Genus Bungona Harker, 1957 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from China, with descriptions of three new species and a key to Oriental species Author Shi, Weifang Author Tong, Xiaoli text Zootaxa 2019 2019-04-18 4586 3 571 585 journal article 27007 10.11646/zootaxa.4586.3.12 cf261dca-6d23-4d65-8096-07d52b073142 1175-5326 2647114 91C77484-124B-47CB-9DAA-C0BFA4284B17 Bungona ( Chopralla ) bifida Shi & Tong , sp. nov. ( Figs 32–46 , 49 ) Material examined. Holotype . 1 mature nymph in ethanol, CHINA , Sichuan , Huagaoxi National Nature Reserve , Xuyong County , Shuiwei Town ( 24.20°N , 110.29°E , alt. 770m ), 3.iv.2012 , coll. Weifang Shi. Paratypes (deposited in ethanol unless otherwise stated). 2 nymphs on slides and 4 nymphs, same date as holotype . CHINA , Guizhou : 1 nymph on mounted slides and 5 nymphs, Suiyang County , Kuankuoshui National Nature Reserve , Maoya Town , Zhongping ( 28.20°N , 107.04°E , alt. 640m ), 26.iii.2012 , coll. Weifang Shi. Hubei : 1 nymph, Yingshan County , Taohuachong Scenic ( 30.99°N , 116.04°E , alt. 600m ), , coll. Weifang Shi. Sichuan : 1 nymph, Pingwu County , Laohegou ( 32.47°N , 104.67°E , alt. 1480m ), 25.v.2012 , coll. Weifang Shi. Description. Mature nymph. Body length: 4.5–6mm , cerci 2.5–3mm , filament slightly shorter than cerci. Colouration. Body with contrasting colour pattern ( Fig. 46 ) which fit well with the typical of the subgenus Chopralla . Head. Antennae yellow-brown, approximately 1.8 x head width; pedicel slightly longer than scape ( Fig. 32 ). Labrum rectangular, width approximately 1.7 x length, anteromedial notch deeply with one small rounded lobe at base; each side of dorsal surface with one medial seta and one row of 3–4 submarginal setae sublaterally, which are all bifurcated at middle or 2/3 from base ( Fig. 37 ); ventrally bordered with feathered setae along margin and one disto-medial arc of very fine setae. Left mandible ( Fig. 34 ): incisors with 6 fused denticles, prostheca robust with 3 blunt and 3 acute denticles; spine-like setae between incisor base and molar present. Right mandible ( Fig. 35 ): incisors partially fused, inner and outer incisors with 6–7 denticles respectively, prostheca close to incisors and with slender medial process, neither bifid nor plumose but with small denticles apically; margin between incisors base and molar scattered with one tuft of spine-like setae. Hypopharynx: lingua with one median projection, covered with abundant setae. Maxillae ( Fig. 33 ): galealacinia with one row of 3–5 long basal setae and one short spine-like hump seta basally; maxillary palpus 2-segmented, slightly shorter than galealacinia and scattered with fine setae on surface, segment II approximately 2 x length of segment I. Labium ( Fig. 39 ): glossae slightly longer than paraglossae and subequal to paraglossae in width, ventrally with one row of 15–17 acute, long setae along inner margin and 3 stout setae and 1 robust setae at apex, dorsally with 5–6 acute, long setae along outer margin; paraglossae ventrally with one row of 17–19 acute, stout setae along outer margin and 5–7 long, stout setae along inner margin; labial palpus 3-segmented,segment I about 0.8 x length of segment II and III combined, scattered with numerous fine setae ventrally and pores dorsally; segment II wider than segment III, dorsally with one row of 4 long, simple setae apicomedially; segment III about 1.3 x maximum width. Thorax . Pronotum surface smooth without tubercles. Hindwing pads minute but visible. Leg surfaces scattered with trapezoidal scale bases. Femora approximately 4 x maximum width, dorsally with one row of about 5–7 long, robust setae which approximately 1/2 femoral width and one pair of close-set stout subapical setae ( Fig. 38 ), ventrally with numerous pores; tibiae dorsally with fine setae, ventrally with one row of slightly acute stout setae and one pair of long, stout, slightly feathered setae apically; patella-tibial suture absent on fore tibia ( Fig. 40 ) and present on mid- and hind tibia submedially; tarsi dorsally with fine setae, ventrally with a row of short, acute setae. Claw with two rows of 3–4 denticles ( Fig. 41 ), apically with 4–5 furrows; two subapical setae present laterally but vestigial. Abdomen ( Fig. 46 ): Abdominal tergal surface covered with trapezoidal scale bases and lanceolate scales densely ( Figs 42–44 ). Posterior margin of tergites II–VIII with semicircular, blunt spines which successively increasing in length backwards ( Figs 42–43 ); posterior marginal spines on tergites IX–X with wide gap medially ( Fig. 44 ); sternites generally yellowish-white, sternal surface with numerous pores and scale bases; sternites III–VI each with one pair of setal tufts anterolaterally ( Fig. 45 ); posterior margins of sternites V–IX with triangular spines; paraproct ( Fig. 49 ) subtriangular, with pores, trapezoidal scales bases and fine hairs on surface and 8–9 pointed spines along inner margin. Gills present on tergites I–VII, asymmetric lanceolate, moderately tracheated ( Fig. 46 ). Median caudal filament slightly shorter than cerci, inner margin and both sides of median caudal filament fringed with well-developed swimming bristles. FIGURES 32–40. Nymph of Bungona ( Chopralla ) bifida sp. nov. (32) antenna; (33) left maxilla; (34) left mandible; (35, 36) right mandible; (37) dorsal view of labrum; (38) foreleg; (39) labium (left: dorsal view; right: ventral view); (40) fore tibia. FIGURES 41–46. Nymph of Bungona ( Chopralla ) bifida sp. nov. (41) mid-claw; (42) abdominal terga V and VI; (43) abdominal tergum VI; (44) abdominal terga IX and X; (45) abdominal sternum IV; (46) habitus of female nymph (dorsal view). FIGURES 47–49. Paraprocts (47) Bungona ( Centroptella ) ovata sp. nov. ; (48) Bungona ( Centroptella ) quadrata sp. nov. ; (49) Bungona ( Chopralla ) bifida sp. nov. Imagoes . Unknown. Etymology . The epithet bifida is from Latin adjective “bifidus”, meaning “cleft, divided into two parts” and referring to the shape of submarginal setae on labrum. Distribution and biology . China ( Sichuan , Hubei , Guizhou ). The nymphs usually inhabit in slow-flowing mountain streams. Comments. This new species, along with Bungona ( C. ) liebenauae ( Soldán, Braasch & Muu, 1987 ) , Bungona ( C. ) pontica Sroka, Godunko & Gattolliat, 2019 and Genus No. 2 sp. 1, sensu Müller-Liebenau, 1984 , presents a very unique characteristic: right prostheca robust rather than bifid and plumose, which suggest that these four species may have an isolated position within the subgenus ( Soldán et al . 1987 ; Marle et al . 2016 ; Sroka et al. 2019 ). Bungona ( C. ) bifida sp. nov. is closely related to Bungona ( C. ) pontica from Turkey , but it can be easily distinguished from the latter by the following combination of features: (1) body colour pattern; (2) submarginal setae on labrum are forked apically ( Fig. 37 ) (vs. simple in pontica ); (3) segment I of labial palpus about 0.8 x length of segment II and III combined, segment III about 1.3 x maximum width (vs. segment I slightly longer than II and III combined, length of segment III subequal to the width in pontica ). The new species is similar to B. ( C. ) liebenauae in body colour pattern, while the pronotum of new species has no paired median tubercles. This new species is also similar to the ‘Genus No. 2 sp. 1’ described and illustrated by Müller-Liebenau (1984) from West Malaysia , however, body colour pattern, bifurcated submarginal setae on labrum, segment II of labial palpus dorsally with a row of 4 long, acute setae apicomedially and paraproct with 8–9 spines along the inner margin, clearly indicate that B. ( C. ) bifida sp. nov. is not conspecific with the Genus No. 2 sp. 1, sensu Müller-Liebenau, 1984 .