Taxonomic revision of the spider genera Agyneta and Tennesseellum (Araneae, Linyphiidae) of North America north of Mexico with a study of the embolic division within Micronetinae sensu Saaristo & Tanasevitch 1996 Author Dupérré, Nadine text Zootaxa 2013 3674 1 1 189 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3674.1.1 9c8e7b58-7cc0-407f-a8e9-d76311dcd290 1175-5326 283954 981F80ED-96D7-40C7-8A3C-677954416A2E Agyneta danielbelangeri new species Figs 246–249 , map 17 Type material: Male holotype from Canada , Alberta, Waterton Lakes National Park, 20-28 June 1980 , meadow with willows, edge of beaver pond, I. M Smith ( CNC ). EXAMINED . Etymology: The specific name is a patronym in honor of Daniel Bélanger, a Québécois author-composer and singer, for his music and poetry that accompanied countless hours of spider studies. Diagnosis: Males are diagnosed from all other Agyneta species by their wrench-shaped lamella characteristica ( Fig. 246 ). From A. fratrella and A. pistrix by their smaller dorsal cymbial tubercle ( Fig. 247 ). Description: Male : Total length 1.56; carapace length 0.76, width 0.64. MAP. 17. Localities of Agyneta danielbelangeri n. sp. , Agyneta pistrix n. sp. FIGURES 246–253. 246–249. Agyneta danielbelangeri n. sp. 246–249, Male. 246. Palp, retrolateral view (arrow points to constriction of the apical part of paracymbiun). 247. Palp, prolateral view. 248. Embolus, prolateral view. 249. Radical division, retrolateral view. 250–253. Agyneta pistrix n. sp. 250–253, Male. 250. Palp, retrolateral view. 251. Palp, prolateral view. 252. Embolus, prolateral view. 253. Radical division, retrolateral view. CEPHALOTHORAX: Carapace yellow-brown, shiny, finely reticulate; margin, pars cephalica and radiating lines lightly suffused with dark gray; trident mark present. Sternum strongly suffused with dark gray. Clypeus height 2.5. Chelicerae yellow-brown, excavated; ~ 19 seta-tipped tubercles; promargin three teeth, retromargin three denticles and rounded projections near base of fang. Cheliceral stridulatory organ with ~38 well spaced striae, closer basally. ABDOMEN: Uniformly dark gray. LEGS: Light yellow; leg I total length: 3.29; leg III total length: 2.17; Tm I: 0.22, Tm IV: absent. GENITALIA: Palpal retrolateral tibial apophysis well sclerotized, with small pointed tip; dorsal tibial apophysis with rounded tip, smooth, not strongly sclerotized; two retrolateral and one dorsal trichobothria ( Fig. 246 ). Cymbium triangular; glabrous depression present ( Fig 246 ); dorsal cymbial tubercle smooth, anvil-shaped; ventral cymbial tubercle elongated, with rounded rugose tip; prolateral notch deep ( Fig. 247 ). Paracymbium apically constricted, apical pocket long, anterior pocket short, deep and curved, making a small cover, posterior pocket absent ( Fig. 246 ). Embolus tip pointed with rounded prong; ventro-retrolaterally with rows of spines; basally excavated with well sclerotized basal flange; Fickert’s gland elongated, set basally; ventral lamella transparent, pointed; thumb long, reaching beyond the embolus proper, with well sclerotized tip ( Fig. 248 ). Embolus proper set basally ( Fig. 248 ). Anterior terminal apohysis long and narrow with long protrusions; posterior terminal apophysis small with serrated tip and a large basal prong; lamella characteristica with bifid, wellsclerotized tip ( Fig. 249 ). Female : Unknown. Other material examined: CANADA : Alberta : Blue Rock campsite, 16.vii.1980 , 13, D. Buckle ( DBC ); Waterton Lakes National Park, , interception trap, 13, H. Teskey ( CNC ). British Columbia : Johnson Bay, Babine Lake, 16.vii.1988 , forest litter, spruce and balsam fir, 13, R. West ( CNC ). USA : Colorado : Idaho Springs, 24.viii.1935 , 33, W. Ivie ( AMNH ); near Monarch Pass, 06.ix.1937 , 13, R. Chamberlin ( AMNH ). New Mexico : Cimarron Canyon, W of Ute Park, 06.x.1965 , 23, J., W. Ivie ( AMNH ); Sandia Mountains, 23, C. Hoff ( AMNH ). Utah : Daniel, 15.x.1939 , 13 ( AMNH ); Lasal Mountains, 2438m , 29.x.1931 , 33, W. Ivie ( AMNH ); Little Cottonwood Canyon, Wasatch Mountains, 05.x.1947 , 53, W. Ivie ( AMNH ); Uinta Mountains, Cobble Rest Camp, north fork Provo River, 24.ix.1932 , 73 ( AMNH ). Washington : Kamiak Butte [ 46.867N , 117.155W ] 926m , 26.vii–26.xii.1994 , pitfalls in forest, 23, J. Bergdhal ( UWBM ). Distribution: Northwestern Canada to southwestern USA (New Mexico ).