Revision of the South American genus Xiphiola Bolívar, 1896 (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Ommatolampidinae: Abracrini) Author Costa, Maria Kátia Matiotti Da Author Ferrari, Augusto Author Zefa, Edison Author Carvalho, Gervásio Silva text Zootaxa 2016 4170 3 567 580 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4170.3.9 7eae132e-e667-4524-8fda-1dc38538920b 1175-5326 265238 04EF5821-0F0A-48DD-8493-E278006BEEB4 Xiphiola borellii Giglio-Tos, 1900 ( Figs. 20–29 ) Orthoptera Bruner, 1906 , 1911 , 1919; Rehn, 1907 , 1909 ; Kirby, 1910 ; Liebermann, 1955 ; Dirsh, 1956 ; Ferreira et al .1980 ; Passerin, 1981; Mesa et al .1982 . Type material. Holotype female of the X. borellii , images obtained in the site Orthoptera Species File (OSF) ( Figs. 20–21 ). Italy, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino (MRSNT). FIGURES 20–21. 20. Holotype of Xiphiola borellii Giglio-Tos, 1900 , female, latera l view; 21. Same, female, dorsal view. Photos available in Orthoptera Species File (OSF). Source: Italy, Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali di Torino (MRSNT). FIGURES 22–28. 22. Xiphiola borellii Giglio-Tos, 1900 , male, lateral view; 23 . Head and pronotum of male, dorsal view; 24. Supra-anal plate of male, dorsal view; 25. Ovipositor valves, female, lateral, view; 26. Phallic complex, lateral view lateral; 27. Endophallus lateral, view; 28 . Epiphallus, dorsal view. Diagnosis . Differs mainly from X. cyanoptera for: (i) fastigium of the vertex short with subtriangular apex; (ii) interocular space wide; (iii) pronotum not rectangular; (iv) lateral carinae of pronotum divergent; (v) posterior region of the metapleura slightly darkened; (vi) hind femora without a pair of dorsal dark stripes; (vii) supra-anal plate with median longitudinal sulci protruding in anterior region of the plate and presence of tubercles; (viii) furculae present; (ix) cerci long with truncate. Redescription . Female. Holotype ( Figs. 20–21 ). Macropterous. Medium size. Body color ferruginous. Frons unicolour. Tegmina homogeneously ferruginous brown. Contour of the mesoternal space black. Lower carinae of the hind femora black. Legs ferruginous; hind femora with inner surface black. Frontal costa flat and the median ocelli slightly prominent. Male. Body ferruginous. Furculae of male distinctly developed consisting of a pair of parallel, cylindrical prominences in median region of supra-anal plate ( Fig. 24 ). Material examined : BRAZIL , Minas Gerais , Curvelo , xii.1977 , O. Roppa , 1 male (AC1308, MNRJ ) ; same data, Seabra , Roppa & Monné , 2 males (AC1305, MNRJ ) ; Taiobeiras , xi.1977 , O. Roppa , 4 males and 15 females (AC1307, MNRJ ) ; Diamantina , xi.1977 , Roppa & Monné , 1 male (AC1303, MNRJ ) ; same data, Roppa & Monné , 1 female (AC1303; MNRJ ) ; Poços de Caldas , viii, 1977, 2 males and 1 female , Roppa & Monné , (AC1309, MNRJ ) ; Goiás , Minaçu , 29.v– , Monné & Roppa , 1 female , (AC1306, MNRJ ) ; same data, 7.xii.1987 , O. Roppa , 1 female (AC1310, MNRJ ) ; Jataí , x.1982 , L. Reiys , 1 male (AC1315, MNRJ ) ; Mato Grosso , Chapada dos Guimarães , ix.1978 , Monné , Roppa & Becker , 2 males and 3 females (AC1304, MNRJ ) ; same data, vii.1883 , O. Roppa & Monné, 2 females (AC1313, MNRJ ) ; same data, vii.1983 , M. Monné , 1 male , (AC1313, MNRJ ) ; Rondonópolis , Serra da Petrolina , vii.1978 , O. Roppa & M. Monné , 1 female (AC1307, MNRJ ) ; Mato Grosso do Sul , Corumbá , vii.1979 , B. Silva , 2 males and 4 females (AC1314, MNRJ ) ; São Paulo , Itirapira , v.1977 , C. S.Carbonell & A. Mesa , 2 females (AC 1312, MNRJ ) ; same data, 26.viii.82 , A. Mesa , F. Mello & C. Fontanetti , 1 male , C. S. Carbonell det., ( MZUSP ) ; same data, 03.iv.82 , A. Mesa & F. Mello , 1 male , ( MZUSP ) , same data, 04.v.1982 , A. Mesa , F. Mello , 1 male , C. S. Carbonell , 1986 det., ( MZUSP ) ; same data, 14.v.1982 , A. Mesa & F. Mello , 5 females , C. S. Carbonell , 1986 det., ( MZUSP ) . PARAGUAY , Caaguazú , 12.iii.1965 , C. S. Carbonell , A. Mesa , M. A. Monné , 2 males , C. S. Carbonell , 1975 det., ( MZUSP ) . Measurements in mm , 22 males / 36 females , respectively: BL., 16 (15–16)/ 21 (18–21); PL., 4 (3–4)/ 6 (5–6); FL., 13 (12–13)/ 15 (14–15); TL., 18(16–18)/ 19 (18–19). Remarks . The following materials of the Museum of Madrid have not been examined, but its localities are extremely important expanding the area of distribution of the species. BRASIL, Chapada dos Guimarães (?), near Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, August, Carn. Mus. Acc. 2966, 1 male, MNCN-Ent 139234. Geographical distribution. Brazil : state of Rio de Janeiro ( Bruner, 1911 ), Carbonell, 1998 (Unpublished List), state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Chapada; Urucum ( Bruner, 1906 ; Giglio-Tos, 1900 ; Carbonell, 1998 Unpublished List); Paraguay: ( Bruner, 1906 ): departament of Sapucay and Paraguari ( Rehn, 1907 ; Assis-Pujol & Pujol-Luz (2014) ; Bolivia : departament of Buena Vista and Rio Japacani ( Bruner, 1920 ); Peru : región Loreto ( Kirby, 1910 ) ( Fig. 29 ).