Two new species in the Anthaxia (Anthaxia) candens (Panzer, 1793) species­group from Iran and Turkey, with taxonomic notes on the group (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) Author Bílý, Svatopluk text Zootaxa 2006 1309 25 35 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.173848 3d2bbcf3-c746-4b99-96fb-ef5b24b3d705 1175­5326 173848 Anthaxia ( Anthaxia ) pyrosoma , new species ( Figs 5, 11 , 22 ) Type specimens . Holotype (male): “ Turkey (prov. Mardin), Hop Geçidi, 37.21 N 40.51 E , 1115 m , 8 km NE of Mardin, 04.– 05.06.2002 , Roman Królik leg. // on leaves of Persica vulgaris ”; allotype (female): “E Turkey , 30.v.1992 , Adiyaman vill., Adiyaman – Kuyuçak, J. Chalupek leg.”; paratypes ( 3 males , 3 females ): the same data as holotype (male); “ TR : Mardin – Akbaġ, , leg. Bolu” (male); “Ad. – Gerger [prov. Adiyaman], // Burcak [ Vicia sp.]” (female); “Germik – Sinek [prov. Sirnak], , Gitlenbik [ Celtis sp.]” (female); “ Turkey , prov. Mardin, E of Hop Geçidi, , 37.22 N 40.52 E , a= 1142 m , Roland Dobosz leg.” ( 1 male , 1 female ). Holotype and allotype deposited in NMPC , paratypes in NMPC , USMB and in the collection of R. Królik ( Poland ). Type locality : Turkey , prov. Mardin, Hop Geçidi, 37.21 N 40.51 E . FIGURES 1–14. Aedeagi: 1, Anthaxia ( Anthaxia ) rutilipennis Abeille de Perrin; 2, A . ( A .) turcica Svoboda ; 3, A . ( A .) vittula Kiesenwetter ; 4, A . ( A .) ariadna Bílý ; 5, A . ( A .) pyrosoma new species ; 6, A . ( A .) candens (Panzer) ; 7, A . ( A .) lucens lucens Küster. Male metatibiae: 8, Anthaxia ( A. ) rutilipennis ; 9, A . ( A .) turcica ; 10, A . ( A .) vittula ; 11, A . ( A .) pyrosoma new species ; 12, A . ( A .) candens ; 13, A . ( A .) lucens lucens ; 14, A . ( A .) ariadna . Diagnosis . Large, subparallel, rather convex species ( Fig 22 ); elytra bright­purple with large, black, saddle­shaped spot reaching posterior fifth; pronotum golden­red with two large, black spots, spots often connected at anterior half; frons purple (female) or golden green (male); ventral surface golden­red to purple, scutellum and legs black with slight metallic lustre; antennae of male black with golden green lustre, of female black, basal three segments with red lustre; frons with rather dense, long white pubescence, elytra and ventral surface with very short and sparse white pubescence. Description of holotype (male) . Head relatively large, frons flat with indistinct medial groove; vertex 0.8 times as wide as width of eye; eyes large, reniform, slightly projecting beyond outline of head; sculpture of head consisting of very dense, small, oval cells with central grains; cells on central part of frons not so dense like those on vertex; antennae long, reaching nearly posterior pronotal angles, antennomere 2, 1.5 times as long as wide, antennomeres 3–10 triangular, 2.0–1.2 times as long as wide, gradually shorter distally; terminal antennomere ovoid, nearly twice as long as wide. Pronotum 1.6 times as wide as long, widely depressed medially; both anterior and posterior margins slightly bisinuose, lateral margins moderately, regularly rounded; laterobasal depressions shallow, wide; pronotal sculpture consisting of small, dense, rounded cells laterally, transversely enlarged cells with flat central grains medially. Scutellum small, nearly pentagonal, microsculptured, slightly wider than long. Elytra subparallel in anterior two thirds, regularly tapering in posterior third apically; elytral apices distinctly caudiform, posterior third of elytral margins finely, sharply serrate; elytra twice as long as wide, uneven with several flat, wide depressions; elytral sculpture consisting of rough, simple punctures distinctly sparser on black elytral spot than on lateral parts of elytra. Ventral surface very lustrous, prosternum and metasternum with rough ocellate sculpture, abdominal ventrites with fine, tile­shaped sculpture; anal ventrite obtusely rounded apically, finely serrate laterally. Legs relatively long, slender, male metatibiae nearly straight with fine, inner, preapical serration ( Fig. 11 ). Tarsal claws very slender, slightly hook­shaped, finely enlarged basally. Aedeagus ( Fig. 5 ) widely spindle­shaped; short median lobe sharply pointed apically. Sexual dimorphism . The female differs from the male only by the completely purple frons, unarmed metatibiae and by the very finely notched apex of the anal ventrite. Measurements . Length: 6.0– 7.1 mm ( holotype 6.2 mm ); width: 2.2–2.7 mm ( holotype 2.3 mm ). Bionomy . Larval host plant unknown, some type specimens collected on leaves of fruit trees ( Persica vulgaris ). Larvae most probably develop in Persica spp., Amygdalus spp. and related trees as the most related species of the species­group. Etymology . The species name is derived from the Greek substantives “pýros” (flame) and “sóma” (body) to stress the bright colouration of the species. Differential diagnosis . By the elytral pattern, body shape and caudiform elytral apex, A. pyrosoma resembles A. lucens urens from which it differs by the different pronotal sculpture, different colouration of the head and pronotum and other characters given in the key.