Species boundaries among barred river frogs, Mixophyes (Anura: Myobatrachidae) in north­eastern Australia, with descriptions of two new species Author Mahony, Michael Author Donnellan, Stephen C. Author Richards, Stephen J. Author Mcdonald, Keith text Zootaxa 2006 1228 35 60 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.172713 f2e44996-bfff-448f-afa2-bb62159b35e9 1175­5326 172713 Mixophyes schevilli Loveridge, 1933 (group III) ( Fig. 6C ) Mixophyes fasciolatus schevilli Loveridge, 1933 Mixophyes schevilli Straughan, 1968 Holotype MCZ R18150, an adult female from Millaa Millaa, Queensland, Australia , 17° 31’ S , 145° 37’ E , collected by P. J. Darlington 1–9 April 1932 . Diagnosis Mixophyes schevilli is distinguished from M. carbinensis sp. nov. and M. coggeri sp. nov. by having posterior surface of thighs with few (1–13 per thigh) pale blotches (diameter 1–6 mm ) bordered by a dark margin, versus in M. carbinensis a uniformly dark posterior surface of thigh with numerous (9–35 / thigh) small ( 1–1.7 mm ) rounded pale spots, and in M. coggeri posterior surface of each thigh with 0–9 large ( 1–11 mm ) irregular pale botches bordered by a dark margin. Mixophyes schevilli is further distinguished from a M . coggeri sp. nov. by having a continuous mid­dorsal stripe, versus a discontinuously linear series of large irregular shaped blotches along the mid­dorsal region in M. coggeri . Both sexes of M. schevilli have a significantly smaller head than the comparable sex of M. coggeri . Description of holotype Head flattened, approximately as long as broad (HL/HW = 0.92); snout prominent, gently rounded when viewed from above and in profile; nostrils more lateral than superior, distance from snout equal to that from eye; distance between eye and naris equal to internarial span (EN/IN = 1.07); canthus rostralis well defined and slightly concave; loreal region nearly flat and inclined laterally; eye relatively large (EY/EN = 1.3); pupil vertical when constricted; tympanum large, conspicuous, oval with vertical long axis. Tympanum length nearly two thirds eye diameter (TY/EY = 0.63); vomerine teeth relatively long, oblique rows angled from anterior margin of choanae to midline between choanae; tongue approximately rectangular, not notched posteriorly. Fingers long, slender, unwebbed. Subarticular and palmar tubercles prominent; relative length of fingers 3> 1> 4> 2; hind limbs long (TL/SVL = 0.61); toes extensively webbed, webbing reaching discs on toes 1, 2, 3, and 5 and to second most distal joint of toe 4 ( Fig. 7 ); subarticular tubercles oval; outer metatarsal tubercle absent; inner metatarsal tubercle prominent, with well­developed outer edge, approximately one half length of tip of toe 1 to junction with tubercle (MT/first toe length = 0.53); relative order of length of toes 4> 5> 3> 2> 1. Dorsum with small tubercules, venter smooth. Dimensions of holotype (in mm): SVL, 84; TL, 51; HL, 32; HW, 34; EN, 7; IN, 8; EY, 11; IO, 16; TY, 7; A, 21; F3, 21; F3D, 1.5; T4, 42; T4D, 2; MT, 5. Color in preservative: Dorsum brown with dark brown inter­orbital bar extending backward as a narrow mid­dorsal stripe with irregular edges terminating in mid­sacral region, lateral margins uneven and discontinuously finely edged in black. Dark brown triangular patch anterior of nostril with an apex at nostril and one edge along upper lip. These patches almost meet on apex of snout. Dark brown streak between nostril and eye extends posteriorly over tympanum along flank to level of forelimb. Lighter brown patch about as wide as eye, extends from lower margin of eye to upper lip. Forelimbs light brown with several dark transverse bars. Dorsal surface of hind limbs light brown with distinct narrow dark brown cross bars; bars much narrower than intervening lighter background, expanded anteriorly; posterior surface of thighs finely reticulated with dark brown pattern and with 1–13 symmetrical pale blotches ( 1–6 mm diameter) per side, each bordered by a dark margin; anterior lateral edge of shank and posterior lateral edges of arms, plantar surface of feet and of tarsus uniformly dark; lateral palmar surfaces of outer fingers dark; venter including throat and ventral surface of thighs immaculate and paler than rest of dorsum; lower jaw edged with dark brown. Var ia t io n : SVL of males 58–75 mm and females 68–92 mm ( Table 3 ). Hind limbs long (TL/SVL, = 0.66 ± 0.03, range = 0.60–0.81). Head length approximates head width (HL/ HW, = 0.88 ± 0.04, range = 0.74–0.98), and eye to naris distance versus internarial span variable (EN/IN, = 0.84 ± 0.09, range = 0.63–1.18). The mid­dorsal stripe may be narrow and end mid­dorsally; may be broader and end in mid­sacral region, or may be very broad with irregularly and deeply dissected lateral edges ( Fig. 3 ). Remainder of dorsal surface either sparsely flecked with small black spots or a fewer larger blotches. Posterior extension of dark lateral headstripe along supratympanic fold variable, sometimes reaching to above axilla, width variable. Dark bars on upper surface of limbs very narrow or broader with a fine white or black margin. Between 1 and 13 pale blotches, 1–6 mm in diameter, on posterior surface of each thigh ( Fig. 4 ). Blotches concentrated on distal section of thigh towards ventral edge and sometimes extending onto ventral surface at knee. Blotches always bordered by a dark margin that varies in intensity. Ventral surfaces immaculate except throat and chin that vary from immaculate to completely dusky. In some individuals, lateral margins of chin with coarse dark reticulum. Webbing between toes 1 and 2 variable. In males, brown glandular nuptial pad on proximal phalanx of first digit and inner palmar tubercle. Color in life: Dorsal surfaces of body and limbs vary from pale yellow through rich copper brown to dark brown. Mid­dorsal stripe and patches, patch on face and bars on limbs darker brown than background, often darker towards margin. Head stripe black, bordered by fine cream or fawn line that is sharply demarcated against black stripe but diffuses into surrounding ground color. Tympanum same color as dorsum or darker brown not bordered by lighter line. Small dark brown to black blotches occur on upper lip and immediately below and adjacent to eye. Iris very dark brown. Ventral surface of body and chin cream, with grey wash towards margin of jaw. Brown coloration of dorsal surface merges laterally with cream ventral coloration. A number of irregular darker blotches may occur towards groin. Posterior surface of thigh brown to dark gray; large irregular shaped cream or off­white blotches with a darker margin. Sides of limbs with roughly triangular dark brown to black patches. Ventral surfaces of limbs off­white. Upper surfaces of fingers and toes same color as dorsum but webbing between toes black. In males, nuptial pad gray to brown. Distribution Known from three disjunct areas: Big Tableland, Thornton Peak, and the Atherton Tableland between Lamb Range in the north and Charmillan Creek in the south.