A taxonomic revision of two genera, Pleurolobus and Sohmaea (Leguminosae) in Thailand and Indo-China Author Saisorn, Witsanu School of Science, Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat 80161, Thailand. Author Chantaranothai, Pranom Department of Biology & Centre of Excellence on Biodiversity (BDC), Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand. text Phytotaxa 2022 2022-11-23 573 2 231 246 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.573.2.4 journal article 194617 10.11646/phytotaxa.573.2.4 80d52cdf-fbd6-4aa4-b9f1-c6e8ac9dc473 1179-3163 7349951 2. Pleurolobus gangeticus (Linnaeus 1753: 746) J. Saint-Hilaire (1812: 192) . Fig. 1A–B . Hedysarum gangeticum L. Type:— INDIA . Hedysarum no. 5 ( lectotype LINN 921.13 ! [digital image], designated by Fawcet & Rendle, 1920) . Aeschynomene [ Aeschinomene ] gangetica (L.) Poir. (1798: 453) . Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC. (1825b: 327) . Meibomia gangetica (L.) Kuntze (1891: 196) . = Hedysarum maculatum Linnaeus (1753: 746) . Type :— INDIA . Hedysarum no. 4 ( lectotype LINN 921.14 ! [digital image], designated by Schubert, 1963 ). Aeschynomene [ Aeschinomene ] maculata (L.) Poiret (1798: 452) . Pleurolobus maculatus (L.) J.St.-Hil. (1812: 192) . Desmodium maculatum (L.) DC. (1825b: 327) . = Hedysarum lanceolatum Schumacher & Thonning in Schumacher. (1827: 360). Type :— GUINEA . Thonning s.n. ( holotype C, n.v.), fide Schubert (1963) . Desmodium lanceolatum (Schumach. & Thonn.) Walper (1842: 737) , non ( Dunn 1903: 488 ) Schindl. ex Gagnep. (1920). = Desmodium polygonoides Welwitsch ex Baker (1871: 161) . Type :— GUINEA . Highlands of Pungo Andongo , Welwitsch 2160 ( holotype LISU! LISU209128 [digital image], isotypes BM! BM000842714 ). Meibomia polygonoides (Welw. ex Baker) Kuntze (1891: 198) . = Desmodium cavaleriei H. Léveillé (1914 –15: 232). Type :— CHINA . Cavalerie 3274 ( lectotype E! E00275864 , designated here, isolectotype A! A00053818 [digital image]). Erect or prostrate herb, up to 2 m high; stems and twigs terete, young branches angular, glabrous to appressed pubescent and spreading minutely uncinate. Leaves subalternately to alternately arranged; stipules, narrowly triangular, 5–13 × 1–3 mm , apex long acuminate to caudate, surface glabrescent to pubescent and minutely uncinate; petioles 0.2–3 cm long, pubescent and minutely uncinate. Leaflet subcoriaceous; stipels narrowly triangular or filiform, 3–7 × 0.5–1 mm , apex pointed, surface sparsely pubescent and minutely uncinate; petiolules 1.5–4 mm , densely pubescent and minutely uncinate; leaf blade ±lanceolate, ovate to elliptic, 2–16 × 0.7–7 cm , apex shallowly acute to attenuate, base obtuse, rounded to subcordate, margin entire, upper surface sparsely to densely minutely uncinate and with sparsely appressed hairs, lower surface appressed pubescent and minutely uncinate; lateral veins 8–12 per side. Inflorescences pseudoracemose, 10–40 cm long; rachis minutely uncinate. Primary bract 2.5–6 × 0.5–1 mm , increasing in length toward the apex of inflorescence, apex long acuminate, surface glabrescent, distinctly veined, enclosing 3–4-immature flowers and secondary bract. Secondary bract persistent, narrowly triangular to filiform, 1–1.5 mm long, glabrescent. Flowers ca. 4 mm long, 3–4-flowered fascicles; pedicels 3–3.5 mm long, uncinate. Calyx 2–2.5 mm long, base obtuse; outside straight hairy, inside glabrous, tube ca. 1 mm long; teeth 4, upper most shallowly divided, 1–1.5 mm long, ±equal to tube length. Corolla : standard oblanceolate or obovate, 4–4.5 × 2.5–3 mm , apex shallowly emarginate, base attenuate, not auriculate, claw ca. 0.5 mm long; wings broadly oblong, 3–3.5 × 1.5 mm , apex obtuse, base indistinctly auriculate, less than 0.3 mm long, claw 1–1.2 mm long; keels curved, 3.3–4 × 1.3–2 mm , apex obtuse, base not auriculate, claw 1–1.3 mm long. Stamens 4.5–5 mm long; anthers ellipsoid, ca. 0.4 × 0.3 mm . Gynoecium 4.5–5 mm long; ovary sessile, pubescent, 7-ovulate; style ca. 1 mm long, glabrescent; stigma minutely capitate. Pod s dark brown to black, 2–7-articulate, straight to curved, 0.7–2.2 × 0.25–0.3 cm , surface minutely uncinate and with sparsely straight hairs along both sutures, reticulate-patterned, upper suture thickened, less constricted, lower suture thickened, deeply constricted, ca. 1.2 mm deep; isthmus 1/4–1/3 as broad as the pod; articles slightly elliptic to rounded, 2.5–3 mm long; pod stipe usually absent, when present, ca. 0.5 mm long; fruiting pedicels 2–4 mm long, minutely uncinate. Seeds brown, reniform, ca. 2 × 1.5 mm , 0.6–0.8 mm thick. Distribution :—Africa, Asia, and Australia . Ecology :—Dry evergreen, mixed deciduous, and dry dipterocarp forests, beach forest, and limestone mountains; 0–1100 m elev. Phenology :—Flowering in June–March. Fruiting in July–May. Notes :—The prologue of Desmodium cavaleriei H.Lév. is validly published. A specimen, Cavalerie 3274 was cited but no herbarium was indicated. This collection is later found in A and E herbaria. A duplicate at E is mounted on single herbarium sheet with two labels, a determination slip and barcode label. This duplicate is selected here as the lectotype , whereas another one kept at A is a photocopy of specimen from E. On the upper left of sheet is consisted of a small pocket with leaf and fruit inside which are presumed to be fragments of E specimen.According to article 8.3, Ex. 8 of ICN ( Turland et al. , 2018 ), fragment that is removed from type and conserved at another herbarium or institution should be isotype (or isolectotype in this case). Specimens examined :— THAILAND . Mae Hong Son : Pai , 30 June 1995 , BGO. Staff 3930 ( QBG ) , Khun Yuam , 7 Sept. 1974 , Larsen & Larsen 34260 ( AAU ) , Mae Sariang , 19 Nov. 1994 , Maxwell 94-1219 ( BKF , CMUB ) & Mueang Mae Hong Son , Pong Mu subdistrict, 6 Feb. 2013 , Norsaengsri 10178 ( QBG ) ; Chiang Mai : Doi Suthep-Pui National Park , 19 Oct. 2000 , Chamsai 92 ( CMUB ) , Chiang Dao , Khun Kong , 14 Mar. 1965 , Chermsirivathana 330 ( BK ) , Doi Suthep-Pui National Park , 1 May 1966 , Chermsirivathana 606 ( BK ) , Doi Suthep-Pui National Park , 5 Nov. 2013 , Clark et al. 341 ( K ) , Doi Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary , 8 Nov. 2013 , Clark et al. 356 ( K ) , Doi Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary , 14 Dec. 1995 , Gardner H 168 ( CMUB , L ) , Mueang Chiang Mai , 28 Oct. 1992 , Jai & Bella 41 ( CMUB ) , without locality, 16 Oct. 1910 , Kerr 1477 (BM-2 sheets, K , P ) , Doi Suthep-Pui National Park , 21 Oct. 1987 , Maxwell 87-1223 ( BKF , CMU ) , Chiang Dao , Ban Bing Kong , 29 Oct. 1987 , Maxwell 87-1299 ( CMU ) , Mae Taeng , Doi Sahng Liang , 8 Nov. 1997 , Maxwell 97-1317 ( CMUB ) , Chiang Dao , Wat Chiang Dao , 24 Sept. 1971 , Murata et al. T-14855 ( BKF , KYO , P , TI ) , San Kamphaeng , Mueang On , 16 Oct. 1998 , Palee 460 ( CMUB ) , Chiang Dao , Ban Hua Thung , 22 Dec. 2010 , Pongamornkul 2849 ( QBG ) , Fang , Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park , 21 Dec. 2014 , Saisorn 354 ( KKU ) , Doi Inthanon National Park , Mae Klang Waterfall , 13 Nov. 1965 , Sangkhachand 52 ( BK ) , Doi Suthep-Pui National Park , 23 Aug. 1948 , Soradat 131 ( BKF ) , Fang , Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park, 22 Feb. 1958 , SØrensen et al. 1516 ( C ) , near Chiang Mai , 22 Apr. 1958 , SØrensen et al. 2966 ( C , SING ) , Samoeng , north of Chiang Mai , 13 Sept. 1958 , SØrensen et al. 4946 ( C ) , Doi Suthep-Pui National Park , 14 Sept. 1958 , SØrensen et al. 4976 ( C , E , SING ) , Mong Ma Tab , 24 Oct. 1939 , Suratae 67 (BK-2 sheets) & Mueang Chiang Mai , 27 Sept. 1985 , Wadiwaneeroj 70 ( CMUB ) ; Chiang Rai : Khun Korn Waterfall Forest Park, 14 Oct. 1997 , KK 556 (BCU-2 sheets), Mae Sai , Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang Non Forest Park, 3 Nov. 2010 , Norsaengsri & Tathana 7318 ( QBG ) & Mae Sai, Tham Luang-Khun Nam Nang Non Forest Park, 5 Nov. 2011 , Norsaengsri & Tathana 8330 ( BKF , QBG ) ; Phayao : Doi Luang National Park , Champa Thong Waterfall , 5 Nov. 2015 , Muangyen 330 ( QBG ) & Doi Luang National Park , 22 Oct. 1997 , Petroitr 145 ( BKF , CMUB ) ; Nan : Tha Wang Pha , 25 Feb. 1998 , Srisanga et al. 240 ( CMUB , KEP , QBG-2 sheets) & Mueang Nan , Huai Pook village , 11 Jan. 2011 , Srithi 545 ( QBG ) ; Lamphun : road no. 2005, 3 Nov. 2013 , Clark et al. 325 ( K ) ; Lampang : Mae Mo , Champa Dat volcano, 13 Mar. 2012 , Jatupol et al. 758 ( QBG ) , Mueang Pan, Chae Son National Park, 22 Oct. 1995 , Maxwell 95-968 ( BKF , CMUB ) & Wang Nuea, Chae Son National Park, 26 Oct. 1995 , Maxwell 95-1026 ( CMUB , L ) ; Phrae : Den Chai , 7 Oct. 1929 , Franck 107 ( C ) ; Uttaradit : Tha Pla , Sirikit Dam , 29 June 2012 , Norsaengsri & Tathana 9669 ( QBG ) & Nam Pat , Phu Miang-Phu Thong Wildlife Sanctuary , 22 Mar. 2011 , Romklao Botanical Garden 0205/2554 ( QBG ) ; Tak : Mueang Tak , Lan Sang National Park , 17 Nov. 2015 , Pisuttimarn 401-1 ( KKU ) , Mae Sot , near shrine Pa Wo , 17 Nov. 2015 , Pisuttimarn 402-1 ( KKU ) & north of Tak , 4 Mar. 1958 , SØrensen et al. 1878 ( C ) ; Sukhothai : Si Satchanalai , Si Satchanalai National Park , 19 Nov. 2014 , Norsaengsri 11578 ( QBG ) ; Phitsanulok : Phu Miang-Phu Thong Wildlife Sanctuary , 29 Oct. 2013 , Clark et al. 291 ( K ) , Noen Maprang , Tham Pha Tha Phon Wildlife Sanctuary , 18 Nov. 2010 , Maknoi 3994 ( QBG-2 sheets), Thung Salaeng Luang National Park , 21 Oct. 1984 , Murata et al. T-38294 ( BKF , KYO ) , Thung Salaeng Luang National Park , 22 Oct. 1984 , Murata et al. T-38586 ( BKF , TI ) & without locality, S.P. et al. 108 (BKF); Kamphaeng Phet : Dong Lan , Dong Lan waterfall, 25 Nov. 1977 , Phengklai et al. 3911 (BKF-2 sheets, PSU ) ; Northern Thailand : Mae Tak , 3 Mar. 1958 , SØrensen et al. 1866 ( C , E ) ; Phetchabun : Nam Nao National Park , 27 Dec. 1982 , Koyama et al. T-31789 ( BKF , KYO ) , Nam Nao National Park , 28 Jan. 2004 , Mattapha 701 ( KKU ) & Nam Nao National Park , 29 Mar. 2015 , Saisorn 389 ( KKU ) ; Loei : Ban Na Luang , 14 Nov. 1968 , Chermsirivathana 1014 ( BK ) , Wang Saphung , 26 Sept. 1957 , Dee 921 ( BKF ) , Phu Ruea , Phu Ruea National Park , 12 Nov. 2005 , Hanmontri 2 ( KKU ) , Phu Kho-Phu Kratae Wildlife Sanctuary , 25 Dec. 2011 , Norsaengsri & Tathana 8435 ( QBG ) & Phu Kradueng , Pha Nok Khao , 26 Nov. 1965 , Tagawa et al. T-329 ( BKF , KYO , TI ) ; Udon Thani : Kumphawapi , 4 Dec. 2008 , Norsaengsri 4575 ( QBG ) & without locality, 18 Sept. 1997 , Trisarasri 455 (BCU-2 sheets); Sakon Nakhon : Phu Phan National Park , 1 Nov. 1998 , Leeratiwong 98-26 ( KKU ) , Phu Phan National Park , 11 Nov. 1999 , Leeratiwong 99-177 ( KKU ) & Mueang Sakon Nakhon , Ban Hnong Sanom , 9 Dec. 2006 , Mompanao KM 082 ( BK ) ; Khon Kaen : Waeng Yai , Ban Thalung Lek , 21 Oct. 2008 , Norsaengsri 4328 ( QBG-2 sheets) & Phu Pha Man National Park , 25 Feb. 2011 , Norsaengsri et al. 7576 ( QBG ) ; Nakhon Ratchasima : Wang Nam Khiao, Sakaerat Environmental Research Station , 26 Nov. 2014 , Saisorn et al. 330 ( KKU ) ; Yasothon : Mueang Yasothon , Thung Tae subdistrict, 17Aug. 2014 , Saisorn 236 ( KKU ) ; Kanchanaburi : Sangkhla Buri , Dec.2003 , Kansuntisukmonkol 1091 ( CMUB (1)), Sai Yok , Huai Mae Nam Noi, 1 Jan. 1963 , Larsen 9072 ( C ) , Sai Yok , Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus , 20 Dec. 2005 , Maxwell 05-735 ( CMUB ) , Si Sawat , Aug. 1970 , Ohashi 2903 ( BKF , KYO ) , Si Sawat , Erawan National Park , 3 Nov. 1987 , Shimizu et al. T-21569 ( BKF , KYO ) , Sai Yok , near Sai Yok Arboretum , 6 Nov. 1979 , Shimizu et al. T-21810 ( BKF ) , Sangkhla Buri , 12 Dec. , Susthi 2 ( BCU ) , without locality, Sept. 1918 , Winit 483 ( K ) & Sangkhla Buri , Wang Ka Lang , 5 Feb. S.N. 4 ( BKF ) ; Ratchaburi : west of Huai Yang , 12 Aug. 1966 , Larsen et al. 1528 ( AAU ) & Pak Tho , Chaloem Phrakiat Thai Prachan National Park , 24 Oct. 2014 , Saisorn et al. 286 ( KKU ) ; Prachuap Khiri Khan : Pa Klang Ao Forest Park , 20 Oct. 1994 , Jonganurak 126 (BCU-2 sheets), Sam Roi Yot , 7 May 1974 , Larsen & Larsen 33713 ( AAU ) , Pran Buri , 18 Aug. 1965 , Phengnaren 129 ( BKF ) & Sam Roi Yot , Khao Sam Roi Yot , 15 Nov. 1964 , Sangkhachand 1080 ( BKF , K ) ; Saraburi : Muak Lek , 14 Dec. 1990 , Larsen et al. 41994 ( AAU ) ; Nakhon Pathom : without locality, 22 Oct. 1968 , Shra ? 12 ( BCU ) ; Nakhon Nayok : without locality, 12 Mar. 1958 , SØrensen et al. 2089 ( C ) & Sarika waterfall, 20 Oct. 1966 , S. & J. 1915 ( BK , TI ) ; Bangkok : without locality, 31 Jan. 1920 , Kerr 3979 ( BM , K ) , without locality, 22 June 1926 , Lakshnakara 166 ( BK ) , Khet Thon Buri , Dec. 1987 , Limseng 5 ( BCU ) , without locality, 14 Mar. 1920 , Marcan 101 ( BM , C ) , Khet Khlong San , 28 July 1970 , Maxwell 70-59 ( BK ) , Khet Phra Khanong , 29 Oct. 1961 , Pantuwatana 104 ( BCU ) , without locality, 19 Sept. 1955 , Puengphob 8 ( BCU ) , without locality, 30 Aug. 1962 , Sirirugsa 22 ( BCU ) , Klong Rangsit , Sept. 1920 , Smith 105 ( BK , BM ) & without locality, S.N. (BK); Samut Prakan : Phra Pradaeng , Pak Nam , 29 Jan. 1955 , Ritrugsa 14 ( BCU ) ; Sa Kaeo : Khao Chakan , 21 Sept. 1984 , Umpai 645 ( BK ) ; Prachin Buri : Khao Yai National Park , 14 July 1966 , Larsen et al. 417 ( AAU ) ; Chon Buri : Si Racha , Dec. 1912 , Collins 45 ( K ) & northeast of Sattahip , 14 Oct. 1969 , Maxwell s.n. ( AAU , E ) ; Chanthaburi : Soi Dao , 11 June 1963 , Larsen 10006 ( AAU ) , Pong Nam Ron , Pong Diang , 22 Oct. 1956 , Smitinand 3594 ( BKF ) & Siam ( Chantabun ), 11 Dec. 1935 , Vesterdal 437 ( C ) ; Surat Thani : Koh Mae-Koh , 26 Apr. 2009 , Phengklai et al. 15981 ( BKF ) & Ban Don , 2 Jan. 1935 , Seidenfaden 2097 ( C , SING ) ; Songkhla : Hat Yai , Ton Nga Chang Waterfall , 2 Mar. 2015 , Saisorn 385 ( KKU ) ; Without province provided: Me Chang , 8 Feb. 1912 , Kerr 2338 ( BM , E , K-2 sheets), Ban Kao , 8 Nov. 1961 , Larsen 8045 ( C ) & without locality, S.N. 260 (BK); LAOS . Luang Prabang : Pha Tad Ke Bot. Gar. , 303 m , 8 Mar. 2016 , Maknoi L 5-37 ( QBG ) ; Khammoun : Khoun Kham , Konglor cave area, 19 Feb. 2013 , Lanorsavanh et al. SL671 ( NUOL ) ; Savannakhet : without locality, 12 Oct. 1938 , Poilane 27982 ( AAU , BKF , P ) ; CAMBODIA . Rattanakiri : Lom Pat , Keng San village , 125 m , 25 Mar. 2001 , Maxwell 01-208 ( CMUB ) ; Kampong Speu : Phanom O Phnau , 600 m , 22 Jan. 1938 , Poilane 14523 ( BKF , P ) ; VIETNAM . Hanoi : Cau Gray , 3 Sept. 1977 , Loc & Long P-2921B ( HNU ) , Nghua D?, 3 Sept. 1977 , Loc & Long P-2922B ( HNU ) , Graup Ba , 20 Oct. 1977 , Loc & Long P-2967B ( HNU ) & without locality, 30 Oct. 1957 , Tri 3131 (HNU-3 sheets); Hai Phong : Dao Cat Ba , Oct. 1975 , Nhue 17 ( HNU ) ; Cao Bang : Tra Linh , municipality Luu Ngoc , 600–650 m , 13 Dec. 1998 , Averyanov et al. CBL1159 ( AAU , HN ) ; Lang Son : Cao Loc , Tomg Han , 17 Nov. 1963 , Dai s.n. (HNU-2 sheets) , Savan Mink Son , 6 Sept. 1962 , Dao 3133 (HNU-2 sheets), Chi Lang , Dong Mo , 21 Apr. 1981 , Nghua T. 793 ( HNU ) ; Son La : Moc Chau , 27 Nov. 1961 , Loc s.n. (HNU-2 sheets) ; Ha Nam : Kim Bang , Ba Sao , 30 Mar. 1976 , Loc & Yen P-3155 ( HNU ) ; Thanh Hoa : Lam Son , 20 Apr. 1983 , Bhan C. 12 (HNU-2 sheets) , Lam Son , 22 Oct. 1983 , Binh B-812 (HNU-4 sheets) , Lam Son , 27 Mar. 1984 , Binh B-945 (HNU-3 sheets) & Lam Son , 22 Oct. 1984 , Binh B-1089 ( HNU ) ; Gia Lai : Ha Tam , 24 Dec. 1977 , Thai 0296D ( HNU ) ; Lam Dong : km 152 de Saigon , route no. 20, 10 Jan. 1934 , Poilane 23361 ( AAU , BKF , P ) ; Dong Nai : Bien Hoa , km 46, route no. 20, 15 Nov. 1932 , Poilane 21381 ( AAU , P ) ; Pl. du Tonkin : without locality, Oct. 1885 , Balansa 1237 ( G ) & without locality, Oct. 1886 , Balansa 2206 ( G ) ; Cochinchina : without locality, Dec. 1838 , Gaudichaud 250? ( G ) , without locality, 1839, Gaudichaud s.n. ( G ) & without locality, 1862–1866, Thorel 587 ( G ) .