New state and host records for Agromyzidae (Diptera) in the United States, with the description of thirty new species Author Eiseman, Charles S. Author Lonsdale, Owen text Zootaxa 2018 2018-09-14 4479 1 1 156 journal article 29197 10.11646/zootaxa.4479.1.1 73cc6f7d-b3ec-40c5-adc7-52b9e0cbf236 1175-5326 1452913 93C84828-6EEF-4758-BEA1-97EEEF115245 Calycomyza menthae Spencer ( Fig. 114 ) Material examined. MASSACHUSETTS : Hampshire Co. , Pelham , 88 Arnold Rd. , 30.v.2014 , em . 17– , C.S. Eiseman , ex Monarda didyma , #CSE1128, CNC384863–384876 ( 7♂ 7♀ ); NORTH CAROLINA : Durham Co. , Durham , Pelham Rd. , 21.v.2016 , em . , T.S. Feldman , ex Hedeoma hispida , #CSE2539, CNC634978 ( 1♂ ); OKLAHOMA : Payne Co. , Mehan , 36.014339° N , -96.996744° W, 20.iv.2017 , em. 7.v.2017 , M.W. Palmer , ex Monarda fistulosa , #CSE3736, CNC939889 ( 1♂ ); VERMONT : Chittenden Co. , Williston , Mud Pond , 28.viii.2016 , em . iv.2017 , C.S. Eiseman, ex Lycopus uniflorus , #CSE3566, CNC940122 (1♂). Tentatively identified material. MASSACHUSETTS: Hampden Co., Westfield, 12.viii.2014 , em. 24.viii– 2.ix.2014 , C.S. Eiseman, ex Lycopus uniflorus , #CSE1356, CNC384833, CNC384834 (2♀); Middlesex Co., Townsend, 42.68888526, -71.75159779, 19.vii.2017 , em. 4.viii.2017 , C.S. Eiseman, ex Lycopus uniflorus , #CSE4068, CNC939732 (1♀); OREGON: Lane Co., Blue River, 20.vii.2017 , em. 8.viii.2017 , M.W. Palmer, ex Prunella vulgaris , #CSE4262, CNC939939 (1♀). Hosts. Lamiaceae : * Hedeoma hispida Pursh , * Lycopus uniflorus Michx. , Mentha arvensis L., Monarda * didyma L., M. fistulosa L. ( Spencer 1969 ). Spencer & Steyskal (1986) recorded the following additional hosts based on leaf mines from California and Florida where adults have not been found: Hyptis mutabilis ( A . Rich.) Briq. , Monarda punctata L., Monardella odoratissima Benth. , and Ocimum L. Spencer (1969) tentatively attributed a leaf mine on Agastache nepetoides (L.) Kuntze to this species. Our female reared from Prunella vulgaris L. is consistent with Calycomyza menthae , as are the leaf mines on this host, but males would be needed to be certain of the identification. This is the first record of any Calycomyza from Prunella . We have found likely mines of C. menthae on Mentha canadensis L. and M. spicata L. in Massachusetts . A leaf mine on Pycnanthemum Michx. photographed in Maryland ( Wilson 2013 ) may also represent C. menthae ; this is not a known host for any agromyzid. Leaf mine. ( Fig. 114 ) Initially a narrow brown line, expanding to a messy, brownish blotch with clean, whitish margins here and there. Feeding lines like those of Nemorimyza posticata were visible in some examples. In the small leaves of Hedeoma , the mine occupies the entire leaf surface. Puparium. Yellowish-brown to pale reddish-brown; formed outside the mine. Distribution. USA : *MA, *NC, *OK, *VT; Canada : AB ( Sehgal 1971 ), ON. The records of California and Florida ( Spencer & Steyskal 1986 ) are based only on leaf mines. Our tentatively identified female reared from Prunella was collected in Oregon , and we have seen probable Calycomyza menthae mines on Monarda (including photographs posted to in CT, IA, MN, MO, and WI. Comments. The only other Lamiaceae-feeding Calycomyza recorded from North America is C. hyptidis Spencer , which forms a characteristic star-shaped blotch with the frass all deposited in the center. It is not known to occur north of Florida . Although the host and distribution records based on leaf mines noted above may well all represent C. menthae , male specimens are needed to confirm them.