Synopsis of the Grenadier Fishes (Gadiformes; Teleostei) of Taiwan
Iwamoto, Tomio
Section of Ichthyology, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA;
Nakayama, Naohide
Laboratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, 2 - 5 - 1 Akebono-cho, Kochi, 780 - 8073, Japan;
Shao, Kwang-Tsao
Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Road, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan;
Table, Hsuan-Ching Ho
Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences
journal article
Key to the Species of
1a. Second spinous ray of 1D smooth............................................... 2
1b. Second spinous ray of 1D finely serrated along leading edge......................... 3
2a. Pectoral fin long, 1.3–1.5 into HL; no enlarged spinules on scales along 2D base.........................................................................
V. macroptera
2b. Pectoral fin moderate to short, about 1.7 into HL; scales along 2D base with enlarged spinules.................................................................
V. sazonovi
3a. Scales extremely small and finely spinulated, scaled surfaces almost velvety when stroked fore and aft; scale rows below 2D origin 9–10 a small tubercular scale at snout tip; suborbital shelf greatly constricted below anterior quarter of orbit..........................
V. misakia
3b. Scales moderate in size with spinules of variable size, skin surface not velvety smooth; scale rows below 2D origin 5–8; no terminal snout scute; suborbital shelf not greatly constricted anteriorly................................................................. 4
4a. Spinules on body scales broad, short, and triangular (
8–9, usually 8; 1D dusky to clear, without a distinct black blotch)............................................
V. garmani
4b. Spinules on body scales narrowly lanceolate to conical (
8–10; 1D dusky to blackish, some species with a black blotch)................................................... 5
5a. Body color uniformly brown except swarthy over abdomen (underlain by bluish) and no silvery reflections, suborbital uniformly dark brown, no black shelf; snout rather blunt in lateral view, scarcely protruding beyond mouth....................................
V. saikaiensis
5b. Body color light grayish-brown dorsally, silvery along sides, suborbital with black shelf; snout moderately pointed to rather blunt and prominently to scarcely protruding beyond mouth.. 6
6a. Barbel less than 24% of HL; lateral-line scale rows 43 or less; 1D with prominent black blotch or broad midlateral streak.................................................... 7
6 b. Barbel 25% or more of HL; lateral-line scale rows 45 or more; 1D uniformly dusky or with midlateral black streak....................................................... 8
7a. Rays of
9 or 10; mesial GR-I 15–17 total, lateral GR-II 14–17 total; length upper jaw usually 43–46% HL; black distal margin anteriorly on A fin................
V. rhipidodorsalis
7b. Rays of
8 or 9; mesial GR-I 13–15 total, lateral GR-II 12–14 total; length upper jaw 40–43% HL; no black margin on A fin......................................
V. nigrodorsalis
8a. 1D usually uniformly dusky or somewhat darker proximally.................
V. divergens
8b. 1D dark or black midlaterally, distally pale or dusky....................
V. longibarbata