Revision of world Ooderella Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae), with description of the first males for the genus Author Gibson, Gary A. P. text Zootaxa 2017 4289 1 1 74 journal article 32726 10.5281/zenodo.828791 e2bc9990-e5da-4185-bb22-8ac100ac0bf4 1175-5326 828791 83976631-0200-4CE3-AF6D-C05DE8E8670A Key to species of Ooderella based on females 1. New World..........................................................................................2 - Afrotropical......................................................................................... 15 2(1) Fore wing extending well beyond base of gaster, though usually right-angle bent at level of propodeum and with apical portion as long as basal portion ( Figs 14, 15 ); acropleuron completely bare ( Fig. 17 ); mesoscutum uniformly setose ( Fig. 15 ); syntergum dark with truncate posterior margin and marginal row of setae ( Fig. 18 )................... Ooderella ambigua n. sp. - Fore wing extending at most slightly beyond posterior margin of propodeum and flat or with only very short apically recurved portion (e.g. Figs 7 , 52 ); acropleuron anteriorly with setae, often as a dense tuft (e.g. Figs 8 , 51 ); mesoscutum usually with dense tuft of setae posteriorly (e.g. Figs 6 , 33 ) and sometimes with similar region of differentiated setae anteriorly (e.g. Figs 50 , 114 ); syntergum sometimes paler apically (e.g. Fig. 9 ), but at least tapered to posteriorly rounded or angulate margin with subapical setae extending only slightly beyond margin (e.g. Figs 44 , 100 ).........................................3 3(2) Head with frons usually entirely sculptured, variably meshlike reticulate-wrinkled to strongly reticulate or rugulose ( Figs 1 , 19 , 28 , 63 ), but at least similarly sculptured to scrobal depression in longitudinal band below anterior ocellus ( Fig. 35 ); ovipositor sheaths often extending conspicuously beyond gastral apex ( Figs 22 , 30 , 38 , 67 )....................................4 - Head with frons shiny and smooth except for setiferous punctures and thus distinctly differentiated from strongly sculptured scrobal depression (e.g. Figs 45 , 72 ); ovipositor sheaths extending only slightly beyond gastral apex (e.g. Figs 49 , 75 )...... 8 4(3) Antenna with at least scape, pedicel and basal four flagellomeres yellow in distinct contrast to more apical darker flagellomeres ( Fig. 23 ); head green ( Figs 19–21 ) in distinct contrast to brownish-yellow mesosoma and gaster ( Fig. 22 ) except gaster almost entirely white ventrally ( Fig. 22 : insert); acropleuron anteriorly ( Fig. 26 ) and mesoscutum posteromedially ( Fig. 24 ) with only a few, inconspicuous white setae not forming dense tufts............................ Ooderella flavida n. sp. - Antenna entirely dark or at most only pedicel and basal four flagellomeres very slightly paler than scape and more apical flagellomeres ( Fig. 29 ); head less distinctly contrasting in color with darker orangish-brown to dark brown mesosoma and gaster, and gaster ventrally at most paler to white basally, though sometimes also subbasally dorsally ( Figs 4 , 30 , 41 , 67 ); acropleuron ( Figs 8 , 30 , 41 , 70 ) and mesoscutum posteromedially ( Figs 6 , 33 , 40 , 68 ) with distinct, dense tufts of white setae................................................................................................... 5 5(4) Ovipositor sheaths extending only slightly beyond gastral apex ( Fig. 4 ); fore wing disc entirely, extensively setose ( Fig. 7 ); scape mostly yellowish except usually apically ( Fig. 5 ) [Nearctic]......................... Ooderella americana n. sp. - Ovipositor sheaths extending conspicuously beyond gastral apex ( Figs 30 , 38 , 67 ); fore wing disc variably sparsely but inconspicuously setose ( Figs 32 , 42 , 69 ); scape entirely dark [Neotropical].............................................6 6(5) Frons mostly smooth and shiny except for longitudinal band of reticulate-punctate sculpture below anterior ocellus ( Fig. 35 )............................................................................... Ooderella hyalipleura n. sp. - Frons entirely, similarly sculptured as scrobal depression ( Figs 28 , 63 )...........................................7 7(6) Body mostly dark brown excluding white regions subbasally on gaster ( Figs 67, 71 ); head with frontovertex quite strongly reticulate-punctate ( Fig. 63 ); antenna entirely dark ( Fig. 66 ); scrobal depression variably distinctly differentiated by slender transverse furrow above each torulus ( Fig. 63 )........................................ Ooderella reticulifrons n. sp. - Body with head green but mesosoma and gaster orangish to yellowish-brown excluding white regions subbasally on gaster ( Figs 31, 34 ); head with frons and ocellar triangle quite shallowly meshlike reticulate compared to more coarsely reticulate vertex ( Fig. 28 ); antenna with pedicel apically and basal four flagellomeres somewhat paler, more yellowish-brown, than remainder ( Fig. 29 ); scrobal depression differentiated only by transverse, reddish-violaceous luster within scrobes and above interantennal prominence ( Fig. 28 ).................................................... Ooderella hansoni n. sp. 8(3) Fore wing usually extending slightly beyond posterior margin of propodeum ( Figs 52 , 125 ) but at least with distinct membranous part (discal region) beyond submarginal vein ( Fig. 153 ) and its apical-most seta; scrobal depression coriaceous to coriaceous-imbricate ( Figs 45 , 118 , 147 ); pronotum with anterolateral corners prolonged into conspicuous tubercle- or cone-like angulations ( Figs 47 , 124 , 152 ); tegula with numerous dark setae forming obvious, dense tuft along inner margin apically ( Figs 51 , 126 , 155 ).........................................................................................9 - Fore wing in non-contorted individual extending only to about level of propodeal spiracle (e.g. Figs 60 , 78 ) and with submarginal vein extending to or near apical margin such that without distinct membranous region beyond vein and usually with long, apical-most seta on vein extending distinctly beyond apical margin of wing; scrobal depression reticulate to reticulate-rugulose (e.g. Figs 54 , 90 ); pronotum with anterolateral corners usually almost right-angled (e.g. Figs 56 , 77 ); tegula with long dark setae, sometimes even as denser region along inner margin apically, but not as distinct tuft-like region................. 11 9(8) Fore wing extending posteriorly only to about mid-length of propodeum ( Fig. 153 ); setae forming tegular tuft comparatively short, only about as long as width of tegula ( Fig. 155 )..................................... Ooderella thegalea n. sp. - Fore wing extending slightly beyond posterior margin of propodeum ( Figs 52 , 125 ); setae forming tegular tuft sometimes obviously longer than width of tegula ( Figs 121, 126 )...........................................................10 10(9) Tegula with setal tuft conspicuously long, obviously longer than width of tegula ( Figs 121, 126 ); legs with protrochanter and mesotibia basally pale ( Fig. 121 )................................................. Ooderella spinositegula n. sp. - Tegula with setal tuft comparatively short, only about as long as width of tegula ( Figs 49, 51 ); legs with protrochanter and mesotibia basally dark ( Fig. 49 ).................................................. Ooderella melanosceles n. sp. 11(8) Fore wing disc setose ( Fig. 78 ); mesoscutum with posterior setal region apical, the setae extending to posterior margin of sclerite ( Fig. 77 ); scape slender, only slightly broader basally than apically and with dorsal and ventral margins subparallel ( Fig. 76 ).................................................................................. Ooderella setosa n. sp. - Fore wing disc bare (e.g. Fig. 97 ); mesoscutum with posterior setal region sometimes mesal to subapical, the posterior-most setae then distinctly separated from posterior margin of sclerite ( Figs 59 , 95, 96 , 114 , 143 ); scape sometimes obviously wider basally than apically because ventral margin distinctly sinuate ( Fig. 139 ).........................................12 12(11) Head often with lighter-colored ( cf . Fig. 157 ) but at least slightly angulate ocellocular marks ( Fig. 92 ); mesoscutum at least without distinct region(s) of white lanceolate setae anteriorly, and posteriorly with posterior-most setae of setal region distinctly separated from posterior margin of mesoscutum by distance at least equal to width of setal region ( Figs 95, 96 ); fore wing disc comparatively wide, about 3× as wide as width of costal cell ( Fig. 97 ); mesopectus more or less uniformly setose with setae sometimes continuous to acropleural setal tuft, but at least with setae along acropleural sulcus conspicuously longer, at least 3× as long as other shorter setae ( Fig. 98 )...................................... Ooderella smithii Ashmead - Head uniformly colored and smoothly convex between posterior ocellus and inner orbit ( Figs 56 , 111 , 138 ); mesoscutum anteriorly usually with quite obvious region(s) of differentiated white lanceolate setae on either side of midline ( Figs 114 , 143 ), and posterior setal region extending to posterior margin or separated by distance less than width of setal region ( Figs 59 , 114 , 14 3 ); fore wing disc narrower, usually only about 2× width of costal cell ( Figs 60 , 115 , 144 ); mesopectus variably setose, sometimes with setae along acropleural sulcus not differentiated in length from other setae, but at least shorter, at most about 2× as long as other setae ( Figs 61 , 116 , 145 ).......................................................................... 13 13(12) Gaster dark brown except white ventrobasally ( Figs 112, 117 ); labial and maxillary palps brown ( Figs 110, 113 ); front leg with trochanter brownish, not distinctly contrasting with procoxa or profemur, and both meso- and metacoxae dark brown; mesopectus with dense region of overlapping white lanceolate setae forming reflective patch below acropleural tuft ( Fig. 116 )................................................................................. Ooderella speculifrons n. sp. - Gaster entirely orangish-brown to dark brown ( Figs 57, 62 , 140, 146 ); labial and maxillary palps yellowish to white ( Figs 58 , 142 ); front leg with trochanter yellowish to white and distinctly contrasting with procoxa and profemur, and meso- and metacoxae at least partly pale to partly orangish-brown; mesopectus with comparatively sparse region of slender white lanceolate setae below and sometimes anterior to acropleural tuft, with cuticle clearly visible between setae ( Figs 61 , 145 )..........14 14(13) Mesoscutum anteriorly without differentiated region of white setae, and posterior setal region subapical, the posterior-most setae distinctly separated from posterior margin ( Fig. 59 ); scape similarly brownish as flagellum and tubular, subequally wide throughout ( Fig. 58 ); scrobal depression with dorsal margin somewhat bell-shaped, angularly O-like medially and sinuately recurved to inner orbit about midway to torulus ( Fig. 54 ), and separated from anterior ocellus by distance similar to LOL and POL ( Fig. 56 ).................................................................. Ooderella microptera n. sp. - Mesoscutum with differentiated region of white setae anteriorly, and posterior setal region apical, the setae extending to or almost to posterior margin of sclerite ( Fig. 143 ); scape yellow except ventrobasally and distinctly broader basally than apically because of sinuate ventral margin ( Fig. 139 ); scrobal depression with dorsal margin broadly arched between inner orbits ( Fig. 137 ) and separated from anterior ocellus by distance distinctly greater than either LOL or POL ( Fig. 138 )............................................................................................... Ooderella stenoptera n. sp. 15(1) Ovipositor sheaths extending conspicuously beyond gastral apex by distance greater than half length of metatibia ( Fig. 177 ); fore wing membrane virtually bare behind/beyond venation ( Fig. 183 )..................... Ooderella gymnosoma n. sp. - Ovipositor sheaths extending only slightly beyond gastral apex ( Figs 158 , 168 , 187 , 197 ); fore wing membrane densely setose behind/beyond venation ( Figs 162 , 171 , 190 , 199 )...........................................................16 16(15) Propodeum long, medial length about 3× that of metanotum, and with complete median carina ( Fig. 190 )............................................................................................... Ooderella kenyaensis n. sp. - Propodeum much shorter, medial length less than 2× that of metanotum, and with at most very short, inconspicuous median carina anteriorly ( Figs 162 , 171 , 202 )..................................................................... 17 17(16) Antenna with scape strongly compressed ( Figs 194, 198 ) and flagellum usually bicolored with at least fl4 and often fl3–fl5 yellowish ( Fig. 198 ); fore wing elongate-spatulate, about 3× as long as wide, with venation extending virtually to anteroapical margin of wing ( Fig. 199 ); mesoscutum with lateral lobes carinately angled over at least posterior half and strongly reticulate only within anterior half or less ( Fig. 201 ); pronotum usually with neck conspicuously more densely setose with dark setae than collar.................................................................... Ooderella platyscapus n. sp. - Antenna with scape slender with slightly sinuous ventral margin so to be only slightly wider subbasally than apically, and flagellum entirely dark ( Figs 159 , 169 ); fore wing only about 2× as long as wide and venation extending at most about 0.75× length such that with distinct membranous region beyond vein ( Figs 162 , 171 ); mesoscutum with lateral lobes carinately angled only over about posterior third or less and much more extensively meshlike reticulate anteriorly ( Figs 161 , 170 ); pronotum with collar and neck similarly, comparatively inconspicuously setose........................................18 18(17) Head with frons smooth and shiny or at most with subeffaced meshlike coriaceous sculpture except for setiferous pits ( Fig. 165 ), but at least much smoother than scrobes or vertex; scape brown to dark brown ( Fig. 169 ).... Ooderella capensis n. sp. - Head with frons shallowly meshlike reticulate ( Figs 156, 157 ); scape yellow ( Fig. 159 )......... Ooderella botswanae n. sp.