Taxonomic review of the genus Lista Walker, 1859 from China (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Epipaschiinae), with descriptions of five new species Author Rong, Hua College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, China Author Wang, Yiping College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, China Author Qi, Mujie 0000-0002-8953-3422 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, China & lihouhun @ nankai. edu. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 8953 - 3422 Author Li, Houhun 0000-0002-1931-8401 College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, China & qimujie @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1931 - 8401 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-12-10 5081 2 237 262 journal article 3019 10.11646/zootaxa.5081.2.4 24015f76-6d6f-461f-be58-aa9ff6ae55ed 1175-5326 5771739 4AABAEE0-115D-4316-867E-F16E1125C2C2 Lista serrata Li & Rong , sp. nov. ( Figs. 17 , 32 ) E994814E-31BA-471D-838D-01001C2C959F Type material. CHINA , Yunnan Province : Holotype , Wangtianshu ( 21.62°N , 101.59°E ), Xishuangbanna, 610 m , 23.IV.2002 , coll. ML Sheng , slide No. RH 16380. Diagnosis. This species is similar to L. sichuanensis Wang, Chen & Wu, 2017 in the male genitalia, but it can be distinguished by the sacculus with a sub-triangular dorsal process serrulate on the outer margin, a median plate rounded on the outer margin, and phallus equal to the ventral margin of the valva, and lack of a cornutus ( Fig. 32 ); in L. sichuanensis , the dorsal process of the spine-shaped sacculus is smooth on the outer margin, median plate is truncated on the outer margin, and phallus is about 4/5 the length of the ventral margin of the valva, and has one cornutus ( Fig. 33 ). Description. Adult ( Fig. 17 ) wingspan 20.0–21.0 mm. Head yellowish white. Male labial palpus yellow, suffused with black scales; first segment about 1/6 length of second; second segment apically exceeding vertex, hollowed out on inner side to receive long brush-like maxillary palpus; third segment black on basal 1/3, tapering, about 1/5 length of second. Male maxillary palpus long, brush-like, yellowish white. Male antenna yellow, serrulate on ventral surface; scape extension apically reaching base of metathorax, yellow mixed with black and fuscous scales, basal half with long black and fuscous hair-like scales ventrally, yellowish white hair-like scales apically. Thorax and tegula yellow, mixed with fuscous and black. Forewing with basal 3/4 pale pink mixed with yellow and black; distal area pale fuscous, suffused with black scales, with white strips along veins; antemedian line black, extending from basal 2/5 of costal margin vertically to middle of wing, then inward to basal 1/3 of dorsum; postmedian line black, extending from distal 2/5 of costal margin slightly obliquely inward to base of M 1 , then arched outward to CuA 1 , finally oblique inward to distal 1/3 of dorsum, edged with pale pink fascia along both inner and outer margins; subterminal line fuscous, extending from distal 1/3 of costal margin, slightly arched outward to CuA 1 , then oblique inward to distal 1/5 of dorsum, edged with pale yellow fascia along inner margin and pale pink fascia along outer margin, with a brownish yellow tuft at R 5 , with white scales on outer side; obscure brownish-yellow patch from base of CuA 2 to middle of dorsum; cell with black mixed with brownish-yellow hair-like scales at base below lower margin; discal spot absent; discocellular spot represented by a tuft of hair-like scales, black mixed with brownish yellow; terminal line yellowish white. Hindwing concolorous with forewing; black patch of scales from below base of cell to dorsum, with white mixed with black scales medially; ill-defined brownish, yellow fascia extending from base of Rs to middle of dorsum, with yellowish fuscous tufts; black hair-like scales between M 1 and M 2 and between 1A and 2A longitudinally. Cilia of both wings gray, pale fuscous medially. Foreleg yellow, femur and tibia suffused with fuscous scales, tarsus fuscous, except each tarsomere yellow at apex; mid- and hindlegs pale yellow. Male genitalia ( Fig. 32 ). Uncus broad, sub-quadrate, straight on posterior margin, covered with dense short hairs dorsally. Gnathos lateral arms with basal half slightly narrower and curved, joined apically; distal process trifurcate. Valva rhomboid, with sparse short hairs, straight terminally; median sclerotized plate umbraculiformis, widened outward, rounded on outer margin, narrowly fused apex of sacculus posteriorly; costa reaching apex of valva, distal 1/3 slightly expanded. Sacculus about 2/3 length of ventral margin of valva; dorsal process at distal 1/3, subtriangular, curved, serrulate on outer margin. Juxta subquadrate, slightly widened posteriorly; lateral lobes short, triangular, pointed apically. Phallus slightly slightly shorter than ventral margin of valva, curved at basal 1/3, with denticles distally; without cornutus. Female unknown. Distribution. China ( Yunnan ). Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin serratus , referring to the dorsal process of the sacculus serrulate on the outer margin.