On the microphthalmous Lathrobium Gravenhorst species of Turkey III. Two new species from central northern Anatolia, and an updated key to Turkish species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae) Author Anlaş, Sinan text Zootaxa 2022 2022-04-01 5124 2 216 222 journal article 53155 10.11646/zootaxa.5124.2.6 787ad2e0-9357-4c0a-bad5-6aaa8382ea28 1175-5326 6405104 F0105E6E-3DAC-4F6E-8748-D181E341862F Lathrobium ( Lathrobium ) tokatense sp. n. ( Figs. 1−11 ) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 6D47B9D6-F8A0-4830-9256-B1DBB420A726 Type material. Holotype : Turkey : , “TR. Tokat , Topçam Dağı , Çamdere 6 km S, 1484 m , 40°25'38''N , 36°33'08''E , 28.IV.2021 , leg. Anlaş , Kacar & Çelik. / Holotypus , Lathrobium ( Lathrobium ) tokatense sp. n. det. S. Anlaş 2021 ” ( AZMM ) . Paratypes : 4 ♀♀ , same data as holotype ( AZMM ) . 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Tokat , Çamlık 7 km SE, 1240 m , 40°27'19''N , 36°33'09''E , 07.VII.2021 , leg. Örgel , Kacar & Çelik ( AZMM ) . 1 ♂ , 3 ♀♀ , Tokat , Çamlık 6 km E, 1508 m 40º25'37"N , 36º33'07"E , 19.XI.2021 , by MSS traps ( AZMM ) . 1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀ , Tokat , Şehitler 2 km NE, 1338 m , 40º31'16"N , 36º35'31"E , 19.XI.2021 , by MSS traps ( AZMM ) . Description. Measurements (in mm) and ratios (range, n = 14): AL: 1.25-1.32, 1.29; HL: 0.58-0.64, 0.60; HW: 0.46-0.54, 0.50; PL: 0.63-0.70, 0.66; PW: 0.41-0.49, 0.45; EL: 0.32-0.37, 0.34; EW: 0.50-0.60, 0.56; AW: 0.58- 0.69, 0.63; ML: 1.11-1.18, 1.14 (n=4); FL: 3.7-3.8, 3.8; TL: 4.3-4.5, 4.4; HL/HW: 1.19-1.26, 1.24; PW/HW: 0.89- 0.91, 0.90; PW/PL: 0.65-0.70, 0.68; EL/PL: 0.51-0.53, 0.52; EW/PW: 1.22-1.22, 1.22; EL/EW: 0.62-0.64, 0.63; AW/EW: 1.15-1.16, 1.16. Habitus as in Figure 1 . Body 4.3−4.5 mm long. Colouration: whole body uniformly rufous, posterior margin of abdominal segments III–VI more or less blackish; antennae and legs reddish brown. Head oblong, ( Figs. 1−2 and see ratios HL/HW); integument with shallow fine microreticulation; punctation non-umbilicate, sparse and smaller in median dorsal area; interstices on average slightly wider than diameter of punctures in lateral areas and wider in median dorsal area; pubescence reddish brown and very sparse; eyes strongly reduced, not clearly visible in dorsal view; ommatidia indistinct but darkly pigmented ( Fig. 3 ). Antennae long and slender ( Fig. 1 ), approximately 1.3 mm long, all antennomeres oblong. Pronotum distinctly oblong approximately 0.9 times as wide as head and narrowed posteriorly ( Figs. 1−2 , see ratios PW/PL and PW/HW); punctation similar to that of head, but slightly denser and larger, medial line impunctate; pubescence reddish brown and very sparse; microsculpture absent. Elytra distinctly shorter than pronotum, and widened posteriad, approximately 1.2 times as wide as pronotum ( Figs. 1−2 and see ratios EW/PW), punctation rather sparse, shallow, and irregularly spaced; microsculpture absent. Hind wings completely reduced. Abdomen wider than elytra, approximately 1.15 times as wide as elytra ( Fig. 1 and see ratio AW/EW), widest at segment VII; puncturation mixed large and small; large punctures sparse, small ones shallow, moderately dense and well-defined; microsculpture present, composed of dense and fine transverse meshes and striae; posterior margin of tergite VII without palisade fringe. Male: sternite VII unmodified, without modified setae, posterior margin shallowly concave ( Fig. 4 ), posterior incision of sternite VIII in the middle increasingly narrowed and deep, pubescence unmodified ( Fig. 5 ). Aedeagus large, approximately 1.10−1.15 mm long, almost symmetrical, with a small protrusion apically in ventral view, ventral process apically acute in lateral view ( Figs. 8−11 ). FIGURES 1–11. Lathrobium tokatense sp. n. 1—habitus; 2—forebody; 3—head in lateral view; 4—male sternite VII; 5—male sternite VIII; 6— female tergite VIII; 7— female sternite VIII; 8, 9— aedeagus in lateral view; 10, 11— aedeagus in ventral view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (Figs. 1−2); 0.2 mm (Figs. 3−11). Female: tergite VIII unmodified, without modified setae ( Fig. 6 ); sternite VIII strongly modified but without modified setae, posterior margin of sternite VIII distinctly asymmetrical, with three unequal protrusions, spineshaped one on the right ( Fig. 7 ). Comparative notes. This new species is the ninth representative of the microphthalmous Lathrobium recorded from Turkey . The species can be distinguished from all its congeners except L. brignolii Bordoni, 1980 , L. distortum Assing, 2007 and L. deforme Assing, 2007 , by the strongly reduced eyes, without ommatidia. It differs from L. brignolii , L. distortum and L. deforme in the aedeagal structures, and the following features: - from L. brignolii Bordoni , in a much more elongate head ( L. brignolii : head approximately 1.10 times as long as wide), and pronotum ( L. brignolii : pronotum approximately as wide as long); longer antennae ( L. brignolii : 0.85‒0.90 mm long); larger aedeagus ( L. brignolii : approximately 0.80‒0.85 mm long); a different shape of the male sternite VIII ( L. brignolii : deeply and rather sharply incised posteriorly); the female tergite VIII ( L. brignolii : posterior margin distinctly pointed); and the female sternite VIII ( L. brignolii : posterior margin distinctly convex). - from L. distortum Assing in a much more elongate head ( L. distortum : head approximately 1.08 times as long as wide); less pronounced microreticulation of the head; a larger aedeagus ( L. distortum : 0.60‒0.65 mm long), a different shape of the male sternite VIII ( L. distortum : posterior excision very broad and not very deep); and the female sternite VIII ( L. distortum : posterior margin obtusely pointed). - from L. deforme Assing in a much more elongate head ( L. deforme : head approximately as wide as long) and pronotum ( L. deforme : pronotum approximately 1.3 times as long as wide); a larger aedeagus ( L. deforme : 0.90 mm long); a different shape of the male sternite VIII ( L. deforme : posterior excision broad and moderately deep); the female tergite VIII ( L. deforme : posterior margin weakly angled in the middle); and the female sternite VIII ( L. deforme : posterior margin strongly convex). For descriptions and illustrations of the above species, see Bordoni (1980) , and Assing (2001 , 2007 ). Etymology. The name is derived from Tokat province , where the type localities are situated. Distribution and bionomics. This new species was collected on Topçam Mountain, in Tokat province . Beetles were collected in mixed forest by sifting litter at altitudes of 1240 and 1480 m , and some of them were collected using subterranean pitfall traps at altitudes of 1340 and 1510 m .