453E083675 Graminacaecilius frontalis sp. nov. Figures 85–90 Material examined . Holotype : Tasmania , Queens Domain , Hobart , tussock grasses, 8 July 1986 . One nymph and 2 paratypes : same data as holotype. Additional records: site 42A, 1, 12 June 86; 1, 18 July 86; 3, 1, 4 nymphs, 2 Oct 86; site 42B, 1, 1, 18 July 86; site 73, 2 , 1, 25 Apr 87; site 158, 1, 12 Oct 86; 1, 25 July 87. Description of male. Coloration (after ca 6 years in alcohol). Body creamy white, with the following exceptions: anterior margin of frons with broad brown band; centripetal margins of ocellidarkbrown;f 1 light brown, f 2 light brown basally merging to dark brown apically, remaining segments dark brown; eyes black; prothorax with brown pleural stripe. Morphology. IO:D = 2.2. Eyes ovoid. Median epicranial suture distinct. Ocelli present. Fore wing reduced to a small rudiment, hind wing a small bud. Basal flagellar segment bent. Vertex flattened, elongated. Labrum and lacinia as G. micropterus . Epiproct (fig. 85). Paraproct (fig. 85) with small field of papillae and ovoid dome of 10 trichobothria, one seta not in rosette. Hypandrium (fig. 86) median region lacking setae, membranous; posterolateral margins with few strong setae; pair of strong median preapical setae. Phallosome (fig. 87) relatively narrow. Dimensions . B 2.0, F 0.434, T 0.679, t 1 0.174, t 2 0.111, rt 1.6:1, ct 0,0, f 1 0.395, f 2 0.316. Description of female. Coloration (after ca 6 years in alcohol). As male. Morphology. IO:D = 3.0. Medianepicranialsuturedistinct. Apterous. Epiproct strongly setose. Paraproct with large macroseta on posterior margin and small round field of 4 trichobothria. Subgenital plate (fig. 88): apical median area membranous, setae absent; pigmentation barely visible; body of plate setose, pair of preapical setae not as distinct as in G. micropterus . Gonapophyses (fig. 89) with external valve remnant bearing a single seta. Spermatheca (fig. 90) with short glandular area. Dimensions . B 2.5, F 0.427, T 0.671, t 1 0.158, t 2 0.111, rt 1.4:1, ct 0,0, f 1 0.328, f 2 0.217. Remarks . This species has been found by ERS on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria . Etymology . Referring to the strongly marked frons of this species.