B. fortuita
B. glaucophylla
B. parva
B. undulifolia
Habit [m] |
subacaulescent shrub, <1 tall |
shrub, 1-4 tall |
slender shrub, 0.5-3 tall |
shrub, 1-4 tall |
Leaf [cm] |
glaucous, white below, 100-120 × 4-5, apex abruptly caudate and apiculate; apicule 0.5-1 |
glaucous, 52-75 × 3.9-6.5, apex abruptly caudate and apiculate; apicule 1-1.2 |
dark green above, pale glaucous below, 18-60 × 1-4.8, apex abruptly caudate and flagellate; flagellum 2-9 |
light green, 45-85 × 6-9.5, abrubtly caudate and flagellate; flagellum 4.5-5 |
Ventral pleats |
armed |
unarmed |
unarmed |
unarmed |
Syncarp [cm] |
subglobose, c. 6 in diam. |
broadly ellipsoid, 5.7 × 4.5 |
globose to broadly ovoid, 1.8-5.5 × 1.7-4 |
cylindrical-ellipsoid, 6-7 × 4.1-1.7 |
Style [mm] |
stout acuminate, 3-4, slightly curved proximally |
stout subulate, 5-6.5, strongly curved proximally |
horn-like, 2.5-6, sharply curved upwards |
fine linear, 4-5.5, curved |