Cortinarius kashmirensis sp. nov. in Cortinarius sect. Disjungendi (Agaricales) from Pakistan Author Khurshid, Rubab Author Naseer, Arooj Author Garrido-Benavent, Isaac Author Khalid, Abdul Nasir text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-01-31 583 1 50 60 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.583.1.5 4493b724-33af-460f-8d49-1e048502c6ac 1179-3163 7609163 Cortinarius kashmirensis R. Khurshid & A. Naseer , sp . nov . Figure 3–5 . MycoBank:— MB843528 . Diagnosis:—Basidiomata small (up to 6 cm ) with conico-convex to uplifted pilei, light grayish red lamellae when young and smaller basidiospores (9.4 × 5.5 µm in average) than the phylogenetically closely related species Cortinarius claroplaniusculus , which also differs from the new species by its habitat and by producing basidiomata with brownish silvery fibrillose pilei and pale greyish brown lamellae. Etymology:—The specific epithet “ kashmirensis ” refers to Kashmir, the geographic area where specimens were originally collected. Holotype :— Pakistan , Azad Jammu and Kashmir , Bagh District , Saliyan , Nari at 2,625 m a.s.l., in mixed forest of Pinus wallichiana , Cedrus deodara and Abies pindrow , on soil, gregarious, 29 August 2021 , leg. R. Khurshid N-348 ( LAH37034 ; GenBank ITS accession code: ON113348 ). Description:— Basidiomata small to medium, tricholomatoid. Pileus 2–6.4 cm in diam., grayish reddish orange (2.5YR 5/6) to light brown (5YR 6/4) when young, blackish brown (5YR 1/2) to brown (1.6Y 6.6/3) when mature, conic to conico-convex when young, becoming flat to uplifted when mature, margins entire or even when young and lacerate when mature. Lamellae light grayish red (2.5R 6/4) when young, becoming dark brown (4.1 YR 1.8/3.1) with age, adnate, with a decurrent tooth, lamellae edge undate, close to crowded, lamellulae present. Stipe 10–11.6 × 2–2.6 cm , whitish (3Y 7.2/1.5) with patches of lighter brown tinge (1.6Y 6.6/3) when young while brownish (7.8YR 4.4/4.7) patches spreading over the stipe when mature with whitish (3Y 7.2/1.5) near the lamellae and from the base, hard, solid, fibrillose, hollow, central, tapering upwards; base subbulbous. Context whitish. Smell and taste not recorded. FIGURE 3. Cortinarius kashmirensis (Holotype: LAH37034). A–F. Pileus, stipe, lamellae and stipe details. Basidiospores [n = 60/3/3] (7.7) 9.1–10.5(11.6) × (4.4)4.8–6.7 (7.2) μm, (avL × avW = 9.4 × 5.5 μm), Q=1.3–1.5 (2.1), avQ= 1.73, pale brownish in 5% KOH, amygdaliform in side view, obovoid to broadly ellipsoidal in frontal view, thin-walled, densely ornamented, apiculated. Basidia (26.8)33.4–35.6(41.1) × (4.4)6.5–7.2(8.0) µm, hyaline in 5% KOH, thin-walled, two to four spored, filled with several guttules, clavate to narrowly clavate, completely filled with dense crystalline content. Pileipellis an epicutis composed of interwoven hyphae (3.2)4.3–7.6 µm in diam., hyaline, septate, crowded, irregular, branched, thin-walled, with cylindrical to clavate terminal ends, clamp connections present, pileocystidia absent. Stipitipellis (3.3)4.1–5.6 µm in diam., av = 4.84 µm, hyaline in 5% KOH, septate, rarely branched, filamentous, irregular, with narrowly cylindrical terminal ends, clamp connection present, caulocystidia absent. Additional material examined:— Pakistan , Azad Kashmir, Bagh, Saliyan, at 2,625 m a.s.l., under mixed forest of Pinus wallichiana , Cedrus deodara and Abies pindrow , on soil, solitary, 20 August 2020 , leg. R. Khurshid Na-80 (LAH37035; GenBank ITS: ON113351 and LSU: ON113347 ).