A new species of Onuphis (Polychaeta: Onuphidae) from Southern Portugal, with comments on the validity of O. pancerii Claparède, 1868 Author Gil, João Author Machado, Margarida text Zootaxa 2014 3860 4 343 360 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3860.4.3 973d454f-dc43-4b29-be75-1aab886a4319 1175-5326 229678 872A1117-F6C6-4471-A5B9-9034FD8D3A99 Key to species of Onuphis present in European and nearby waters: (Adapted from: Fauchald 1982b , Gil 2011 ) 1 All branchiae simple and strap-like........................................................................ 2 - Branchiae bifid or pectinate............................................................................. 4 2 Branchiae from chaetiger 1; pseudocompound hooks all tridentate; ventral cirri cirriform on the first 5–7 chaetigers; cirriform postchaetal lobes distinct on the first 10–13 chaetigers........................................................ 3 - Branchiae from chaetiger 5; pseudocompound hooks bi– and tridentate; ventral cirri cirriform on the first 4 chaetigers; cirriform postchaetal lobes distinct on the first 16–33 chaetigers in adults............................................................................................... Onuphis farensis sp. nov. (Gulf of Cádiz, SW Iberian Peninsula) 3 Maxillary formula: MI: 1+1, MII: 8-9+8, MIII: 9-10+0, MIV: 5-6+5, MV: 1+1.................. O . opalina (SE Iceland ) - Maxillary formula: MI: 1+1, MII: 6-8+8-9, MIII: 7-8+0, MIV: 7-9+9-11, MV: 1+1....... O . rullieriana (SW British Isles) 4 Branchiae pectinate, with up to 5–7 branchial filaments (first 15–20 chaetigers with simple branchiae)................. 5 - Branchiae bifid (first 20–25 chaetigers with simple branchiae); ventral cirri cirriform on the first 3–4 chaetigers; digitiform postchaetal lobes disappearing at chaetiger 7–8....................... O . falesia (Gulf of Follonica, Mediterranean Sea) 5 Tridentate pseudocompound hooks present on the first 3 chaetigers; branchiae pectinate, with up to 6–7 branchial filaments (first 18–20 chaetigers with simple branchiae); ventral cirri cirriform on the first 6 chaetigers; digitiform postchaetal lobes distinct in at least 60 chaetigers............................. O . eremita (European Atlantic coast and Mediterranean Sea) - Bi – and tridentate pseudocompound hooks present on the first 2 chaetigers; branchiae pectinate, with up to 5–6 branchial filaments (first 15 chaetigers with simple branchiae); ventral cirri cirriform present from the first chaetiger, but total number unknown; digitiform postchaetal lobes present from the first chaetiger, but total number unknown...................................................................................... O . pancerii (Naples region, Mediterranean Sea)