Beetles with Orchid Pollinaria in Dominican and Mexican Amber Author George Poinar, Jr. text American Entomologist 2016 62 3 172 177 journal article 10.1093/ae/tmw055 42c2df7b-ac89-4f7a-a95f-6470ac40a533 269236 Annulites mexicana gen. n., sp. n. ( Figs. 4-6 , 7 B) Diagnosis : Pollinarium with four separate, segmented pollinia with pollen tetrads arranged in transverse rows. Description : Pollinarium with four separate, elongate segmented pollinia 0.5 mm in length, 0.4 mm in width ( Figs. 5 , 6 ); caudicles reduced; viscidium short; pollen tetrads spherical, from 20 µm–25 µm in diameter, arranged in rows between segments ( Fig. 7 , insert). Remarks : All four pollinia are similar in length. The unique annulated structure of the pollinia and their resemblance to representatives of the genus Solenocentrum Schltr. that possess pollinaria with four elongate, segmented pollinia ( Dressler 1993 ) is why Annulites mexicana gen. n. , sp. n. is tentatively assigned to the Neotropical Subtribe Cranichidinae . The pollinaria are attached to the mouthparts of a ptilodactyline beetle ( Ptilodactyla sp.) ( Coleoptera : Ptilodactylidae ) that is 1.4 mm in length ( Fig. 5 ).