Two new species of Pharaxonotha Reitter among the early-diverging lineages, with a key to the species of the genus (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Pharaxonothinae) Author Skelley, Paul E. Florida State Collection of Arthropods Florida Department of Agriculture - DPI P. O. Box 147100 Gainesville, FL 32614 - 7100, USA Author Tang, William USDA APHIS PPQ South Florida P. O. Box 660520 Miami, FL 33266, USA text Insecta Mundi 2020 2020-12-25 2020 837 1 11 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5353903 1942-1354 5353903 234F0CFB-B96E-4675-8F82-867EC8216ACB Key to species of Pharaxonotha Reitter 1. Head in lateral view robust, convex dorsally especially anteriorly; post-ocular ridge present (temple), tooth-like in dorsal view; male with small tooth at apex of last abdominal ventrite; USA ( Texas , Louisiana ) to Panama in nature, Europe and elsewhere in stored products, rarely associated with cycads................................................................ P. kirschii Reitter — Head in lateral view narrowed anteriorly, flattened dorsally; post-ocular ridge indistinct, usually lacking; male lacking modified last abdominal ventrite; widespread in the Neotropics, associated with cycad cones............................................................................... 2 2(1). Head with supraocular line; elytra lacking marginal bead at base............................... 3 — Head lacking supraocular line; elytra with marginal bead at base............................... 4 3(2). Head with weak supraocular line; pronotal disc with distinct basal sulcus on each side; Cuba with Microcycas calocoma (Miq.) A.DC. ............................. P. esperanzae Chaves and Genero — Head with strong supraocular line; pronotal disc lacking basal sulcus; Mexico ( Veracruz ) with Ceratozamia tenuis (Dyer) D.W.Stev. and Vovides. ................ P . mexicana Santiago-Jiménez et al. 4(2). On Ceratozamia tenuis in Mexico ( Veracruz ).......................... P. tenuis Santiago-Jiménez — On Zamia from Bolivia ( Santa Cruz ) to Mexico , USA ( Florida ) and the Caribbean................ 5 5(4). All tibiae strongly triangularly dilated toward apex, tibiae appearing shortened; protibia with lateral apical tooth small and no gap in the apical row of spinules; Honduras ( Cortés ) with Zamia onan-reyesii C.Nelson and Sandoval................................. P . thomasi Skelley and Tang , n. sp. — Not all tibiae strongly dilated toward apex, usually not appearing shortened; protibia usually with strong lateral apical tooth and a gap in apical row of spinules near tooth; widespread................ 6 6(5). Anterior pronotal angles projecting forward slightly, angle distinct; USA ( Florida ) and West Indies to Puerto Rico ......................................................................... 7 — Anterior pronotal angles not projecting forward, angle indistinct, broadly rounded; Mexico to Bolivia ..................................................................................... 8 7(6). Elytral strial punctures coarse, impressed; striae weakly grooved, intervals convex; USA ( Florida ) with Zamia integrifolia L.f................................................. P. floridana (Casey) — Elytral strial punctures fine to coarse, not impressed; striae evident only by rows of punctures, intervals flat; Puerto Rico with Zamia erosa O.F.Cook and G.N.Collins and Z. portoricensis Urb. .................................................................. P. portophylla Franz and Skelley 8(6). Pronotal hind angle and elytral humerus rounded, lacking angulation or small denticle; body small, length < 2.1 mm ; Panama ( Panamá ) with Zamia cunaria Dressler and D.W.Stev. and Z. ipetiensis D.W.Stev. .............................................. P . taylori Skelley and Tang , n. sp. — Pronotal hind angle and elytral humerus with angulation or small denticle; body larger, length> 2.1 mm ; Bolivia to Central America............................................................. 9 9(8). Antennomere XI distinctly larger than IX; Bolivia ( Santa Cruz ) and Brazil ( Mato Grosso ) with Zamia bolivana (Brongn.) A.DC. ................................ P. cerradensis Skelley and Segalla — Antennomere XI equal to or smaller than IX; Costa Rica ..................................... 10 10(9). Body length 2.1–2.4 mm ; scutellary striole with 7–9 punctures; elytral disc with fine interval punctures less than 1/4 diameter of strial punctures; northeastern Costa Rica ( Heredia ) east of Continental Divide with Zamia neurophyllidia D.W.Stev. ........................... P. clarkorum Pakaluk — Body length 2.8–3.6 mm ; scutellary striole with 9–11 punctures; elytral disc with coarser interval punctures more than 1/2 diameter of strial punctures; southern Costa Rica ( Puntarenas ) west of Continental Divide with Zamia fairchildiana L.D.Gómez and Z. pseudomonticola L.D.Gómez ex D.W.Stev. and Sabato. ................................................ P. confusa Pakaluk