Nearctic Anthomyzidae: a monograph of Anthomyza and allied genera (Diptera) Author Roháćek, Jindřich Author Barber, Kevin N. text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2016 suppl. 2016-12-30 56 1 412 journal article 9539 10.5281/zenodo.4272829 e8b0cf7e-6ff3-40d9-8e92-87e099b9cefe 0374-1036 4272829 Anthomyza silvatica sp. nov. ( Figs 205 , 224 , 239–255 ) Type material. HOLOTYPE : , “CAN:ON: SSMarie, Bristol Pl.Pk. , 11.vii.2008 , KNBar-ber, sweeps, Impatiens , Clematis , Equisetum , Rub-us, ferns, Phalaris 46°30.77’N 84°16.66’W ” and “ Holotypus Anthomyza silvatica sp. n. , J. Roháček & K. N. Barber det. 2013” (red). The specimen is in perfect condition, with clearly visible gonostyli (see Fig. 205 ) ( CNCI , intact). PARATYPES : CANADA : ALBERTA : Elkwater Park, 12.vii.1952 , 1 ♀ , L. A. Konotopetz leg. ( CNCI ). BRITISH COLUMBIA : Agassiz, Pacinc Agri-Food Research Centre, 100 m , sweeps, agric[ultural] meadows, , 5 ♂♂ 1 ♀ , H. Goulet leg. ( DEBU , 1 ♂ genit. prep.); Cowichan Bay, ex. Rubus spp., 1 ♀ , , R. E. Leech leg. ( CNCI ); Cultus Lake, 1.vii.1948 , 1 ♂ , 13.vii.1948 , 1 ♀ , 15.vii.1948 , 2 ♂♂ , H. R. Foxlee leg. ( CNCI ); Kinbasket Lake, BC Hydro drawdown study, Malaise trap (09 MLRT 01), 27– , 1 ♀ , Cooper Beauchesne & Assoc. Ltd. leg. ( RBCM , genit. prep.); Mission City, 1.vii.1953 , 1 ♀ , G. J. Spencer leg., 1.vii.1953 , 1 ♀ , 10. vii.1953 , 1 ♂ , W. R. M. Mason leg. ( CNCI ); Qualicum, , 1 ♀ , G. E. Shewell leg. ( CNCI ); 40 mi N Revelstoke, “Au 31”, 1 ♀ , A. H. Sturtevant leg. ( USNM ); Robson, , 1 ♂ ( CNCI , genit. prep.), 8.vii.1966 , 1 ♀ , H. R. Foxlee leg. ( UBCZ ); Silver Lake, Hope, 2.vii.1968 , 3 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ , W. W. Wirth leg. ( USNM , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ genit. prep.); Silver & Skagit Rd., 49°14'N 121°23'W to 49°08'N 121°15'W, 450–600 m , clover & nowers, 22. vi.2000 , 1 ♀ , Goulet & Gillespie leg. ( DEBU 00278882, genit. prep.); Terrace, marshy meadow, , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , J. G. Chillcott leg., 9.vii.1960 , 1 ♀ , W.R. Richards leg.; Gagnon Rd., 6 mi W Terrace, , 1 ♂ , , 3 ♂♂ , J. G. Chillcott leg., , 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ ( 1 ♂ genit. prep.), C. H. Mann leg., 13.vii.1960 , 2 ♀♀ , G. E. Shewell leg.; same locality but 220', , 1 ♂ , R. Pilfrey leg., 220', in clearing near river, , 1 ♂ , B. Heming leg.; same locality but in marshy clearing, , 1 ♂ , J. G. Chillcott leg.; Shames, 18 mi SW Terrace, , 4 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ , C. H. Mann leg. (all CNCI ); Yarrow, NW foot of Vedder Mt., 49°04'N 122°03'W , swept/ aspirated, herbs along forest road, (Universität Bielefeld, Ca1509), 23.vii.2002 , 1 ♀ , M. v. Tschirnhaus leg. ( ZSMC , in ethanol); Zymagotitz River, 6 mi W Terrace, 190', , 1 ♀ , R. Pilfrey leg. ( CNCI ). MANITOBA : 13 km E Erickson, 1.viii.1983 , 1 ♀ , K. N. Barber leg. ( DEBU , genit. prep.); Int[ernational] Peace Garden, Turtle Mt. For[est] Res[erve], , 1 ♀ , J. G. Chillcott leg.; Ninette, ex. Rudbeckia laciniota , , 1 ♂ ; Ninette, maple/elm noodplain community, 31.v.1958 , 2 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ ( 1 ♂ 1 ♀ genit. prep.), , 2 ♂♂ , all J. F. McAlpine leg.; Ninette, Betula glandulosa / Populus balsamifera associes, 15.vii.1958 , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , J. G. Chillcott leg.; 5 mi SW Shilo, noodplain community near tamarack bog, 28.v.1958 , 1 ♂ , J. F. McAlpine leg., 11.vii.1958 , 1 ♂ , J. G. Chillcott leg.; 5 mi SW Shilo, noodplain community near tamarack bog, sedge meadows, , 1 ♀ , J. F. McAlpine leg. (all CNCI ). NOVA SCOTIA : Kentville, 6.viii.1958 , 1 ♂ ; Lockeport, 1.viii.1958 , 1 ♀ ; Springneld, 6.viii.1958 , 1 ♂ , all J. R. Vockeroth leg. (all CNCI ). ONTARIO : Abitibi Canyon, 49°53.54'N 81°34.09'W , sweeps, mostly Eurybia under Populus , 20.vii.2009 , 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ , K. N. Barber leg. ( CNCI , 1 ♀ genit. prep.); Algonquin, mixed wood, , 5 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ , , 6 ♂♂ 1 ♀ , M. Barták leg. ( MBPC , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ genit. prep.); Algonquin Pk., 45°50'N 77°38'W , 19.vii.1991 , 1 ♀ , J. R. Vockeroth leg. ( CNCI ); Algonquin Pk., Swan Lake Station, Scott Lake Survey, 45°29'15"N 78°43'20"W , pan A4, hemlock,–2.vii.1993 , 1 ♂ , Larson, Marshall, Barr leg. ( DEBU ); Algonquin P. Pk., nr. Brewer Lake, 45.5855°N 78.3104°W , Malaise trap, hardwood forest, canopy gap ( BR-GAP ),–8.vii.2008 , 1 ♂ ; Algonquin P. Pk., nr. Lake of Two Rivers, 45.5722°N 78.4649°W , Malaise trap, hardwood forest, canopy gap (TR-GAP),–13.vii.2008 , 1 ♀ , both E. Proctor leg. (both DEBU ); Aubrey Falls Prov. Park, 77 km NNE Thessalon, 46°54.96'N 83°12.71'W , sweeping Clintonia , ferns, Diervilla in mixed forest, 5.vii.2010 , 4 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ , J. Roháček leg. ( SMOC , 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ genit. prep.); Aubrey Falls P. Pk., 46°54.96'N 83°12.71'W , sweeps, Clintonia , ferns, Diervilla in mixed forest, 5.vii.2010 , 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ , K. N. Barber leg. ( DEBU 01502493–95); Belfountain, 9. vi.1981 , 1 ♂ , K. Barber leg. ( DEBU ); Bell’s Cor[ners], 7.vii.1952 , 1 ♀ , swept from wild Clematis , , 1 ♀ , J. F.McAlpine leg. ( CNCI ); ~ 26 km SSE Chapleau, Island Lake Bioenergy, 47°38.16'N 83°14.58'W , jack pine forest (~80 yr), pitfall traps (5 N ),–11.vii.2012 , 1 ♀ , L.Venier leg. ( CNCI ); Dubreuilville, 48°21.09'N 84°33.90'W , sweeping undergrowth of Pinus / Populus forest with Clintonia , Vaccinium , ferns, graminoids, 10.vii.2010 , 1 ♂ ; Dubreuilville, 48°21.05'N 84°33.84'W , sweeping Diervilla , ferns, Clintonia , Cornus , Aralia , Eurybia , Vaccinium under Populus / Pinus , 10.vii.2010 , 3 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ ( 1 ♂ 1 ♀ genit. prep.), all J. Roháček leg. (all SMOC ); ~ 55 km NNW Elliot Lake, s. of Rocky Is. Lake, 46°49.32'N 82°59.54'W , sweeps, mostly Athyrium flix-femina , 3.vii.2010 , 1 ♂ , K. N. Barber leg. ( CNCI ); Fairbank P. Pk., Wa-shai-ga-mog Trail, 46°28.11'N 81°26.19'W , sweeps, Clintonia , ferns, Maianthemum , under Acer / Abies , 5.ix.2009 , 1 ♀ ( DEBU 01502397); Greenwater P. Pk., Green Trail, 49°11.77'N 81°16.73'W , sweeps, Eurybia , Cornus , Clintonia , Diervilla , Aralia under Populus , 21.vii.2009 , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( DEBU 01502219, -20); Greenwater P. Pk., Sandbar Lk. Trail, sweeps, Eurybia , Cornus , Clintonia , Diervilla , Aralia , fern under Populus , 21.vii.2009 , 49°12.85'N 81°17.42'W , 4 ♀♀ ( DEBU 01502039–42, 1 ♀ genit. prep.) , 49°12.78'N 81°17.44'W , 1 ♂ ( DEBU , 01502016), all K. N. Barber; Grifnth, 10.vii.1991 , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.); 7 mi E Grifnth, 11.vii.1990 , 1 ♂ , 9.vii.1991 , 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ , all J. R. Vockeroth leg. (all CNCI ); Hamilton, Cootes Paradise (sanctuary), swept/eclector, bank vegetation/mixed forest herbal layer, (Universität Bielefeld, X 982), 20.viii.1994 , 1 ♂ , M. v. Tschirnhaus leg. ( ZSMC , in ethanol); Cootes Paradise nr. Dundas, sweeping undergrowth of deciduous forest, 20. viii.1994 , 13 ♂♂ 7 ♀♀ , J. Roháček leg. ( SMOC , 2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ genit prep.); ~ 74 km WNW Hearst, 49.9062°N 84.6590°W , Indicators of Forest Integrity, MW 2/Immature/Harvest, Lindgren trap (47A-L1),–10.vii.2013 , 1 ♀ , L.Venier leg. ( CNCI ); Algoma District, Hilton Beach, cedar swamp, pig dung pans, 10.vii.–20.viii.1989 , 1 ♂ , J. E. Swann leg. ( DEBU 00184560); Icewater Creek WS [watershed], 13.5 km NNE Searchmont, mi. 11.5 Whitman Dam Rd., Populus / Prunus , , 1 ♂ , sandy access road, , 1 ♀ , K. N. Barber leg.; same locality but ~ 12.7 km NNE Searchmont, mi. 10.5 Whitman Dam Rd., Malaise trap, riparian meadow/alder thicket, 21–28. vii.1986 , 1 ♀ , [K. N. Barber leg.] (all CNCI ); Icewater Creek WS [watershed], 46°53.7'N 84°03.4'W , sweeps, Thalictrum , sedge, fern, riparian mixed forest, 7.vii.1998 , 2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ ( 1 ♂ 1 ♀ genit. prep.), sweeps Thalictrum , Eupatorium [ Eutrochium ], sedge, fern in mixed forest, 7.vii.1998 , 1 ♂ 7 ♀♀ ( 2 ♀♀ genit. prep.), sweeps, Thalictrum , Eupatorium [ Eutrochium ], fern in mixed forest, 10.vii.1998 , 1 ♀ , sweeps, trailside sedges, ferns, grasses, 10.vii.1998 , 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ ( genit. prep.), all K. N. Barber leg. (all CNCI ); Iroquois Falls, Populus / Picea wood, rich undergrowth, , 1 ♂ , , 1 ♂ , dry mature Sphagnum bog, 3.vii.1987 , 1 ♀ , J. R. Vockeroth leg. ( CNCI ); Kilarney [P.] Pk., 18.viii.1978 , 1 ♀ , W.A.Attwater leg.( DEBU ); Lake Superior P. Pk., Crescent Lk.Trail, 29.v.2010 , 47°16.70'N 84°33.11'W , sweeps, roadside Carex , 1 ♂ ( DEBU 01502426); same locality but 47°16.75'N 84°33.19'W , sweeps, Clintonia , Smilacina [ Maianthemum ] under Acer , 1 ♂ ( DEBU 01502427); Lake Superior P. Pk., Fenton-Treeby trail, 47°51.19'N 84°53.01'W , sweeps, Clintonia , Aralia , Rubus , Cornus , ferns under Alnus / Acer , , 1 ♀ ( DEBU 01502463), all K. N. Barber leg.; Marmora, , 1 ♀ , J. R. Vockeroth leg.; Hwy#17, ~ 7 km W Mattawa, 46°17.3'N 78°49.0'W , opaque mini sticky traps, mixed forest,–2.vii.2004 , 1 ♂ (genit. prep.), K. N. Barber leg.; Midland, swampy woods, balsam poplar, 2.v.1959 , 1 ♀ , J. G. Chillcott leg.; Moosonee, 51°16.33'N 80°39.11'W , sweeps, mostly Rubus , Impatiens , under Salix , Alnus , 10.vii.2014 , 1 ♂ , K. N. Barber leg. (all CNCI ); Nagagamisis P. Pk., 49°27'41"N 84°41'47"W , boreal mixedwood, multi-colour sticky trap, 15– , 1 ♀ , K. N. Barber leg. ( DEBU 01500000, genit. prep.); ~ 20 km E Nipigon, Hwy. #17, rest area, 48°58.00'N 87°59.09'W , sweeps, Aster [ Eurybia ], Rubus , Aralia , Diervilla , 31.vii.2008 , 7 ♂♂ 7 ♀♀ , K. N. Barber leg. ( USNM 3 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ , CNCI 4 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ genit. prep.); One-Sided [= Caliper] Lake, , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , , 1 ♀ , S. M. Clark leg., , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , Kelton & Whitney leg.; Orleans, Chapel Hill, swept in mixed hardwood forest, 28.v.1990 , 2 ♀♀ , J. R. Vockeroth leg.; Ottawa, , 1 ♀ , , 1 ♀ , G. E. Shewell leg. (all CNCI ); Ottawa, 26. vii.1955 , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.), 2.vii.1958 , 3 ♂♂ ( 1 ♂ genit. prep.), , 1 ♂ , 13.vii.1963 , 1 ♂ , 6.vii.1963 , 1 ♀ , , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.); Ottawa, Montfort Hosp[ital] wood, [-]. viii.1993 , 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ ( genit. prep.); Ottawa, Pleasant Park wood, , 1 ♀ , all J. R. Vockeroth leg. (all CNCI ); Otter Rapids, 50°11.08'N 81°38.37'W , sweeps, Eurybia , Equisetum under Populus , 19.vii.2009 , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( genit. prep.), 20.vii.2009 , 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ , K. N. Barber leg.; Petawawa, , 1 ♂ , J. R. Vockeroth leg.; S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Baseline Rd., 46°31.40'N 84°24.45'W , sweeps, edge of forest, Solidago , Rubus , Equisetum , grasses, , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , K. N. Barber leg. (all CNCI ); Sault Ste. Marie, Baseline Road, 46°31.40'N 84°24.40'W , sweeping Aster [ Doellingeria ], Rubus , Equisetum , Carex , Clematis , ferns under aspen ( Populus ), 7.vii.2010 , 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ , 12.vii.2010 , 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ (all 3 genit. prep.), J. Roháček leg. ( SMOC ); S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Baseline Rd., 46°31.40'N 84°24.40'W , sweeps, Thalictrum , Rubus , Equisetum , Carex , ferns, under aspen, , 1 ♂ , , 1 ♂ , , 1 ♂ ( CNCI ), sweeps, Aster [ Doellingeria ], Rubus , Equisetum , Carex , ferns under aspen, , 2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ ( LACM ), , 1 ♂ , , 4 ♂♂ ( 1 ♂ genit. prep.), 8.vii.2005 , 3 ♀♀ ( 1 ♀ genit. prep.), 10.vii.2005 , 4 ♀♀ , 16.vii.2005 , 1 ♂ ( CNCI ), , 2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ , 29.vii.2012 , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( CASC ), 24.viii.2013 , 1 ♀ , , 1 ♀ , sweeps, mostly ferns under aspen, , 2 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ , 27.vii.2012 , 2 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ , 28.vii.2012 , 4 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ ( 1 ♂ abdomen glued to pin, 1 ♀ genit. prep.), 29.vii.2012 , 3 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ , K. N. Barber leg. ( CNCI ); S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Birchwood Pk., mixed forest, , 6 ♂♂ 5 ♀♀ ( 1 ♀ genit. prep.), 5.vii.1986 , 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ , 6.vii.1986 , 2 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ ( 1 ♀ genit. prep.), rotten mushrooms, 31.viii.1986 , 1 ♀ , K. N. Barber leg. ( CNCI ); S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Birchwood Pk., 46°30.7'N 84°15.6'W , sweeps, mostly fern, Aralia , Impatiens , dewberry, grass under Betula / Acer , 30.viii.1997 , 1 ♂ , 1.ix.1997 , 1 ♂ , sweeps, mostly Aralia , fern, Impatiens , dewberry, grass under Betula / Acer , 30.viii.1997 , 2 ♂♂ , 30.v.1999 , 2 ♂♂ , sweeps, low vegetation under Betula / Acer , 1.ix.1997 , 2 ♂♂ ( 1 ♂ genit. prep.), , 1 ♂ , sweeps, Impatiens under Betula / Acer , , 1 ♂ , sweeps, including Impatiens under Betula / Acer , , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.) ( CNCI ), sweeps, mostly Impatiens under Betula / Acer , , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( LACM ), , 2 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ , , 1 ♀ , sweeps, graminoids, Impatiens , ferns under Betula / Acer , 17.ix.2004 , 1 ♂ , sweeps, graminoids, Impatiens , Equisetum , ferns under Betula / Acer , , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , K. N. Barber leg. ( CNCI ); S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Birchwood Pk., 46°30.67'N 84°15.63'W , sweeps, mostly Impatiens , fern, Aster [ Doellingeria ], 23.viii.2009 , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , sweeps, Impatiens , Aster [ Doellingeria ] under Betula / Acer , 11.ix.2011 , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.), 24.viii.2013 , 1 ♀ ( CNCI ), sweeps, Rubus , Aralia , graminoids, ferns under Betula / Acer , , 1 ♂ 4 ♀♀ ( CNCI 1 ♂ 3 ♀♀ , SMOC 1 ♀ ), , 2 ♂♂ 5 ♀♀ (incl. pair in copula, 1 ♀ genit. prep.) ( CNCI ), K. N. Barber leg.; S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Birchwood Pk., 46°30.75'N 84°15.62'W , sweeps, Rubus , Aralia , graminoids, ferns, Aster [ Eurybia ] under Betula / Acer , , 9 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ ( CNCI 7 ♂♂ 1 ♀ , SMOC 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ ), , 1 ♀ ( CNCI ), K. N. Barber leg.; S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Bristol Place, , 1 ♀ , 1.vii.1987 , 2 ♀♀ ( 1 ♀ genit. prep.), K. N. Barber leg. ( CNCI ); S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Bristol Pl[ace] Pk., 46°30.8'N 84°16.6'W , reared from soil cores, Impatiens under canopy, collected 25.v.2002 , 25°C, emerged 31.v.2002 , 1 ♂ , sweeps, Impatiens under canopy, 20.vii.2003 , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.), sweeps, Impatiens under Betula / Acer , 9.vii.1998 , 3 ♀♀ ( 1 ♀ genit. prep.), sweeps, Clematis , Rubus , Impatiens , grasses, 28.v.1999 , 2 ♂♂ , sweeps, Impatiens , Rubus , Phalaris , Carex under Populus , , 2 ♀♀ , K. N. Barber leg. ( CNCI ); Sault Ste. Marie, Bristol Place Park, 46°30.77'N 84°16.66'W , sweeping Impatiens mixed with Clematis , Equisetum , Rubus , ferns, Phalaris , 7.vii.2010 , 1 ♀ , J. Roháček leg. ( SMOC ); S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Bristol Pl[ace] Pk., 46°30.77'N 84°16.66'W , sweeps, Impatiens , Clematis , Equisetum , Rubus , ferns, Phalaris , , 7 ♂♂ 14 ♀♀ ( 1 ♂ wing illustration, 4 ♀♀ genit. prep.), 4.vii.2008 , 2 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ ( 1 ♀ genit. prep.), 5.vii.2008 , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.), 8.vii.2008 , 1 ♀ , 9.vii.2008 , 6 ♂♂ 1 ♀ ( 1 ♂ genit. prep.), 11.vii.2008 , 6 ♂♂ 7 ♀♀ ( 2 ♀♀ genit. prep.), 13.vii.2008 , 1 ♂ ( CNCI ), 6.viii.2008 , 2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ ( NMPC ), 27.vii.2009 , 3 ♀♀ ( AMNH ), 27. viii.2012 , 1 ♂ ( CNCI ), 21.vii.2014 , 3 ♂♂ ( AMNH ), K. N. Barber leg.; S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Bristol Pl[ace] Pk., 46°30.87'N 84°16.68'W , sweeps, Impatiens , Clematis , Equisetum , Rubus , ferns, Calamagrostis , 1.vii.2008 , 1 ♀ , 5.vii.2008 , 1 ♀ , K. N. Barber leg. ( CNCI ); S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Finn Hill, 46°31.6'N 84°17.4'W , sweeps, vegetation under Populus , 4.vii.2002 , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ; same locality but 46°31.63'N 84°17.43'W , sweeps, Impatiens , ferns, Carex gynandra , 15.vii.2006 , 1 ♀ ; same locality but 46°31.64'N 84°17.40'W , sweeps, mostly Calamagrostis , Rubus , Aster [ Eurybia ] under Populus , 17.viii.2003 , 1 ♀ ; same locality but 46°31.81'N 84°17.50'W , sweeps, mostly Rubus , graminoids under canopy, 13.vii.2007 , 1 ♀ , all K. N. Barber leg. (all CNCI ); S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Fish Hatchery Road, along Coldwater Ck., 46°34.33'N 84°17.23'W , sweeps, trailside Clematis , Eutrochium , , 1 ♂ ; S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Hiawatha Highlands Cons[ervation] Area, 46°34.12'N 84°17.45'W , sweeps, Eurybia , ferns, Diervilla , Apocynum , under Acer / Abies , , 1 ♀ , both K. N. Barber leg. (both CNCI ); S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Sault Coll[ege] Outdoor Lab, 46°32.1'N 84°18.2'W , sweeps, Impatiens under Acer / Betula , 7.ix.1997 , 1 ♂ , , 1 ♂ , , 1 ♂ ; S[ault] S[te.] Marie, Wishart Pk., 46°33.82'N 84°17.72'W , sweeps, Clintonia , Eurybia , ferns, 31.vii.2009 , 1 ♀ , all K. N. Barber leg. (all CNCI ); ~ 6.1 km SE Shabaqua Corners, 48°34.8'N 89°49.2'W , opaque mini sticky traps, mostly P [ opulus ] tremuloides ,–13.vii.2004 , 3 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ , M. Francis leg. ( CNCI , 1 ♂ genit. prep.); Shakwa Lk., Ou[e]llette Twp., plot 13, D2, 21.vii.1996 , 1 ♀ , A. Applejohn leg. ( DEBU ); ~ 92 km NNE Thessalon, Mountain Ash Lake, 47°03.50'N 83°12.56'W , sweeps, Clintonia , ferns, Diervilla , Vaccinium under Betula / Abies , 5.vii.2010 , 1 ♂ , K. N. Barber leg. ( CNCI ); same locality but sweeping Clintonia , Eurybia , ferns, Diervilla under Betula , 5.vii.2010 , 1 ♂ 3 ♀♀ , J. Roháček leg. ( SMOC ); Thornhill, 30.v.1964 , 1 ♀ , J. R. Vockeroth leg. ( CNCI ); 40 km SSW White River, boreal mixedwood, sweeps, Aster [ Eurybia ], Aralia , ferns, 48°13.97'N 85°22.28'W , near B6 S1, 23.vii.2003 , 2 ♂♂ ; same localilty but 48°14.23'N 85°22.13'W , near B6 S9, 23.vii.2003 , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ; same locality but 48°14.2'N 85°22.1'W , sweeps, Aster [ Eurybia ], Aralia , Cornus , B6 S4–S9, 9.vii.2003 , 1 ♂ ; same locality but 48°14.14'N 85°21.99'W , multi-colour sticky trap #15, B6 S4,–10.vii.2003 , 2 ♀♀ , 10–23.vii.2003 , 1 ♀ , all K. N. Barber leg.; same locality but 48°14.1'N 85°22.2'W , opaque sticky trap, B6 S5 UD, 19.vii.–9.viii.2002 , 1 ♀ , S. B. Holmes leg. (all CNCI ). QUEBEC : Abbotsford, , 2 ♀♀ , G. E. Shewell leg. ( CNCI ); Beechgrove, 45°39'N 76°08'W , , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , J. R. Vockeroth leg. ( CNCI , genit. prep.); Gatineau Park, 45°34'N 75°57'W , , 1 ♂ 2 ♀♀ , E. Ikeda leg. ( LEMQ 0040152–54); Knowlton Ldg., 19.vii.1968 , 1 ♀ , J. R. Vockeroth leg.; Laniel, , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.), A. R. Brooks leg.; Messines, 10.vii.1947 , 1 ♂ , W. R. M. Mason leg. (all CNCI ); Mont-St.-Hilaire, 45°32.6'N 73°09.1'W , beech/sugar maple forest, sweep, , 1 ♀ ( LEMQ 0040159), pan trap #6, 16–23.vii.2001 , 1 ♀ ( LEMQ 0040158), E. Fast leg.; Mont-St.-Hilaire, 45°32.6'N 73°09.1'W , beech/sugar maple forest, 18– , pan trap #2, 1 ♀ ( LEMQ 0040160), pan trap #14, 1 ♂ ( LEMQ 0040156), pan trap #15, 1 ♂ 1 ♀ ( LEMQ 0040155, -57), E. Fast & S. Hawkins leg.; Mont-St.-Hilaire, Reserve, Hemlock Bog, sweep in bog, , 1 ♂ , Lyman Museum students leg. ( LEMQ 0040523); Mont-St.-Hilaire, Biosphere Reserve, Pain de Sucre Trail, sweep at brook, , 2 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ , M. Pollet leg. ( LEMQ 0040326, -67, -69, -71, -74); Mt.-St.-Hilaire, 500–700', , 1 ♀ , 950–1350', , 1 ♀ ; Mt. Ste.-Marie, Low, 1800', , 1 ♂ , all J. R.Vockeroth leg. (all CNCI ); Old Chelsea, , 1 ♂ , 25.v.1960 , 1 ♀ , , 1 ♂ , 28.v.1963 , 1 ♀ , , 1 ♀ , 25.v.1964 , 1 ♂ , 26.v.1964 , 1 ♀ , , 1 ♀ ; Old Chelsea, Champlain Lookout, 365 m , , 2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ , all J. R. Vockeroth leg. (all CNCI ); Old Chelsea, King Mt., 26.v.1963 , 1 ♂ , J. G. Chillcott leg. ( CNCI ); Old Chelsea, Summit King Mt., , 4 ♂♂ , K. N. Barber leg. ( DEBU ); Old Chelsea, Summit King Mt., 1150', , 1 ♀ , , 1 ♀ , , 2 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ , , 1 ♀ , , 1 ♀ , 26.v.1964 , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , , 1 ♂ , , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , , 1 ♀ , , 2 ♀♀ ( 1 ♀ genit. prep.), , 1 ♀ , , 1 ♀ , all J. R. Vockeroth leg. (all CNCI ); Kam[ouraska] Co., Parke Reserve, 950', 14.viii.1957 , 1 ♂ , W. R. M. Mason leg.; Perkins Mills, , 1 ♀ , G. E. Shewell leg. (both CNCI ); Ste.-Anne-de-Bellevue, , 1 ♀ , D. Johnstone leg. ( LEMQ 0040278); Wakeneld, , 2 ♂♂ 5 ♀♀ , 9.vii.1946 , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , G. E. Shewell leg. ( CNCI ). SASKATCHEWAN : Kenosee, , 1 ♀ (genit. prep); Saskatoon, 9.vii.1957 , 2 ♂♂ , all A. R. Brooks leg.; Scout Lake, 49°20'N 106°0'W , , 2 ♂♂ , J. R. Vockeroth leg. (all CNCI ). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : CONNECTICUT : Redding, , 1 ♀ , , 1 ♂ , 31.v.1930 , 1 ♂ , A. L. Melander leg. ( USNM ). DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA : Washington, 17.viii.1913 , 1 ♀ , A. L. Melander leg. ( USNM ). GEORGIA : Rabun Co., Pine Mountain, 1400', 4.v.1957 , 1 ♂ , J. R. Vockeroth leg. ( CNCI ). ILLINOIS : Savanna, [no collector], , 1 ♂ ( INHS 40,183), , 2 ♂♂ 4 ♀♀ ( INHS 40,184–87, -89, -90, 1 ♀ genit. prep.). MARYLAND : Montgomery Co., Bethesda, 5.v.1968 , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.), L. V . Knutson leg., , 2 ♀♀ ( 1 ♀ genit. prep.), G. Steyskal leg. ( USNM ). MASSACHUSETTS : Concord, fern bog, 22.vii.1961 , 1 ♀ , W. W. Wirth leg. ( USNM , genit. prep.); Petersham, , 2 ♂♂ ( USNM ), [-]. vi.1926 , 1 ♂ ( SMOC ), both A. L. Melander leg. MICHIGAN : Detroit, , 1 ♂ , G. Steyskal leg.; Gratiot Co., , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.), R. R. Dreisbach leg.; Livingston Co., [E. S.] Geo[rge] Reserve, 5– , 1 ♀ , C. W. Sabrosky leg. (all USNM ). NEW JERSEY : Morristown, 19.v.1923 , 1 ♂ , A. H. Sturtevant leg. ( USNM ). NEW YORK : Allegany State Park, stream margin, 28.v.– , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , W. W. Wirth leg. ( USNM ); Cairo, 1.vii.1980 , 1 ♀ , S. Marshall leg. ( DEBU ); Ithaca, , 1 ♂ , M. D. Leonard leg. ( AMNH ), , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.), A. L. Melander leg. ( USNM ); Lake Placid, 2000', 19.vii.1962 , 1 ♂ , J. R.Vockeroth leg. ( CNCI ); Tompkins Co., Ringwood Res., 16– , swamp, 1 ♀ , W.W. Wirth leg. ( USNM ). NORTH CAROLINA : Black Mt., North Fork Swannanoa, [-].v.[-], 2 ♀♀ , N. Banks leg. ( MCZC ); Swain Co., Heintooga Overlook, Blue Ridge Parkway, 5335', on blossoms Acer spicatum , , 1 ♀ , J. G. Chillcott leg. ( CNCI ); McDowell Co., Blueridge Parkway, mi. 348, 11.ix.1969 , 1 ♂ , G. Steyskal leg. ( USNM ); Franklin, 2000', 8.v.1957 , 1 ♂ ; Great Smoky Mts. N. P., 20.v.1957 , 1 ♀ , both J. R. Vockeroth leg. (both CNCI ); Highlands, 21.viii.1957 , 1 ♀ , L.A. Kelton leg. ( CNCI , genit. prep.); Highlands, 3800', 10.v.1957 , 2 ♀♀ , 12.v.1957 , 1 ♀ , 16.v.1957 , 2 ♂♂ ( 1 ♂ genit. prep.), 21.v.1957 , 1 ♂ , at light during heavy rain, 29.v.1957 , 2 ♀♀ ; Highlands, Wilson’s Gap, 3100', 12.v.1957 , 1 ♀ , all J. R. Vockeroth leg. (all CNCI ); Transylvania Co., Pisgah N. F., picnic area by Hwy 276, 35.30°N 82.77°W , 2819', sweep near river, 17.v. 2008 , 1 ♀ , J. Mlynarek leg. ( LEMQ , genit. prep.); Graham Co., Robbinsville, , 2 ♂♂ 5 ♀♀ , G. E. Bohart leg. ( LACM ); Macon Co., Wayah Gap, 3500', 16.viii.1957 , 1 ♂ , J. G. Chillcott leg. ( CNCI ); Yancey Co., Forest Rd. 432 nr. Black Mt. Campground, 35.7313°N 82.2383°W , sweep forest edge, 27.v.2008 , 1 ♂ , J. Mlynarek leg. ( LEMQ ). NORTH CAROLINA / TENNESSEE : Great Smoky Mts. N. P., 18.v.1957 , 1 ♂ , W. R. M. Mason leg. ( CNCI , genit. prep.). OHIO : 3.0 mi N. Kent, Herrick Fen, , 1 ♀ , B. A. Foote leg. ( CNCI ). PENNSYLVANIA : All[eghen]y Co., Upper St. Clair Township, 6.v.1959 , 1 ♀ , [no collector] ( EMEC , genit. prep.); Union Co., Lewisburg, 26.viii.1981 , 1 ♀ , J. R. Vockeroth leg. ( CNCI , genit. prep.); Dubois, 3.ix.1927 , 1 ♀ , A. L. Melander leg. ( USNM ); Centre Co., State College, , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , D. D. Wilder leg. ( CASC ). TENNESSEE : Cades Cove, G[reat] S[moky] M[ountains] N. P., sweeps, , 1 ♂ , M. J. Sharkey leg. ( DEBU ); Munroe Co., 20 mi E Tellico Plains, on elderberry, , 1 ♀ , A. G. Lavallee leg. ( UGCA , genit. prep., missing one wing). VIRGINIA : Botetourt Co., Apple Orchard Trail, Parker Creek, 37.511°N 79.522°W , sweep forest, , 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ , M. Forrest leg. ( LEMQ ); Bland Co., Brushy Mt. at Rd. 623, 37.05229°N 81.30209°W , sweep forest edge, 15.viii.2007 , 1 ♂ , T. A. Wheeler leg. ( LEMQ 0040773), 6 ♂♂ 3 ♀♀ J. Mlynarek leg. ( LEMQ , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ genit. prep.); Dickenson Co., 6 mi SE of Clintwood, 6–13.v.2011 , 1 ♂ , J. B. Runyon leg. ( MTEC ); Fairfax Co., Dead Run, 6.viii.1915 , 1 ♀ , R. C. Shannon leg. ( USNM ); Giles Co., Cascade Falls trail, 19.v.1997 , 1 ♀ , S. A. Marshall leg. ( DEBU ); Giles Co., Cascades Recr.Area, 37°21'00"N 80°36'30"W , 13.v.2003 , 1 ♀ , S. A. Marshall leg. ( DEBU , 00217164), 16–28.v.2005 , 2 ♀♀ , S. M. Paiero leg. ( DEBU 00250716, -22); Giles Co., Mountain Lake Biol. Stn., 37°22'31"N 80°31'18"W , sweep nr. station, 20.v.2005 , 1 ♂ 1 ♀ , S. A. Marshall leg. ( DEBU 00253059, -2862); Alexandria Co., Maywood, 14.v.1922 , 1 ♀ , W. L. McAtee leg. ( USNM , genit. prep.); Smyth Co., Mt. Rogers, 4700–5300', , 1 ♀ , J. R. Vockeroth leg. ( CNCI ); Mt. Rogers N[ational] R[ecreation] A[rea], Beartree Reservoir, 35.6563°N 81.6896°W , 3041', sweep, vegetation at forest edge, 29.v.2008 , 1 ♂ , J. Mlynarek leg. ( LEMQ );Augusta Co., Mount Solon, [-]. viii.1951 , 1 ♀ , W. S. Murphy leg. ( USNM ); Augusta Co., Reddish Knob, 29.viii.1953 , 1 ♀ , W.W. Wirth leg. ( USNM , Sabrosky det. as A. tenuis auctt . ); Hawksbill, Shenandoah N. P., 3600–4050', , 3 ♂♂ 5 ♀♀ ( 1 ♀ genit. prep.); Hawksbill Gap, Shenandoah N. P., 1600 m , 17.viii.1981 , 2 ♂♂ ( 1 ♂ genit. prep.); NW Madison Co., Shenandoah N. P., 3000', on blossoms Acer spicatum , , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.), all J. R. Vockeroth leg. (all CNCI ); Shenandoah Co., Mt. Jackson, 25.v.1962 , 1 ♂ , J. G. Chillcott leg. ( CNCI ); Shenandoah, , big meadows, 2 ♂♂ 1 ♀ , H. Goulet leg. ( DEBU ); Shenandoah N. P., mi 65–100, sweeps, 29.v.1979 , 4 ♂♂ 1 ♀ , M. J. Sharkey leg. ( DEBU , 1 ♂ genit. prep.); Skyline Drive on Blue Ridge Mounts., woods and open scrubland, 3 , 1 ♂ , B. J. Harrington & P. S. Broomneld leg. ( BMNH , B.M. 1975-392). WASHINGTON : Clallam Co., Sequim, 2.viii.1951 , 2 ♀♀ , M. R. Wheeler leg. ( AMNH , 1 ♀ genit. prep.); Pierce Co., Wickersham, 30.vii.1986 , 1 ♀ , T. L. Whitworth leg. ( LACM , genit. prep.). WEST VIRGINIA: Tucker Co., Davis, Blackwater Falls St. Pk., ex. yellow pan traps, hardwood forest near campground, 30.v.– , 1 ♂ , B. J. Sinclair leg.; Preston Co., Crane[s]ville Swamp, , 1 ♀ , H. J. Teskey leg.; Pocahontas Co., Sharp Knob, 3500', 18.v.1965 , 1 ♀ (genit. prep.), J. G. Chillcott leg. (all CNCI ); Summers Co., Pipestem, , 1 ♀ , G. Steyskal leg. ( USNM ). Other material examined (not included in type series). CANADA : BRITISH COLUMBIA : Mt. Robson Prov. Pk., hiking trail along Robson R. ( 53°02'06" N , 119°13'50" W ) up to Kinney Lake ( 53°04'56"N , 119°11'05"W , 981m ), swept on herbs & shrubs incl. Carex spp., aspirated, (Universität Bielefeld, Ca1520), 6.viii.2002 , 1 ♀ , M. v. Tschirnhaus leg. ( ZSMC , deformed T6, in ethanol). ONTARIO : Dubreuilville, 48°21.05'N 84°33.84'W , sweeping Diervilla , ferns, Clintonia , Cornus , Aralia , Eurybia , Vaccinium under Populus / Pinus , 10.vii.2010 , 1 ♂ ; Sault Ste. Marie, Baseline Road, 46°31.40'N 84°24.40'W , sweeping Aster [ Doellingeria ], Rubus , Equisetum , Carex , Clematis , ferns under aspen ( Populus ), 7.vii.2010 , 1 ♂ , both J. Roháček leg. (both SMOC , both used in molecular work). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : ILLINOIS : Chicago, , 1 ♀ , A. L. Melander leg. ( USNM , 3 legs & 1 wing missing, genit. prep.); Union Co., Shawnee N. F., Pine Hills Campground, #83039-042, , 1 ♀ , I. S. Askevold leg. ( DEBU , headless, genit. prep.). MICHIGAN : Keweenaw Co., Isle Royale, 7.vii.1938 , 1 ♀ , G. Steyskal leg. ( USNM , headless, genit. prep.). VERMONT : Manchester,[-], 1 ♀ , C. W. Johnson leg. ( MCZC , headless, genit. prep.); Mt. Equinox, 4[?]. vi.1910 , 1 ♀ , C. W. Johnson leg. ( MCZC , headless, genit. prep.); Norwich, 8.vii.1908 , 1 ♀ , C. W. Johnson leg. ( MCZC , wing and two legs missing, genit. prep.). Other A. macra group material of questionable identity ( Anthomyza sp. cf. silvatica ): CANADA : BRITISH OLUMBIA : Terrace , marshy meadow, , 1 ♀ , J. G. Chillcott leg. ( CNCI , abdomen & 1 leg missing) . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : PENNSYLVANIA : Centre Co. , State College , , 1 ♀ , D. D. Wilder leg. ( CASC , abdomen missing). VIRGINIA : Alexandria Co. , Maywood , 14.v.1922 , 1 ♂ , W. L. McAtee leg. ( USNM , head & abdomen missing) ; Giles Co. , Cascades Recreation Area , 14.v.1998 , 1 ♀ , S. A. Marshall leg. ( DEBU , genit. prep.) . Description. Male. Total body length 1.98–2.70 mm. Body bicolourous, dark brown and yellow and subshining as in A. tenuis but generally darker, more extensively brown. Head shape and colouration as in A. tenuis but occiput and frontal triangle usually darker, frontal triangle of similar length but slightly wider and ocelli somewhat smaller. Small elongate spots between posterior half of frontal triangle and orbit more whitish than silvery microtomentose. Orbits pale yellow and whitish microtomentose anteriorly, brown behind posterior ors. Face, parafacialia, gena, postgena and mouthparts coloured as in A. tenuis . Cephalic chaetotaxy: pvt usually shorter than half length of vti and strongly crossed (below their middle); vti and oc subequal and longest of cephalic setae as in A. tenuis ; vte shorter than vti but usually longer than posterior ors; 3 ors as in A. tenuis but anterior ors reduced to small setula; 2 pairs of medial microsetulae in anterior third of frons, posterior pair sometimes enlarged and almost as long as anterior ors setula; postocular setulae and vi as in A. tenuis ; subvibrissa very weak, hardly longer than anterior peristomal setula; other cephalic (including palpus) chaetotaxy as in A. tenuis . Eye large, often more broadly oval, with longest oblique diameter 1.20–1.25 times as long as shortest. Genal height about 0.09 times as long as shortest eye diameter. Antenna as in A. tenuis but 1st nagellomere rather yellow and arista about 1.9 times as long as antenna. Thorax bicolourous and similarly microtomentose to that in A. tenuis but its brown colour more extensive than in both Nearctic relatives. Mesonotum, scutellum (this sometimes slightly paler but never yellow) and postscutellum dark brown and also humeral callus, usually most of propleuron, as much as dorsal half of mesopleuron, laterotergite and mediotergite and sometimes even pteropleuron (latter lightest) brown or pale brown; remainder of pleural part of thorax yellow (usually paler ventrally); also notopleural area narrowly ochreous yellow posterolaterally. Thoracic chaetotaxy most similar to that of A. tenuis including relative length of 1 hu, 2 npl, 1 prs, 1 sa, 1 pa, 2 postsutural dc and 2 sc; also (usually 6) dc microsetae in front of anterior dc similar, with hindmost one often distinctly longer than others; ac microsetae in 4 (both lateral very short) rows on suture but in only 2 shortly behind it, the 2 rows ending between anterior and posterior dc; sternopleural chaetotaxy most similar to that of A. oblonga in having 4 upcurved setulae in perpendicular row (the dorsalmost of which is inserted between stpl macrosetae) and in lacking setula in front of anterior stpl (note: in the holotype this pattern is aberrant – anterior stpl is reduced to small seta while dorsalmost upcurved setula is enlarged to a macroseta). Scutellum with disc very slightly convex as in A. tenuis . Legs with the same colouration and chaetotaxy as those of A. tenuis but ctenidial spine on f 1 can be as long as or slightly longer than maximum width of t 1 . Wing ( Fig. 224 ) not distinctly different from that of A. tenuis both in colour and venation except r-m sometimes situated near middle of cell dm. Wing measurements: length 2.16–2.88 mm, width 0.75–0.93 mm; Cs 3 : Cs 4 = 1.38–1.64, rm\dm-cu: dm-cu = 1.87–2.82. Haltere whitish yellow with knob usually lighter. Abdomen with terga and sterna sparsely microtomentose and relatively (more so laterally) shining. Preabdominal terga large as in A. tenuis , uniformly brown to dark brown, usually slightly lighter than epandrium. T1 dorsally separate from but hardly paler than T2. T2–T5 subequal and unicolourous brown. Preabdominal sterna similarly coloured, shaped and setose to those of A. tenuis . T6 short, transverse and bare, but somewhat longer and darker than in A. tenuis , with dorsomedial unpigmented part narrower. S6–S7 asymmetrical, darker than those of A. tenuis , both brown but S6 usually somwhat paler, with anterior ledge-like margins blackish brown. Both S6 and S7 normally with 2 setulae. S8 relatively long and dark brown as in A. tenuis . Genitalia. Epandrium ( Figs 239, 240 , 248 ) distinctly smaller and also relatively narrower than that of A. tenuis , with 2 pairs of long setae (dorsal stronger) besides shorter setae; anal nssure of parabolic outline, distinctly larger and higher than in A. tenuis . Cercus small, as in A. tenuis . Medandrium relatively more robust, distinctly higher (longer) than that of A. tenuis , with slightly projecting dorsolateral corners and stouter ventrolateral connecting arms each bearing 4–5 setae (as in A. tenuis ) on inner side ( Fig. 240 ). Compared to A. tenuis (see Figs 207, 208, 214 ), gonostylus ( Figs 239–243 , 248 ) distinctly smaller (shorter than height of epandrium), natter, distally less dilated, with rounded anteroventral corner and with posteroventral corner stouter and less sharp ( Figs 240, 242 ); setosity and pattern of micropubescence similar to those of A. tenuis but with fewer setae in centre of inner side of gonostylus ( Fig. 242 ). Hypandrium ( Fig. 244 ) and associated pregonite more similar to those of A. oblonga but pregonite differently setose, with 3–4 setae anteriorly but only 2 setae on small rounded posterior process. Transandrium ( Fig. 245 ) closely resembling that of A. tenuis but with caudal process shorter and broader basally and with terminal arms slightly more divergent. Postgonite also similar (including chaetotaxy) to that of A. tenuis , but slightly bent and distally widened in pronle ( Fig. 244 ). Aedeagal part of folding apparatus with similar structures (tubercles and striae) to those in relatives ( Fig. 247 ); connecting sclerite also similar to though less sclerotized than that in A. tenuis ; basal membrane with very dense but nner, paler and more rounded tubercles ( Figs 244, 245 ). Phallapodeme resembling that of A. tenuis including relatively slender fulcrum but its apex with smaller, less projecting corners ( Fig. 247 ). Phallophore as in both Nearctic relatives. Saccus voluminous as usual but with internal structures different from those of both A. tenuis and A. oblonga , with coiled strip-like sclerite recurved rather anteriorly (not posteriorly), and membranous part with fewer short pale spines ( Fig. 247 ) compared to A. oblonga . Filum most resembling that of A. tenuis including its preapically slightly dilated but more pointed lancet-shaped apex ( Fig. 246 ). Ejacapodeme ( Fig. 247 ) similar to but somewhat smaller than that of both Nearctic relatives. Figs 239–243. Anthomyza silvatica sp. nov. , paratype male (Canada: Ontario). 239 – external genitalia, caudally; 240 – the same, frontally (setosity of epandrium omitted); 241–243 – variation of gonostylus, sublaterally (widest extension, micropubescence and/or setosity omitted). Scales = 0.1 mm. Figs 244–248. Anthomyza silvatica sp. nov. , paratype male (Canada: Ontario). 244 – hypandrial complex, laterally; 245 – transandrium. caudally; 246 – apex of nlum, subventrally; 247 – aedeagal complex, laterally; 248 – external genitalia, laterally. Scales = 0.05 mm (Fig. 246) and 0.1 mm (others). Female. Similar to male unless mentioned otherwise. Total body length 2.18–3.17 mm. Macrosetae of head and thorax usually longer and thicker. Frons sometimes with more (3 pairs) medial microsetulae in anterior third. Subvibrissa rarely enlarged, almost as long as vi (only 1 specimen seen). Antenna with 1st nagellomere darker, usually ochreous yellow, often ochreous brown around base of arista. Pleural part of thorax with dorsal longitudinal brown band sometimes narrower but humeral callus always brownish. Ctenidial spine on f 1 distinctly longer than maximum width of t 1 . Wing measurements: length 2.58–3.18 mm, width 0.85–1.13 mm; Cs 3 : Cs 4 = 1.35–1.54, rm\dm-cu: dm-cu = 1.76–2.32. Preabdomen with terga more transverse and completely brown (at most slightly paler dorsomedially) but usually lighter than blackish brown postabdominal T6 and T7, thus darker than in both Nearctic relatives (including their darkest specimens). T1 not paler than T2 but dorsally separate from the latter. T1–T5 rather uniformly and sparsely setose, with longest setae in posterolateral corners. Preabdominal sterna distinctly narrower than in male and becoming slightly wider posteriorly; S2–S4 as long as wide, or slightly narrower than long; only S5 wider than long, somewhat transverse and usually about as large as S6. S2–S6 with denser but nner setae than on adjacent terga. Postabdomen ( Figs 249, 253 ) relatively elongate as in relatives. T6 completely dark brown, thus anteriorly usually without pale marginal area, setose in posterior two-thirds. S6 similar to but slightly less transverse than that in both Nearctic relatives. T7 blackish brown, in contrast to related species dorsally shortened (anteromedially often deeply emarginate, Fig. 249 ) and its anterior paler corners not projecting ventromedially; S7 reduced to usually short rounded sclerite with only 6 setae and indistinct anterior margin ( Fig. 253 ), surrounded by distinctively micropubescent membrane. T8 forming shorter (distinctly transverse) and paler nat plate ( Fig. 249 ) than in A. tenuis and A. oblonga , almost entirely sparsely micropubescent and with a few nne setae in posterolateral areas. S8 brown, short, longitudinally divided ( Fig. 253 ), posteromedially invaginated ( Fig. 255 ) and similarly setose and micropubescent to that in relatives. Genital chamber ( Figs 254, 255 ) and associated structures most resembling those of A. tenuis , including slightly bent (in pronle) annular sclerite, but with (often hardly visible, thus not seen in Fig. 255 ) unpigmented plate-like sclerite in terminal part of genital chamber. Ventral receptacle ( Fig. 251 ) also similar to that of A. tenuis in having strongly curved and plain terminal end but with preceding straight and thicker part indistinctly ringed. Accessory gland small, vesiculate with minute grains, on ringed, subterminally dilated, duct. Spermathecae (1+1) elongate and cone-shaped ( Figs 250, 252 ), but form similar to those of A. oblonga except short basal part narrower and more distinctly separate from wider, transversely striated and darker terminal part; spermathecal ducts very long, without terminal cervix. T10 small, pale-pigmented, somewhat shorter and darker than in relatives ( Fig. 249 ), with 1 pair of long medial setae and reduced micropubescence. S10 larger and longer than T10, elongately pentagonal with acute posteromedial corner, largely micropubescent and nnely setose at posterolateral margins ( Fig. 253 ). Cercus relatively long and slender ( Fig. 255 ) as in relatives, with longest seta dorsopreapical, somewhat shorter apical sinuous seta and some other longer setae in addition to shorter setulae. Discussion. Anthomyza silvatica sp. nov. is another species closely allied to A. tenuis and A. oblonga sp. nov. Generally, it is the darkest of the Nearctic species of the A. macra group and distinguished from paler forms of both A. tenuis and A. oblonga in having the brown dorsal band across the pleural part of the thorax broad, having both the humeral callus and scutellum brown and, in females, having completely brown preabdominal terga (T1–T5). However, its separation from darker forms of A. tenuis and A. oblonga on colour features alone can sometimes be problematic so it is necessary to identify these specimens using structural characters of the male and female terminalia. Males can be diagnosed by examining the shape and size of the epandrium, medandrium, gonostylus, the reduced setosity of the pregonite, and internal structures (coiled sclerite and spines) of the saccus of the distiphallus; females are diagnosed by the dorsomedially shortened T7, the short, reduced S7 and the more transverse T8. In the Nearctic, A. silvatica seems to be most closely related to A. oblonga , but due to differences in the male and female terminalia it more likely represents the sister group to the A. oblonga + A. decolorata pair (see above discussion under A. oblonga ). Figs 249–255. Anthomyza silvatica sp. nov. , paratype female (Canada: Ontario).249 – postabdomen, dorsally; 250 – spermatheca; 251 – distal part of ventral receptacle, sublaterally; 252 – spermatheca; 253 – postabdomen, ventrally; 254 – internal sclerites, ventrally; 255 – female genital chamber and end of postabdomen, laterally. Scales = 0.05 mm (Figs 250–252) and 0.1 mm (others). Etymology. The species name is a Latin adjective (silvaticus, -a, -um), meaning “living in woods”, because it is one of a few Anthomyza species living commonly in the Nearctic temperate and boreal woodland. Biology. As mentioned above, A. silvatica and A. oblonga frequently co-occur in Ontario, Canada and comments and speculations have been provided above in the discussion of the biology of the two previous species. Besides this, from the many collections of A. silvatica a common theme for habitat descriptors appears to be forested sites or edges of forests (including Quebec : Mont-St.-Hilaire – sugar maple forest; Virginia and North Carolina: on blossoms of Acer spicatum Lam. ) and even association with Rubus spp. ( British Columbia : Cowichan Bay) which is reminiscent of the Ontario : Moosonee site that yielded all three A. macra group species (but only a single A. silvatica ). However, some western collections suggest something somewhat different with “agricultural meadows” ( British Columbia : Agassiz) and a “clearing near river” ( British Columbia : Gagnon Rd. – 6 mi W Terrace). Floodplain communities may be somewhat in between ( Manitoba : Ninette and Shilo). A single male was reared from a soil core ( Ontario : Sault Ste. Marie – Bristol Place Park) taken in a search for immatures of Quametopia terminalis (see ROHÁĆEK & BARBER 2011 ) in a growth of Impatiens capensis . Anthomyza silvatica has been collected as early as 2 May ( Ontario : Midland) and as late as 17 September ( Ontario : Sault Ste. Marie – Birchwood Pk.). Distribution. This is the most frequently collected Nearctic member of the A. macra group and perhaps the most widely distributed, reaching Georgia in the southeast, but not reaching into the northwest as far as A. tenuis and not yet known from Newfoundland where the other two species have been recorded. Overlap in the west with A. tenuis is yet known only for Alberta, British Columbia and Washington. Canada : Alberta , British Columbia , Manitoba , Nova Scotia , Ontario , Quebec , Saskatchewan ; United States of America : Connecticut , District of Columbia , Georgia , Illinois , Maryland , Massachusetts , Michigan , New Jersey , New York , North Carolina , Ohio , Pennsylvania , Tennessee , Vermont , Virginia , Washington , West Virginia (see Table 2, Fig. 597 ). Other A. macra group material of questionable identity ( Anthomyza sp. macra group indet.). CANADA : LBERTA : Dunvegan, N. side Peace River, pan traps in grasses, 6– , 1 ♀ , S. Boucher leg. (LEMQ, genit. prep.). QUEBEC : Old Chelsea, Summit King Mt., 1150', , 1 ♀ , J. R. Vockeroth leg. (CNCI, genit. prep.). UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : ILLINOIS : White Heath, “6.9”.1929, 1 ♀ , C. C. Goff leg. (AMNH, genit. prep.).