Revision of the genus Eotrechus Kirkaldy (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Gerridae), with descriptions of six new species Author Tran, Anh Duc Faculty of Biology, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam Author Zettel, Herbert Herbert Zettel, 2 nd Zoological Department (Entomology), Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria Author Sites, Robert W. Enns Entomology Museum, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2023 2023-03-16 70 1 69 111 journal article 1860-1324-1-69 99BBA4C8ED2048879952B61CC25309D4 CA0CBE818BFA5DFA80DBD42521D5DBE3 Eotrechus petraeus Andersen, 1982 Figs 6 , 7 , 26 Eotrechus petraeus Andersen, 1982: 15-16, figs 10, 18, 20, 24 (type locality: Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai, Thailand). Eotrechus petraeus : Andersen (1998 : 6) (checklist). Material examined. Holotype : Thailand (apterous); Chiang Mai Province , Doi Suthep National Park , Mahidol waterfall; 1250 m a.s.l. ; 27 Sep. 1981 ; Zool. Museum Copenhagen leg.; ZMUC. Diagnosis. Size: apterous male: length 7.8, width 2.0 (Andersen, 1982). Male: mesosternum ca. 3.6 x length of metasternum; fore femur incrassate, with a large basal tubercle bearing a round spot of black, minute setae, along flexor side of femur with a row of eight long, stiff setae (three on base, five on elongate part); fore tibia distally thicker and curved, flexor side clearly bisinuate, with scattered stiff setae on exterior side (Fig. 6 ); abdominal sterna II-VI weakly grooved in the middle; sternum VII broadly depressed, slightly shorter than two preceding sterna combined, posterior margin with a large U-shaped median notch about as deep as two-fifths of sternum VII length. Male genitalia: abdominal segment VIII large, ventral side distinctly longer than sternum VII, posterior margin with dense, brownish setae; pygophore with small lateral tubercles bearing a tuft of yellowish setae, which is directed dorsad, caudal projection of pygophore long, triangular, and with apical part evenly curved dorsad (Fig. 7A-D ); paramere elongated, tapering towards apex, length more than twice as width (Fig. 7D ); proctiger with lateral processes rectangular, bearing long, brownish setae, ventral surface with a patch of dark, long, brush-like setae (Fig. 7E, F ). Female unknown. Figure 6. Eotrechus petraeus , habitus of holotype. A. Lateral view; B. Dorsal view (both of same scale). Figure 7. Eotrechus petraeus , holotype. A, B. Genitalia, ventral and lateral views; C, D. Pygophore, lateral and dorsal views; E, F. Proctiger, lateral and dorsal views. ( A, B. Same scale; C-F. Same scale). Remarks. See comparative notes for E. kerberos sp. nov. Some specimens collected at Doi Inthanon (Chiang Mai, Thailand) were recorded as Eotrechus petraeus by Vitheepradit and Sites (2007) ; in fact, they belong to a new species, E. thai sp. nov., as described in a later section of the present paper. Distribution. Thailand: Chiang Mai ( Andersen 1982 ) (Fig. 26 ).