Synopsis of the new subtribe Scatimina (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Ateuchini), with descriptions of twelve new genera and review of Genieridium, new genus Author Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z. text Zootaxa 2008 2008-12-05 1955 1 75 journal article 1175­5334 11.1. Pedaridium hirsutum ( Harold, 1859 ) Pedaria hirsuta : Harold 1859: 194–195 Pedaridium hirsutum : Harold 1869a: 1001 ; Gillet 1911: 48 ; Arrow 1913: 458 ; Arrow 1932: 224 , 226; Balthasar 1938: 219 ; Blackwelder 1944: 203 ; Ferreira & Galileo 1993: 7 , 16–18, 48–51; Vaz-de-Mello & Canhedo 1998: 100 ; Vazde-Mello 2000: 194 Type series: Lectotype is here designated in order to maintain nomenclatoral stability (see remarks). LECTO- TYPE here designated : , pinned, in MNHU. Labels: [1.] 26438 / [2.] São João del Rey, Sellow / [3. green label] hirsutum Harold / [4.] Zool. Mus. Berlin / [5. red label] LECTOTYPE / [6.] Pedaria hirsuta Har. LEC- TOTYPE, Vaz-de-Mello det. 200 1 PARALECTOTYPE : , pinned, in MNHU. Labels : [1. green label] St Joao d R, Sello , Nr 26438 / [2.] Zool. Mus. Berlin / [3. yellow label] PARALECTOTYPE / [4.] Pedaria hirsuta Har. PARALECTOTYPE , Vaz-de-Mello det. 2001. Non-type material examined: BRAZIL : Minas Gerais : Vila Monte Verde, 20-IV-1966 , J. Halik (4 MZSP ); Paraná : Campo Largo da Roseira, VII-1942 , Hatsbach (1 CMNC ); Curitiba, V-1942 , Hatsbach (1 CMNC ); no date (1 MNRJ ); IV-1942 (1 IBSP , 3 MZSP ); Deodoro, 1943, Hatsbach (2 CMNC ); VI-1942 (1 CMNC , 3 MZSP ); Florestal (Deodoro), X-1943 , Hatsbach (1 CMNC ); Florestal (Piraquara), XII-1942 , B. Pohl (2 MZSP ); Guaraúna, VI-1937 , Pinheiro Machado (1 MZSP ); VI-1947 (1 MNRJ ); Penha, VI-1940 , Hatsbach (1 MZSP ); Purunã, V-1942 , Hatsbach (1 MZSP ); Rincão, IV-1942 , Hatsbach (1 CMNC ); Xaxim, V- 1942 (1 IBSP , 1 MZSP ); Rio de Janeiro : Itatiaia, 19-IV-1992 , CL Godinho Jr (2 FVMC ); I-1992 (1 FVMC ); IV-1995 (2 FVMC ); Nova Friburgo, Três Picos, Salinas, X-2000 , P Grossi (4 FVMC ); Nova Friburgo, VI- 2000 , P Grossi (1 FVMC ); Santa Catarina : São Bento , II-1989 , Pereira (1 CMNC ); São Paulo : São Bernardo , VIII-1934 , Guérin (2 IBSP ); No data: (2 IRSN , 1 NMHB); Candèze (2 IRSN ). Remarks: The designation of a lectotype for P. hirsutum is necessary because of the sympatry and great resemblance of that species to another yet undescribed one. Although the two examined specimens that could be confirmed to belong to the type series are conspecific, Harold (1859) does not mention the number of specimens seen by him for the description, and the original description fits both species. So, given the possibility of existence of other syntypes of P. hirsutum , which may not be conspecific to the ones studied, I decide to here fix the name-bearing type in order to fix the application of the species name in its current sense.