Eriophyoid mites (Acari: Prostigmata: Eriophyidae) associated with Compositae in Iran Author Lotfollahi, Parisa Author Irani-Nejad, Karim Haddad Author Khanjani, Mohamad Author Moghadam, Mohamad Author Lillo, Enrico De text Zootaxa 2013 3664 3 349 360 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3664.3.5 0d9d659f-3993-482e-ba84-d93addb6c1e0 1175-5326 222311 B17B542F-A468-47B7-AFBA-7BA4F29B037B Aceria anthocoptes (Nalepa 1892) Synonym of Aceria leontodontis (Lindroth 1904) (Petanović et al . 1997) . Type data. Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.; Lorraine, France . Additional host records. Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. arvense , C. arvense (L.) Scop. vestitum Wimm & Grab. and C. arvense (L.) Scop. horridum W. & G. (both junior synonyms of C. arvense ), C. barnebyi S. L. Welsch & Neese, C. centaureae (Rydb.) K. Schum. (junior synonym of C. clavatum var. americanum (A. Gray) D.J. Keil ), C. calcareum (M.E. Jones) Woot. & Standl., C. canescens Nutt., C. discolor (Muhl.) Spreng. (probably an accidental occurrence), C. heterophyllum (L.) Hill., C. ochrocentrum A. Gray, C. scariosum (Poir.) Nutt., C. scopulorum (Greene) Cockerell ex Daniels (junior synonym of C. eatonii var. eriocephalum (A. Gray) D.J. Keil ), C. tracyi (Rydb.) Petr., C. undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng., C. vulgare (Savi) Tenore (senior synonym of C. lanceolatum (L.) Scop.), Crepis paludosa (L.) Moench (error), Leontodon autumnalis L. ( Lactuceae ), Lolium perenne L. (probably an accidental report) (Nalepa 1892; Roivainen 1950; Natcheff 1982; Ochoa et al . 2001; Sukhareva 2001; Redfern et al . 2002; Skoracka et al . 2005; Magud et al . 2007; Hansen 2008; Vidoviċ et al . 2008; Smith et al . 2010; Xue et al. 2011). Relation to the host plant. Vagrant; this mite lives on the upper leaf surface. However, discolouration, russeting, bronzing, folding and distortion of leaf blades and curling of leaf edges have also been observed when feeding on C. arvense (Smith et al. 2010) . Previous provincial records for Iran . Protogyne females: Razavi Khorasan, 2010 collected from Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (Xue et al . 2011). Localities and host plant. 27 deutogynes: Azarshahr, Iran , 37°46'24''N , 45°57'20''E , 1,353 m above sea level, 2 August 2011 , from C. arvense , coll. P. Lotfollahi; 25 protogynes: Kandovan, Iran , 37°47'31''N , 46°14'57''E , about 2,243 m above sea level, 1 August 2011 , from Cirsium sp., coll. P. Lotfollahi. Remarks. This is the first record of the occurrence of deutogyne females of A. anthocoptes in Iran . The deutogyne largely matches with the description given by Petanoviċ et al . (1997) ( Fig. 4 F). However, the Iranian specimens collected herein are characterized by having a distinct, almost transverse, sinuate submedian line anterior to tubercles of dorsal setae sc . This detail was not given by Petanoviċ et al . (1997). A similar variation has been observed on a mite population collected from a mountain locality in Serbia (B. Vidoviċ, pers. comm. , Jan. 2013 ) and Cirsium spp., in the U.S.A. (R. Ochoa, pers. comm. , Jan. 2013 ). Aceria cichorii Petanovi ć et al . 2002 Type data. Cichorium intybus L.; Belgrade, Serbia . Relation to the host. This mite species lives in the buds, causing deformation known as "witches' brooms". Localities and host plant. 19 females and one nymph, Kandovan, Iran , 37°47'31''N , 46°14'57''E , about 2,243 m above sea level, 1 August 2011 , from C. intybus L, coll. P. Lotfollahi. Remarks. This is the first record of A. cichorii for Iran . The morphometry of the female matches the original description as published by Petanoviċ et al . 2002 ( Fig. 4 A) but the Iranian specimens are characterized by having a slightly shorter median line.