Revision of the family Metarbelidae (Lepidoptera) of the Oriental Region. V. Genus Marcopoloia Yakovlev & Zolotuhin gen. nov. from the Taiwan Island and Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot Author Yakovlev, Roman V. Altai State University, pr. Lenina 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russia. E-mail: yakovlev _ asu @ mail. ru & Tomsk State University, Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecology, Lenina pr. 36, 634050 Tomsk, Russia & Paleo Data Lab., Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia. Author Zolotuhin, Vadim V. Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, pl. 100 - letia Lenina 4, RUS- 432700, Ulyanovsk, Russia. text Ecologica Montenegrina 2021 2021-08-02 44 44 52 journal article 10.37828/em.2021.44.6 2336-9744 13233809 Marcopoloia discipuncta ( Wileman, 1915 ) comb. nov. Figs 1−4 , 9−10 , 15 Arbela discipuncta Wileman, 1915 , The Entomologist, 48: 18. Type locality: Kanshirei [ 23°20′0″N 120°30′0″E , Guanziling Hot Spring, Baihe District, Tainan , Taiwan ]. Type material: holotype (female) in NHMUK . = Arbela baibarana Matsumura, 1927 , syn. nov. Journ. Coll. Agric. Hokk. Imp. Univ. 19 (1): 48. Type locality: Formosa (Horisha) [ 23° 58′ N , 120° 58′ E , Puli , Nantou County , Taiwan ] . Type material: holotype (female) in ZMSU . Material examined . 1 female ( holotype ), Kanshirei , Formosa , 1000 ft. , 27.iv.1908 , A.E. Wileman ( NHMUK ) ; 1 female ( holotype of Arbela baibarana Matsumura ), Horisha , 22.iv.1926 , R . Saito & K. Kikuchi ( ZMSU ) ; 1 male , 23 females , Taiwan , Prov. Ping-Tung , Huang-Lion Recreation Area , 210 m , 06.iii.1996 , leg. Gy. Fabian & L. Nemeth ( MWM , GenPr-Heterocera MWM – 24.603) ; 2 males , 20 females , Taiwan , Prov. Ping-Tung , 10 km SE Mutan , 470 m , 07−10.iii. 1996 , leg. Gy. Fabian & L. Nemeth ( MWM , GenPr-Heterocera MWM – 24.604) ; 1 female , Taiwan , Prov. Nantou , Huisun Forest Area , 500 m , 15 km N Puli , 12−13.iv.1997 , leg. Csorba & Ronkay ( MWM ) ; 1 female , Taiwan , Prov. Ilan Chilan , Forest Recreation Area , 500 m , 14.iv.1997 , leg. Csorba & Ronkay ( MWM ) ; 3 females , Taiwan , Prov. Nan-Tou , 5 km W Lishan hot spring, 22.iv.1997 , leg. Fabian & Kovacs ( MWM ) ; 1 female , Taiwan , Prov. Pingtung , 10 km NW Ssulin , 21.iii. 1996 , 350 m, leg. Csovari & Steger ( MWM ) ; 2 females , Taiwan , 2 km N Tupan , 29.iii. 1996 , 350 m, leg. Csovari & Steger ( MWM ) ; 4 females , Taiwan , Prov. Tsoyuan , Myng Chir Forest Recreation Area , 1160 m , 29.ii.1996 , leg. Gy. Fabian & L. Nemeth ( MWM ) . Redescription . Male . Length of fore wing 11.5−13 mm . Antenna bipectinate, setae twice longer than antenna rod diameter. Tip of abdomen with bundle of long modified scales. Fore wing brown, with small black spot in discal cell, poorly expressed pattern of strokes along costal edge, marginal area mottled (dark-brown on veins, ocher between veins), fringe mottled (dark-brown on veins, ocher between veins). Hind wing dark-brown, anal angle brown, fringe ocher. Male genitalia . Uncus long, with parallel edges, apically rounded, small shallow notch on top; subscaphium long, funnel-like; gnathos arms thin, gnathos poorly expressed; valve short, rounded, crescent long harpe in basal third on saccular edge of valve, short thin rod-like harpe on saccular edge in medium third; juxta robust with short slightly acute lateral processes; saccus tiny, with poorly expressed notch on top; phallus shorter than valve, thin, with very wide semicircular cup-like basal process; spiky cornutus in vesica. Female . Length of fore wing 14−15 mm . Antenna bipectinate, setae shorter than in male. Fore wing from brown to ocher, with round discal spot, poorly expressed bands postdiscally. Hind wing brown, without pattern, fringe ocher. Female genitalia – see generic description. Diagnosis . Most close to M. leloi , from which it differs in the poorly modified, small harpes and poorly expressed pattern on the fore wing. Biology . Flight period: February−April. Distribution . Taiwan . Probably distributed in the South-Eastern China ( Fujian Province ) and Southern Korea ( Huang et al. 1990 ; Park et al. 2006 ). Huang et al. (1990) writes “the metarbelid Arbela baibarana [ Squamura discipuncta ] infesting Casuarina trees”, using data on the Fujian Province in China . The discovery of the female of Metarbelidae Squamura sp. ” in South Korea (Daecheong Island) ( Park et al. 2006 ) was very interesting. Probably, both reports (judging by the distribution) refer exactly to M. discipuncta ( Wileman, 1915 ) , but the finds confirmed by the factual material and photos, according to GBIF (Lin 2021; Lin & Shih 2021 ), are only from Taiwan .