A revision of the genera Acrosathe Irwin and Lyneborg, Arenigena Irwin and Lyneborg, and Litolinga Irwin and Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae) from the Nearctic Region Author Webb, Donald W. text Zootaxa 2009 2009-05-04 2091 1 1 67 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.2091.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2091.1.1 1175­5334 5318356 Arenigena albiseta Webb spec. nov. ( Figs. 55–63 ) Etymology . Albus (Latin) = white; seta (Latin, female) = bristle. This name refers to the abundant white setae that cover the males of this species. Diagnosis. Arenigena albiseta is similar to A. floridensis and A. semitaria in having the inner gonocoxal process bilobed ( Fig. 58 ). It differs from A. floridensis in having the gonocoxite ventral view ( Fig. 57 ) with a posteromedial aggregation of dense setae; the dorsal apodeme ( Fig. 60 ) narrow, oval with the anterior margin rounded; and the furca ( Fig. 63 ) rectangular, posterior margin pointed or rounded. It differs from A. semitaria in having the wing veins and cross-veins yellow, lacking a brown margin; the proepimeron setose across the dorsal margin; the male sternite 8 with setae continuous across posterior margin ( Fig. 57 ); the gonocoxite ventral view ( Fig. 57 ) with a posteromedial aggregation of dense setae; the gonostylus ( Fig. 59 ) lacking short, dark brown apical macrosetae and an apical tuft of setae; the dorsal apodeme ( Fig. 60 ) narrow, oval, and the anterior margin rounded; and the furca ( Fig. 63 ) broad anteriorly. Description of MALE. Variation (n=10). Body length 8.2–1.1, 9.9 mm . Head . Length 0.90–1.24, 1.09 mm . Ocellar tubercle dark reddish brown, pubescence gray, dense; setae pale white, elongate. Frons pubescence whitish gray, dense; setae absent. Antenna yellowish brown, second and third flagellomeres dark brown, scape with dense, white pubescence; antenna/head length 0.52–0.84, 0.72; scape length 0.18–0.28, 0.24 mm , width 0.14–0.16, 0.14 mm , length/width 1.3–1.9, 1.7, scape/pedicel length 2.3–3.3, 2.8, scape/flagellum width 0.8–1.0, 0.9, setae white, elongate, macrosetae dark brown; pedicel length 0.08–0.10, 0.08 mm , width 0.14–0.16, 0.14 mm , length/width 0.5–0.7, 0.6 setae dark brown, short; flagellum with apical third of first flagellum narrow, elongate, length 0.36–0.52, 0.48 mm , width 0.14–0.18, 0.17 mm , length/width 2.1–3.7, 2.8, flagellum/scape length 1.5–2.8, 2.0. Parafacial pubescence white. Gena rounded ventrally; setae white, elongate. Maxillary palpus yellow; length 0.42–0.50, 0.45 mm , width 0.06–0.08, 0.07 mm , length/width 5.5–7.3, 6.3; setae white to pale yellow, elongate. Occipital setae white, elongate, abundant dorsally. Thorax . Macrosetae 2–3 np, 2 sa, 1 dc. Mesonotum dull brownish gray, pubescence gray, dense; setae white, elongate. Pleuron pubescence gray, dense; setae white, elongate on propleuron, proepimeron (along dor sal margin), anepiste rnum, ka tepist ernum (abunda nt a long anteri or ma rgin), late rotergi te, metanepisternum, and scutellum. Wing. Membrane hyaline, veins yellow; length 6.2–7.7, 7.1 mm , width 2.0–3.2, 2.6 mm , length/width 2.3–3.3, 2.7; pterostigma brown, narrow. Halter yellow. Legs. Coxae pubescence white, dense; setae white, elongate. Femora dark reddish brown, pubescence white; ventral setae white, elongate, dorsal setae white, appressed. Tibiae yellowish brown, apex dark brown. Tarsi 1 yellowish brown, apex dark brown; 2–5 dark brown. Abdomen . Pubescence white, dense; dorsal setae white, elongate, erect, abundant; lateral setae white, elongate. Terminalia (MEI 012010) brown. Tergite 8 ( Fig. 56 ), setae pale yellow. Sternite 8 ( Fig. 57 ), rectangular, sides rounded, posterior truncate; setae pale yellow, continuous as narrow band across posterior margin. Epandrium ( Fig. 56 ) quadrate; posterolateral margin broadly pointed; setae yellow. Cerci ( Fig. 56 ), ending basal to apex of hypoproct. Hypoproct ( Fig. 56 ), posterior margin deeply emarginate. Gonocoxite ventral view ( Fig. 57 ) quadrate, tapering posteriorly to broad rounded point with dense aggregation of setae posteromedially; lateral view ( Fig. 58 ), oval, tapering posteriorly to blunt point, inner gonocoxal process bilobed, dorsal lobe thick with apical yellow setae, ventral projection narrow. Gonostylus lateral view ( Fig. 59 ) thick, cylindrical, broadly curved posteroventrally; setae yellow. Aedeagus with dorsal apodeme ( Fig. 60 ) narrow, sides rounded, anterior margin truncate; ventral apodeme ( Fig. 61 ), broad, clavate, anterior margin rounded to slightly pointed; distiphallus dorsal view ( Fig. 60 ) narrow; lateral view ( Fig. 62 ) thick basally, thin apically; ejaculatory apodeme ( Figs. 60–61 ) extending beyond anterior margin of dorsal apodeme. FEMALE . Similar to male except for following. Variation (n=10). Body length 8.4–13.0, 10.4 mm . Head . Length 0.88–1.22, 1.09 mm . Frons pubescence white, dense; setae white. Antenna/head length 0.7–1.1, 0.8; scape length 0.18–0.30, 0.24 mm , width 0.14–0.18, 0.16 mm , length/width 1.3–2.1, 1.6, scape/ pedicel length 2.2–3.0, 2.7, scape/flagellum width 0.7–0.9, 0.8; pedicel length 0.08–0.10, 0.09 mm , width 0.14–0.16, 0.15 mm , length/width 0.5–0.7, 0.6; flagellum length 0.47–0.54, 0.51 mm , width 0.18–0.24, 0.21 mm , length/width 2.2–2.7, 2.5, flagellum/scape length 1.6–2.9, 2.1. Maxillary palpus length 0.50–0.56, 0.53 mm , width 0.08–0.10, 0.10 mm , length/width 5.0–6.5, 5.6. Thorax . Macrosetae 3 np, 2–4 sa, 1–2 dc. Wing. Length 6.7–8.8, 8.0 mm, width 2.5–3.2, 2.8 mm , length/ width 2.7–3.2, 2.8. Abdomen . Dark brown, pubescence gray, denser on tergites 1–4 and most of tergites 2–7, tergite 8 glossy; dorsal setae white to pale yellow appressed. Terminalia (MEI 170263). Furca ( Fig. 63 ) quadrate; length 0.37 mm , width 0.30 mm ; anterolateral projections short, rounded. Immature stages. Unknown. Distribution. Arenigena albiseta is known from Arizona , California , Colorado , Nebraska , Nevada , New Mexico , North Dakota , Texas , Utah , and Wyoming ( Fig. 55 ). Habitats and Phenology. Arenigena albiseta has been hand-netted and sweep-netted in sand and prairie habitats, and collected in pan, Malaise, and rotating traps. Adults have been collected from May through August. Specimens examined. Type specimens. The holotype male of Arenigena albiseta Webb (MEI 119000) is labeled "20Mi.NE.Tuba City, Coconino County , Arizona, VI-26-67, Ephedra cutleri, Peebles Join fir, Collectors J. H. Davidson, J. M. Davidson, M. A. Cazier " and is deposited in the USNM. PARATYPES . UNITED STATES . ARIZONA . Cochise County . Wilcox [ 32.253 , -109.831 ], 20.VIII.1958 , Hurd, P.D. , 1♂ MEI 119081 ( EMEC ) . Coconino County . 19.3 km NE Tuba City [ 36.251 , -111.122 ], 21.VI.1967 , Davidson, J.M. , Cazier, M.A. , 1♂ MEI 119061 ( ASUT ) ; 32.2 km NE Tuba City [36.34, -111.034], 26.VI.1967 , Davidson , J.H., Davidson, J.M. , Cazier, M.A. , 3♂ MEI 119054, 119056, 170265, 1♀ 119094 ( ASUT ) ; 7.2 km E Moenkopi [ 36.111 , -111.157 ], 3.VI.1967 , Davidson , J.H., Davidson, J.M. , Cazier, M.A. , 5♂ MEI 119050, 119052 ( INHS ) , 119060 (USNM), 119070, 170264 (ASUT); Moenave [ 36.139 , -111.337 ], 24.VI.1967 , Davidson, J.H. , Davidson, J.M. , Cazier, M.A. , 1♀ MEI 170263 ( INHS ) . Yavapai County. Prescott [34.54, - 110.468], 11.VI.1902 , Oslar , 1♂ MEI 029003 ( ANSP ) . CALIFORNIA . Inyo County . 11.3 km S Oasis [ 37.383 , -117.914 ], 1539m , 23–24.VI.1992 , Irwin , M.E. , Yeates, D.K. , 1♂ MEI 119040, 1♀ 170262 ( MEIC ) , sweeping sagebrush; 27.37 km E Big Pine , Death Valley road [ 37.165 , -118.289 ], 2111m , 21–24.VI.1992 , Irwin , M.E. , Yeates, D.K. , 1♂ MEI 119065 ( MEIC ) , rotating trap . Lassen County . Hallelujah Junction [ 39.776 , -120.038 ], 27.VI.1949 , Hurd, P.D. , 1♂ MEI 012010 ( EMEC ) . Mono County . 14.5 km N Bishop [Inyo County], at Fish Slough [ 37.494 , -118.394 ], 1280m , 19.V–29.VII.1980 , Giuliani, D. , 1♀ MEI 072636 ( CSCA ) , pitfall trap . COLORADO . Alamosa County . [ 37.682 , -105.548 ], Brown, F.M. , 1♀ MEI 119098 ( INHS ) . Bent County . 4.0 km S Caddoa [ 38.012 , -102.968 ], 3.VII.1990 , Kondratieff, B. , Kippenhan, M. , Evans, H. E. , 2♂ MEI 075522, 075525 ( CSUC ) ; 11.VII.1991 , Kippenhan , M., Kondratieff , B., Leatherman , D., Leatherman, M. , Opler, P. , 1♂ MEI 075528 ( INHS ) , sanddunes; off County Road 37 and Route 50 [38.11, -102.75], 30.VI.1991 , Kondratieff, B. , DeJong, G. , 1♂ MEI 075527 ( CSUC ) ; Road 26, S of Caddoa Creek [ 38.053 , -102.925 ], 14.VI.1994 , Evans , Kondratieff , 2♀ MEI 075529 ( CSUC ) , 075530 (USNM). Costilla County . Blanca [ 37.438 , -105.515 ], 28.VII.1948 , Martin, D. , Martin, C.H. , 1♂ MEI 119073 ( OSU ) . Larimer County . Fort Collins [ 40.585 , -105.084 ], 8.VII.1900 , 1♂ MEI 081079 ( MCZ ) . Otero County . Colorado Route 109, MP 37, 11.VIII.1990 , Kondratieff, B. , Leatherman, D. , DeJong, G. , Rhoades , C, 1♂ MEI 075526 ( CSUC ) ; Vogel Canyon , 1.VII.1994 , Kondratieff, B. , 1♂ MEI 075531 ( CSUC ) . Saguache County . Baca Grant [ 37.791 , - 105.563 ], 27–29.VI.1997 , Pineda, P.M. , 2♀ MEI 106465–6 ( CSUC ) , pitfall trap . Weld County . 27.VI.1970 , Bell, R.T. , 1♀ MEI 084512 ( ESUW ) , pitfall trap . NEBRASKA . Thomas County . Halsey [ 41.903 , -100.269 ], 5–12.VIII.1957 , Henzlik, R. , 1♀ MEI 034457 ( UNSM ) , alcohol pitfall trap , prairie, 2♀ MEI 034455–6 ( UNSM ) , sweep-net, prairie. NEVADA . Churchill County . 8.1 km NE Fallon [ 39.525 , -118.725 ], 18.VII.1978 , Bechtel, R.C. , Martinelli, D.M. , 1♀ MEI 076982 ( NVDA ) ; Blow Sand Mountains , 39.177 , - 118.649 ], 28.VI.1979 , Bechtel, R.C. , Martinelli, D.M. , Horton, D.L. , 4♂ MEI 119003 ( INHS ) , 119090, 119077, 119088 (UNVR); Stillwater [ 39.522 , -118.546 ], 1.VII.1965 , Irwin , M.E. , 1♀ MEI 119099 ( MEIC ) . Humboldt County . 16.1 km N Winnemucca [ 41.118 , -117.735 ], 19.VI.1985 , Veirs, D. , 1♂ MEI 072773 ( EMUS ) . Lincoln County . [ 37.819 , -114.414 ], 12.VI.1987 , Bechtel, R.C. , Knight, J.B. , 1♂ MEI 076966 ( NVDA ) . Mineral County . 14.5 km S Mina [ 38.256 , -118.085 ], 1.VII.1965 , Irwin , M.E. , 1♂ MEI 119076 ( MEIC ) . Nye County . Mercury [ 36.661 , -115.994 ], 4.VI.1961 , 1♂ MEI 133748 ( BYUC ) . Washoe County . Bedell Flat [ 39.851 , -119.828 ], 29.VI.1976 , Knight, J.B. , 1♂ MEI 076984 ( NVDA ) . NEW MEXICO . Dona Ana County . 8.1 km SW La Mesa , dunes NW Black Mountain [32.07, -106.759], 1311m , 22.VIII.1983 , Forbes , G.S., 1♂ MEI 119082 ( NMSU ) ; Eddy County . [32.35, -103.85], 3.VI.1979 , Burke , Delorme , Carrola , Friedlander , Schaffner , 1♂ MEI 076522 ( TAMU ) . Lea County . 16.1 km S Hobbs [ 32.563 , -103.135 ], 29.VII.1986 , Gordy, P. , 1♂ MEI 075378 ( CSUC ) . Luna County . Deming [ 32.268 , -107.759 ], 4.V.1933 , Ball, F.D. , 1♂ MEI 119053 ( MEIC ) . Torrance County . Moriarty [34.99, -106.049], 29.VII.1962 , Anderson, L.D. , 1♂ MEI 119102, 1♀ 119101 ( MEIC ) . NORTH DAKOTA . McKenzie County . 2.VIII.1977 , Schutz, L.A. , Smith, J.W. , 1♀ MEI 119100 ( MEIC ) . TEXAS . Hidalgo County . 8.VI.1958 , Knull, D.J. , Knull, J.N. , 1♂ MEI 114610 ( OSU ) . Hudspeth County . 24.2 km W road 2775, 22.VI.1994 , Kondratieff , Kippenhan , 1♂ MEI 075521 ( CSUC ) . Ward County . [ 31.648 , -102.823 ], 16.VII.1975 , Nelson, G.H. , 1♂ MEI 119093 ( FSCA ) . UTAH . Garfield County . 54 km S Hanksville , Woodruff Springs [ 37.865 , -110.582 ], 1550m , 22–27.V.2002 , Irwin , M.E. , Parker, F.D. , 1♀ MEI 170261 ( MEIC ) , Malaise trap ; Boulder Mountain [ 38.087 , -111.433 ], 13.VI.1969 , Knowlton, G.F. , Davis, D.W. , 1♂ MEI 072779 ( EMUS ) ; Horse Canyon , off Burr Trail [ 37.719 , - 111.266 ], 15.VI.2000 , Green, E.C. , Huntzinger, K.T. , Mendel, W.N. , 1♂ MEI 133942 ( BYUC ) ; The Post [trailhead], MVL [ 37.835 , -110.981 ], 3.VI.1994 , Opler, P. , Kondratieff , Nelson , 1♀ MEI 035786 ( CSUC ) . Kane County . top of Mollies Nipple [summit], off Kitchen Corral Road [ 37.271 , -112.054 ], 2216m , 5.VI.2000 , Barber, H.A. , Green, E.C. , Huntzinger, K.T. , Mendel, W.N. , Nelson, C.R. , 1♂ MEI 133846 ( BYUC ) ; trail to Mollies Nipple [summit], off Kitchen Corral Road [ 37.279 , -112.085 ], 5.VI.2000 , Barber, H.A. , Green, E.C. , Huntzinger, K.T. , Mendel, W.N. , Nelson, C.R. , 4♂ MEI 133845, 133847 ( INHS ) , 133849–50, 1♀ 133848 ( BYUC ) ; [ 37.035 , -112.727 ], 1786m , 11.V.2000 , Huntzinger, K.T. , Mendel, W.N. , Nelson , C.R., 1♀ MEI 133766 ( BYUC ) . WYOMING . Platte County . Dwyer [ 42.242 , -104.956 ], 7.VII.1965 , Holland , F.R., 1♀ MEI 119096 ( ESUW ) ; Glendo [ 42.503 , -105.026 ], 7.V.1961 , Lavigne, R.J. , 1♀ MEI 084521 ( ESUW ) ; Guernsey [42.27, -104.741], 4.VIII.1960 , Lavigne , R.J., 1♀ MEI 119097 ( ESUW ) ; Pruitt Ranch , 11.VII.1966 , Morston, N. , 1♂ MEI 119092 ( INHS ) ; Teeter Ranch [Teeters Ranch] [ 41.914 , -104.532 ], 13.VII.1966 , Marston, N. , 1♀ MEI 119095 ( INHS ) .