Imprecise descriptions of Passiflora riparia Martius ex Masters led to redundant descriptions as P. emiliae Sacco, P. crenata Feuillet & Cremers, P. pergrandis Holm-Nielsen & Lawesson and P. fernandezii Escobar
Rome, Maxime
d'Eeckenbrugge, Geo Coppens
journal article
Passiflora riparia Mart. ex Mast. in Martius, Fl. Bras. 13(1): 599. 1872
Passiflora emiliae
Sacco, Boletim do Museu Nacional de Rio de Janeiro. Botanica 32: 1-5. 1966. Type: Brazil. Mato Grosso, Rio Arinos, Dec. 1914, Kuhlmann 1066 (holotype, R!), Kuhlmann 1064 (paratype, R!).
Feuillet & Cremers, Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series C: Biological and Medical Sciences 87(4): 378. 1984. Type: French Guiana. Road between Roura and the Kaw mountain, 24 Jan. 1983,
Feuillet 573
(holotype, CAY!; isotype, BR, P!, U, US).
Passiflora pergrandis
Holm-Niels. & Lawesson, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 74(3): 501, f. 4. 1987. Type: Ecuador. Zamora-Chinchipe: Zamora -Gualaquiza road, 5 km N of Cumbaraza, 900 m, 20 Apr. 1974,
Harling 13771
(holotype, GB!; isotype, AAU)
Passiflora fernandezii
L. K. Escobar, Phytologia 66(1): 80-81. 1989. Type: Bolivia. Pando: Nicolas Suarez: between Porvenir and Cachuelita, along the trail, 19 Jan 1983,
F. Javier
Casas 8341
(holotype, NY; isotypes, MO!, NY).
Brazil. Forest near mouth of Madeira River, Brazilian state of Amazonas (in silvis prope ostium fluvii
), March 1819,
Martius 3228
(lectotype, M! designated by
Holm-Nielsen et al. (1988)
; isotype, M!).
Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, April 1852,
Spruce 2191
(epitype, P!, isoepitypes M!, K!, designated here).
Woody liana. Stem terete to subangulate, glabrous to slightly pubescent (on young parts or pseudoracemes), and green; internodes 4-48 cm. Tendrils glabrous, green. Stipules setaceous to narrow linear, generally aristate, yellow green to brown purple, eglandular to glandular (1-2 nectaries), 8.8-18.1
0.2-1.4 mm (including an arista 0-2.7 mm), early deciduous. Petiole 1.3-3.8 cm long, green to dark green, slightly canaliculate adaxially, glabrous (pubescent on pseudoracemes), bearing two conspicuous oval sessile glands (about 1 mm long), at or below the middle (0.4-1.3 cm from petiole base). Leaves simple, unlobed, 10.5-21
5.5-11 cm, glabrous throughout, green to dark green, adaxial surface lustrous, cordate to rounded at base, obtuse to acute at apex, mucronate and acuminate; margin entire (rarely glandular-serrulate). Inflorescence axillary, sessile, 1-flowered. Peduncles terete, green, pubescent, 1.9-2.8 mm in diameter, 1.4-3.5 cm long; pedicel 6.5-10 mm long. Bracts deciduous (at fruit maturity), pubescent on both sides, white to dark purple or white and more or less pink-purple veined, concave, free to base, 2.5-6.2
1.4-4.3 cm, with 3-7 marginal sessile green nectaries in distal half. Flowers axillary, pendulous, 2.8-3.4 cm long (from the base of nectary chamber to the ovary apex), solitary or presented in clusters on pseudoracemes (short internode branches). Nectary chamber pubescent externally, white greenish outside and white inside, 14.8-20.3 mm in diameter, 4.5-11.9 mm in depth. Hypanthium campanulate, pubescent, white greenish outside and white inside, 15-20 mm long and 18-21 mm in diameter at the base of sepals. Sepals pubescent, oblate, 4.2-6.4
1.8-2.8 cm, adaxial surface white to slightly pink, abaxial surface white to white greenish, slightly keel-shaped in distal half with a short awn (3-5 mm long). Petals glabrous, oblate, 4.2-5.4
1.2-1.6 cm, white. Corona filaments in 6-9 series, banded white and purple to dark purple; two major outer series, slightly curved, unequal: outer series 0-18 mm, second series 43.9-55.4 mm; inner series 1-2 mm, curved filiform, white with purple tip, covering the interior of the hypanthium. Staminal filaments 8-11 mm long, white greenish. Ovary pubescent, white, 8-9 mm long; three styles, white, 9-12 mm long, stigmas white to cream. Androgynophore glabrous, greenish white, 14-17 mm long
an enlarged base about 10 mm wide. Operculum membranous, 4-5 mm long, recurved, shortly fimbriated at margin. Fruit obovoid, round in transversal section, pubescent, 3.6-7.3 cm long, about 2.5-4.8 cm in diameter; pericarp 0.5-1 cm thick; immature fruits green with fine white dots; mature fruits light orange, white spotted, with a sweet translucent pulp. Seeds obovoid, flat, with retuse apex, about 1 cm long.