The taxonomy and nomenclature associated with Kalanchoe adelae (Crassulaceae subfam. Kalanchooideae) Author Smith, Gideon F. text Phytotaxa 2024 2024-08-15 663 1 33 40 journal article 306632 10.11646/phytotaxa.663.1.4 d2a7ffa4-c15c-4cf2-92b8-ef48366f7f74 1179-3163 14516024 Kalanchoe adelae Hamet (1907: 878 , 882). Type :—[ COMORO ISLANDS . Grande Comore ], undated, likely July 1886 , [Mr L . J . H . ] Humblot 1570 ( lectotype Herb. P barcodeP00431000 [image of the specimen accessible online at p00431000]), here designated as lectotype ( Fig. 1 ). FIGURE 1. Lectotype, [ L.J.H. ] Humblot 1570 (Herb. P barcode P00431000 [image of the specimen accessible online at http://coldb.]), of the name Kalanchoe adelae designated in this paper: “[COMORO ISLANDS. Grande Comore], undated, likely July 1886”. Copyright of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (MNHN—Paris, France), and reproduced with their permission, which is gratefully acknowledged. Homotypic synonym :— Bryophyllum adelae (Raym.-Hamet) Berger (1930: 412) . Heterotypic synonym :— Kalanchoe floribunda Tulasne (1857: 150) , non [ K. floribunda ] Wight & Walker-Arnot (1834: 359) , nom. illeg . ( Turland et al . 2018 : Art. 53.1). Type :—[ COMORO ISLANDS .] Iles Comores, Angazija, 1847–1852, M . [ Louis-Hyacinthe ] Boivin s.n . ( lectotype Herb. P barcode P 00431004 [image of the specimen accessible online at p00431004]), designated by Smith & Figueiredo (2023b: 280) ( Fig. 2 ). Nomenclatural notes on the type of Kalanchoe adelae :—When treating K. adelae , the only material that Hamet (1908: 26) cited was “[ M . [Mr] Humblot, no 1570!]”, “ Madagascar ” [sic, it should have been “ Comoro Islands ”]. At least four specimens that were all collected by [ L . J . H . ] Humblot under his collecting number “ 1570 ”, as cited by Hamet (1908: 26) , exist at Herb. P . These four specimens —all of them syntypes (see Turland et al . 2018 : Art. 9.6 and Note 1 under Art. 40)—were mounted on four different sheets. These specimens can be identified as follows with reference to the various labels attached to them: 1. A printed label headed “Herbier E . Drake” that was stamped “Humblot. – COMORES ” and completed by hand as “1570 Kalanchoe Adelae R. Hamet ” with the date “ juillet 1886 ” added in the same handwriting. An undated, handwritten determinavit slip that was signed by Henri Humbert, stating: “= K. floribunda Tul. non W . et Arn” is also attached to the mounting board. [The preserved material is of a flowering specimen that lacks leaves.] Herb. P barcode P 00430999. 2. A printed label headed “ HERB . MUS . PARIS ” that was completed by hand as “ No 1570 Kalanchoe Adelae R. Hamet [.] R . Hamet determinavit[.] M . Humblot”. A small piece of paper attached to the specimen carries the handwritten number “1570”. A handwritten determinavit slip dated 2 February 1923 that was signed by Henri Humbert, stating: “= K. floribunda Tul. (non W . et Arn.)” is also attached to the mounting board. [The preserved material is of a flowering specimen with leaves, as well as, presumably, plant fragments enclosed in a folded paper capsule.] Herb. P barcode P 00431000. 3. A printed label headed “Herbier E . Drake” that was stamped “Humblot. – COMORES ” and completed by hand as “ Kalanchoe Adelae R. Hamet ” with the date “ juillet 1886 ” added in the same handwriting. The number “1570” handwritten on a small piece of paper is attached to the specimen. A handwritten determinavit slip dated February 1933 that was signed by Henri Humbert, stating: “= Kalanchoe Adelae R. Hamet = K. floribunda Tul. (non W . et Arn.)” is also attached to the mounting board. [Leaf material only is attached to the mounting board.] Herb. P barcode P 00431001. 4. A printed label of which the heading is obscured by leaf material, stating “ Kalanchoe Adelae R. Hamet ” and signed by R . Hamet, with “ Madagascar ” [crossed out] and replaced by “Grande Comore”. The number “1570” handwritten on a small piece of paper is attached to the specimen. An undated, handwritten determinavit slip that was signed by Henri Humbert, stating: “= K. floribunda Tul. non W . et Arn.” is also attached to the mounting board. [The preserved material is of a flowering specimen with a few leaves.] Herb. P barcode P 00431002. Dorr (1997: 128) recorded that the herbarium of Emmanuel Drake del Castillo (1855–1904) includes collections made by, inter alia, Humblot, which explains the printed labels headed “Herbier E . Drake” attached to some of the Humblot specimens. Other Humblot specimens were apparently sent directly to Herb. P . Drake’s contributions to the taxonomy of Kalanchoe were treated in Smith & Figueiredo (2022: 158–165) . The four accessions enumerated as “1.” to “4.”, above, were all clearly given the number [ L . J . H . ] Humblot ] 1570 and all four qualify as original material because they were obviously available to Raymond-Hamet at Herb. P well before he published the name K. adelae in 1907 and treated the species in 1908. Of these four specimens the [ L . J . H . ] Humblot 1570 specimen—the most complete one—that can be identified as Herb. P barcode P 00431000 is designated here as the lectotype of the name K. adelae ( Fig. 1 ). Descoings (2003: 144) stated that the “ T : ” of the name K. adelae is “ Comoro Islands ( Boivin s.n. [ P ])”. This attempted typification of the name K. adelae on non-Humblot material was not effective. The abbreviation “ T : ” is defined simply as “(nomenclatural) type” in Eggli (2003 : X). Rather, the specimen [ Louis-Hyacinthe ] Boivin s.n . is the lectotype of the name K. floribunda Tulasne (1857: 150) , non [ K. floribunda ] Wight & Walker-Arnot (1834: 359) , nom. illeg . Taxonomic note :—The name K. adelae is in use for an accepted species.