Two new species of the genus Eotmethis (Orthoptera, Acridoidea, Pamphagidae) from China Author Ye, Bao-Hua Author Shi, Jian-Ping Author Zhi, Yong-Chao text Zootaxa 2015 4032 1 141 146 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4032.1.9 1d606ad5-90d2-47a7-b3fe-25d7718f401a 1175-5326 239431 724F6901-64E1-4CA5-A712-B1A2442DB61A Eotmethis platyverticus sp. nov. ( Figs. 7–13 ) Holotype : ♂, paratype ♀, Shizuishan, Ningxia ( N39°04′ , E106°38′ , 1300m ), 2003-?-20, collected by Wang Wenqiang and Li Xinjiang. FIGURES 7–13. Eotmethis platyverticus sp. nov. 7. body in lateral view ♂; 8. head in frontal view ♂; 9. epiphallus;10. end of abdomen ♂; 11. head and pronotum in dorsal view ♀; 12. tegmen ♂; 13. body in lateral view ♀. Male Body medium-sized, thickset ( Fig. 7 ). Vertex short and wide, the width between eyes was about 1.2 times the diameter of eye; lateral aspects of vertex edged by distinct carina, reaching the middle of eyes. Fastigial furrow present ( Fig. 8 ). Frontal ridge apparent, between the bases of the antennae projecting forward, contracted slightly under the median ocellus, widened gently downwards, widen distinctly near the base of labrum. Lateral facial carinae apparent, but invisible in dorsal view. Eyes cycle, vertical diameter equal to horizontal diameter and shorter than the length of subocular groove distinctly. Antennae shorter, with 20 segments, extending over the middle of pronotum, length of the middle segment 2.2 times as long as wide. Pronotum rough, with short subuliform projection, anterior and posterior margin angled protruding; median carina elevated into lamellate, strongly incised by the hind transverse sulcus ( Fig. 7 ); metazona longer than the prozona slightly, the median carina of prozona cut by two transverse sulci, in metazona the carina arc-like raised. Prosternum with a strong lamellate process on the anterior margin, divided into two acute-angle-lobes. Interspace of mesosternum lateral lobes trapezoid, wider, the width of narrowest part larger than its length distinctly. Tegmina longer, reaching the 6th abdominal tergite, R vein with one branch, M vein with two branches, Cu vein without branch ( Fig. 12 ). Hind femur wide and compressed, length almost equal to 3.2 times of width of the broadest part; median carina of hind femur on the upper side serrated. Hind tibia with 8 spines on the inner side and 10 spines on the outer side (including apical spine). Arolium between the claws of tarsus larger, its apex reaching the middle of claws. Tympanum organ developed, tympanal aperture expanded, tympanic flap larger. Krause’s organ near long triangle, with thinly rugose on surface. Abdomen dorsally with a row of tubercles in the middle. Epiproct near peach-like, with longitudinal groove in middle( Fig. 10 ). Cercus long conical, reaching to the end of epiproct. Subgenital plate short, apex acute angle. Epiphallus shown in fig. 9. Female Body larger and thick ( Fig. 13 ). Vertex extremely wider, the width between the eyes was about 2 times diameter of eye. Tegmina lobi-form, separated widely dorsum, the apex reaching the middle of the second abdominal tergite, distinctly longer than the length of metazoan ( Fig. 11 ). Cercus short conical. Subgenital plate projecting into an acute angle in the middle of posterior margin. Ovipositor valve very short, curve, apex acute. Coloration. Body brown. Pronotum with two broad longitudinal pale bands on the both sides. Tegmina with two light spots from the base to the middle. Dark stripe of hind wing wider in the fore margin. Hind femur blue on inner side, upper side with two dark bands. Inner side of hind tibia in the base yellowish brown and the apical part red, the remaining part dark blue. Hind tarsus yellowish brown. Measurement (in mm). Length of body: ♂23.2; ♀29.8. Length of tegmina: ♂10.4; ♀6.8. Length of hind femur: ♂12.1; ♀16.1. Diagnosis. The new species is similar to E. holanennis Zheng & Gow, 1981 , but differs from latter by width of vertex between eyes 2 times diameter of eye and prozona of pronotum longer than metazona in female. Etymology The name is combination of Latin ‘ platy ’(wide), and ‘ verticus’ (vertex)—meaning that the vertex of the new species in female is wider.