Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) | Sigmancistras Sigmas (L μm) (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range | |
this work | Erect columnar stipitate with a single axis and filaments projecting at right angles to the axis, basal attachment absent | 28 x 2 | Axis and filaments supported by tightly bound longitudinal tracts of mycalostyles, also arranged as buttresses tangential to the stem, bundles of smaller tylostyles also project tangential to the stem | mycalostyles 855-(1000)- 1130 x 15.7-(21.2)- 28.3 | subtylostyles 427-(586)-805 x 3.7-(9.4)-15.3 | absent | anisochelae 10.5–29.2 | absent | larger sigmas continental 43.4-(54.0)- slope off 68.7 Jervis Bay, smaller New South sigmas 20.2- Wales, (27.7)- Australia, 37.8 bathyal | |
Arbuscular erect, short stem compared to long bipinnate body with biserial lateral filaments perpendicular to axis in two opposite series | 40 x 0.8–1 | Main axis of longitudinal bundles of fusiform (mycalo)styles surrounded by dense feltwork of acanthotylo- strongyles, axis of lateral filaments of smaller styles and similar feltwork of acantho- tylostrongyles, base with tangential styles to substrongyles | axial styles 1550–2100 × 30–35 acanthotylo- strongyles 65–165 × 0.8–2.3 | axial mycalostyles 370–780 × 8.5–17 acantho- tylostrongyles 65–165 × 0.8–2.3 | styles- substrongyles 220–535 × 15–42 | anisochelae 1, 32–36 x 4.1–5 anisochelae 2, 9.8–10.5 x 0.8–1 | 23–28 x 2.3 | absent | East Pacific Rise. Garrett Segment, bathyal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) | Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range |
Arbuscular erect cylindrical ending in a slightly enlarged body bearing short lateral expansions laterally opposed | 210 x 0.7–2 | Axis and lateral expansions with longitudinally arranged mycalostyles, axis also with dense feltwork of acanthotylostrongyles, base absent | mycalostyles 650–1650 x 10–30 Acantho- tylostrongyles 130–310 x 2–3 | undifferentiated mycalostyles | absent | anisochelae 10.5–10.8 anisoplacochelae 180–220 | 27–32 x 2.5–3 | absent | Three Kings Ridge, New Zealand, bathyal |
Stipitate erect, long peduncle, multi-furcate basal holdfast, lateral filaments pinnate protruding from the main axis in series | 35 | Axis with bundles of mycalostyles arranged in a ring producing axial grooves, filaments bundles of subtylostyles pointing outwards, basal holdfast of mycalostyles, flexuous strongyles and smaller acanthostyles | mycalostyles 1010-(1449)-2070 x 17.3-(24.2)-31.4 | subtylostyles 610-(734)-880 x 11.0-(15.1)-18.8 | strongyles 460-(659)- 830 x 3.1- (6.0)-9.4 acanthostyles 127–(198)- 250 x 1.5 | palmate anisochelae 11.0- (12.7)-14.1 | 27.0-(30.7)- 34.5 | absent | Antarctica and western coast of Africa, bathyal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) | Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range |
Arbuscular erect, short stem, bottle-brush filaments in 4–6 rows equally distributed around stem, branching root-like basal holdfasts | 50–100 x 1–2 | Axis of tightly packed mycalostyles with points toward apex, lower stem with outer layer of acanthotylostyles, filaments with overlapping subtylostyles | mycalostyles 653-(821)-935 x 17.3-(23.5)-31.4 | subtylostyles 465-(633)- 754 x 12.1- (16.1)-20.4 | arcuate- palmate anisochelae 40.7-(55.3)- 60.7 palmate anisochelae 8.6-(10.2)- 11.0 | absent | North Atlantic, mesophoticbathyal | ||
Stipitate erect, long stem with twisted axis, bifurcate mostly short filaments in a single row on opposing sides of upper stem, base not recorded | 95–120 x 1 | Dense spicular axis of mycalostyles- styles, outer layer of acanthotylostrongyles, filaments cored by subtylostyles | mycalostyles-styles 1 500–1900 x 8–20 acanthotylostrongyles 100–500 x 1–3 | subtylostyles 375–1300 x 10–25 | absent | palmate anisochelae 8–13 | 25–28 | absent | SE Pacific, Kermadec Trench, Coral Sea off New Caledonia, and NW Pacific off Aleutian Islands, bathyal-abyssal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) | Sigmancistras Sigmas Locality/ (L μm) (L μm) depth range and other microscleres | ||
Stipitate erect, bifurcated branches, very short lateral filaments, enlarged basal attachment | 402 x 19 | Axis with longitudinal tracts of styles-mycalostyles and also strongyles- anisostrongyles, filaments cored by perpendicular styles- subtylostyles, base with desmas and acanthotylostrongyles | styles- mycalostyles 913–1850 x 18–43 strongyles- anisostrongyles 100–1775 x 17–53 | styles- subtylostyles 226–698 x 3–23 | monocrepid desmas arcuate 300–1125 x 40–190 anisochelae acanthotylo- 58–100 strongyles 123–425 anchorate- x 5–8 unguiferate anisochelae 15–20 | 20–25 | absent | Diego Ramírez Archipela go, South Chile, bathyal | |
Stipitate erect, very thin stem, with upper stem carrying 2 oppositely arranged rows of filaments, base not recorded | 83–109 x 1 | Axis with longitudinally arranged mycalostyles, filaments of subtylostyles perpendicular to stem, basal stem with acanthotylostyles | mycalostyles 990-(1194)-1426 x 18-(23)-33 acanthotylostyles 74-(114)-194 | subtylostyles 320-(550)-660 x 8–(12)-14 | absent | anisocerci -chelae 52-(64)-74 Palmate anisochelae 8-(10)-12 | 19-(26)-34 | absent | Beata Ridge, Caribbean Sea, abyssal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal Chelae (L μm) attachment (LxW μm) | Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range | |
Arborescent erect, dichotomous bifurcate branching, short stem, long branches nearly fully covered in filaments, disc-like holdfast | up to 80 x 1.3–4.2 | Basal attachment with densely packed desmas, axis of stem with styles or substrongyles lined by microtylostrongyles, axis of filaments with core of mycalostyles | styles 400–1500 x 12–38 microtylo- strongyles 30–138 x 2–2.5 | mycalostyles 300–600 x 5–12 | desmas 100–450 anisochelae 1, 25–46 anisochelae 2, 7.5–11 | 15–27.5 | 10–28 | Seamounts on Macquarie Ridge (Australian EEZ), mesophoticbathyal | |
Arbuscular erect, short stem, ‘bottlebrush’ filaments at apex of stem, base not recorded | 10 | Axis with tracts of polytylote tylostyles, filaments with shorter tylostyles | polytylote tylostyles 275–990 x 5–24 | smaller tylostyles | absent | arcuate anisochelae 25–28 | 71–104 | absent | NW Pacific, abyssal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal Chelae (L μm) attachment (LxW μm) | Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range | |
Hestetun, Tompkins- Macdonald & Rapp 2017: 7–9, Figs 4–5 | Arborescent erect, repeated dichotomous branching with 2 opposite rows of filaments terminating in small bud-like enlargements, multi-furcate basal holdfasts | 200 x 0.5–2 | Branches with central core of longitudinally arranged mycalostyles, lower stem with outer layer of acanthotylostyles, filaments of subtylostyles | mycalostyles 333-(628)-968 x 6.3-(15.1)- 23.6 | subtylostyles 279-(360)-475 x 4.7-(9.4)-14.1 | acanthotylostyles arcuate-palmate 44-(73)-107 isochelae 39.3-(48.6)-62.6 palmate anisochelae 7.0-(9.2)-12.1 | 12.1-16.6- 22.7 | absent | Arctic- North Atlantic, mesophotic- bathyal | |
Stipitate erect, dichotomously branched thin stems, filaments small subterminal bud-like structures, base not recorded | 60 x 0.5 | Axis of stem with larger mycalostyles, bud-like filaments with smaller subtylostyles and also found on surface of stem | mycalostyles 1000–1202 x 18–32 | subtylostyles 292–339 x 9–16 | absent | anisochelae 1, 69–96 anisochelae 2, 17–31 | 9–14 | absent | Shakleton Fracture Zone, Antarctica, bathyal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range | |
Stipitate erect, thin-branched tree-like, thick stalk, body bilaterally symmetrical branching filaments curved upwards to a pointed apex, base not recorded | 450 x 3 | Axis with thick bundles of mycalostyles, filaments with mycalostyles and subtylostyles, acantho- tylostrongyles echinate axial bundles forming a tangential ectosomal layer | mycalostyles 777-(988)-1140 x 22-(24.3)-26 | polytylote subtylostyles 576-(671)-729 x 12-(14.4)- 16.5 | acantho-tylostrongyles 61-(99)-132 x 1.5-(1.9)-2.5 | palmate anisochelae 9-(11.3)-13 | 23-(25.4)-31 | absent | Guyana Shelf, Gulf of Mexico, mesophotic |
Pedunculate- arbuscular erect, short stem, abundant filaments over most of the stem in regularly arranged in 1 lateral row either side of stem, enlarged globular basal holdfast | 38 x 5 | Axis and filaments with longitudinal and perpendicular tracts, respectively, of mycalostyles and subtylostyles, acanthotylostrong yles and desmas in basal holdfast | mycalostyles 472–1180 x 5–28 subtylostyles 205–523 x 3–15 smaller curved subtylostyles 60–95 x 5–8 | undifferentiated | monocrepid desmas 369–657 x 25–50 acanthotylostrongyles 78–128 x 3–5 | arcuate anisochelae 38–63 anchorate- unguiferate anisochelae 13–18 | 15–23 | absent | Campos Basin and Florianopo lis, Brazil, mesophotic |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of Chelae basal attachment (L μm) (LxW μm) | Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range | |
Stipitate erect, single stem or dichotomously branched, two rows of short filaments, base not recorded | 13 x 0.3 | Axis with longitudinal tracts of mycalostyles, filaments with perpendicular tracts of subtylostyles | mycalostyles 466-(652)-822 x 14.1-(19.7)-25.8 subtylostyles 1, 637-(811)-933 x 15.9-(20.4)-28.7 subtylostyles 2, 356-(494)-719 x 6.5-(10.3)-14.3 subtylostyles 3, 223-(250)-299 x 3.8-(4.8)-7.0 | subtylostyles 281-(383)-458 x 6.4-(10.4)-14 | absent | arcuate anisochelae 25.6-(30.9)- 37.9 palmate anisochelae 7.2-(9.9)- 12.2 | 17.1-(20.1)- 23.6 | absent | SW Indian Ocean Ridge, S Africa, bathyal |
Pedunculate erect, subglobular basal holdfast, stem and spherical body with numerous filaments in all directions | 6 x 1.5 | Axis has solid tracts of larger subtylostyles extending to center of the body, subtylostyles in lower parts of the body project outwards parallel to the surface, filaments with parallel tracts of subtylostyles, base with hispid projecting subtylostyles | subtylostyles 1, 637-(811)-933 x 15.9-(20.4)-28.7 subtylostyles 2, 356-(494)-719 x 6.5-(10.3)-14.3 subtylostyles 3, 223-(250)-299 x 3.8-(4.8)-7.0 | undifferentiated | undifferentiated palmate anisochelae 13.8-(15.4)- 17.2 | absent | contorted sigmas 39.5-(46.7)- 54.1 | SW Indian Ocean Ridge, S Africa, mesophotic |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) | Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range |
Arbuscular erect, anastomosing branching, short stem, furcate holdfast, numerous small filaments perpendiclar to stem | 405–541 x 80–267 | Axis of longitudinal tracts of styles with few (aniso) strongyles, axis of filaments cored by mycalostyles, acanthotylostrongyles present at the base | mycalostyles 513-995 10-33 (aniso)strongyles 123-410 38-60 | mycalostyles 205–687 x 5–10 styles 205–268 x 5–15 | acanthotylostrongyles 441–729 x 25–35 | palmate anisochelae 1, 30–38 palmate anisochelae 2, 13–18 | 25–40 | absent | Diego Ramírez Archipela go (south Chile), bathyal |
Arborescent erect, dichotomous bifurcate branching, short stem, long branches nearly fully covered in filaments, disc-like holdfast | 194–280 x 130 | Axis of branches and stem with bundles of smaller mycalostyles, filaments with bundles of larger mycalostyles, large curved styles in basal cone | mycalostyles 705-(751)-797 x 23-(25.5)-27 | mycalostyles 627-(687)-756 x 15-(17.5)-20 | curved mycalostyles 382-(462.1)-540 x 32-(39.97)-48 Microacantho- tylostrongyle 87-(98.1)-109 x 1.3-(1.7)-2.1 | palmate absent anisochelae 11-(11.8)-12.5 | sigmas 21-(22.9)-24 | Davidson Seamount and Monteray Canyon, California, bathyal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal Chelae Sigmancistras attachment (LxW μm) (L μm) (L μm) | Sigmas Locality/ (L μm) depth range and other microscleres | ||
Known only from a fragment of a stalk, | 150 x 1 | Unknown | styles- subtylostyles 1100–1750 x 20–44 | subtylostyles- tylostyles 330–650 x 8–14 | acanthotylostrongyles palmate 23–25 85–170 x 2–4 anisochelae 10 | absent | Wilkes Land, Australian Antarctic Territory, bathyal | |
Stipitate erect, long stem, multi-furcate basal holdfast, pinnate with 2–4 rows of filaments in 1 or 2 rows on opposite sides of stem | 250 x 1–3 | axis of tightly packed mycalostyles with points towards apex, filaments with overlapping subtylostyles, holdfast with outer layer of acanthotylostyles | mycalostyles 500-(760)- 1010 x 9.4-(18.9)- 31.4 | subtylostyles 372-(602)-810 x 6.8-(12.4)-22.0 | acanthotylostyles 75-(117)-159 | arcuate- 17.3-(21.2)- palmate 25.1 anisochelae 38.8-(53.1)- 73.5 | absent | Atlantic Arctic, mesophotic- bathyal |
Stipitate erect, slender single-stem with rows of short filaments projecting in all directions from the center, globular basal holdfast | 85 x 1.5 | Axis with core of longitudinal mycalostyles, projecting filaments cored by subtylostyle bundles, desmas present in basal part the sponge | mycalostyles 570-(772)- 893 x 12.9- (20.6)-28.3 | subtylostyles 1, 470-(584)-719 x 9.7-(13.5)-19.7 subtylostyles 2, 133-(176)-218 x 3.1-(5.5)-7.0 subtylostyles 3, 113-(321)-557 x 18.6-(25.8)-31.8 | desmas 186-(318)-445 | arcuate 15.2-18.9- anisochelae 22.6 1, 82.2-(95.2)- 107.6 arcuate anisochelae 2, 9.5-(11.9)- 14.1 | absent | Southwest ern Indian Ocean Ridge, mesophotic- bathyal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae Sigmancistras Sigmas Locality/ (L μm) (L μm) (L μm) depth range and other microscleres | |||
Stipitate erect, with 4 rows of paired branches on lateral sides, with numerous bud-like projection in between, long stem, base absent | 75 x 1 | Axis cored by styles, lower part of stem with acanthotylostyles, branches and filaments with styles-tylostyles | styles 480–960 x 6–25 | styles 880–1040 x 12–25 subtylostyles 400–640 x 5–10 | acanthotylostyles 75–125 x 1–3 | arcuate anisochelae 35–45 palmate anisochelae 10–13 | absent | sigmas 1, 75–125 sigmas 2, 28–38 | NE Atlantic, abyssal |
Arborescent erect, dichotomously branching in 1 plane, branches with closely spaced filaments, long stem and root like basal holdfast | 250 x 12 | Axis with compact bundles of mycalostyles, filaments perpendicular to axial skeleton, ectosome with acanthostylostyles. | styles- subtylostyles 468–904 x 10–29 | undifferentiated | acanthotylostrongyles palmate 60–199 anisochelae 13–16 | 23–31 | absent | Kuril Islands, Okhotsk Sea, NW Pacific, mesophoticbathyal | |
Stipitate- arbuscular erect, dichotomo usly branching, with flattened stem with two opposite rows of very fine filaments, small basal plate | 5–15 x 0.7 | Axis of stem with longitudinal bundles of mycalostyles, filaments of subtylostyles perpendicular to stem, no special basal spicules | mycalostyles subtylostyles 351-(567)- 224-(265)-292 742 x 4.1-(7.1)-13.4 x 13.3-(19.8)- 32.5 | undifferentiated | arcuate anisochelae 15.2-(19.7)- 26.9 palmate anisochelae 6.9-(10)- 11.3 | 11.9-15.7- 20 | absent | Southwest ern Indian Ocean Ridge, mesophoticbathyal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) | Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range |
Pedunculate erect, thin stem with apical body forming a flattened, spiky circle composed of radiating columns of spicules, small circular basal attachment | 33 x 16 | Axis of stem with ascending columns of medium mycalostyles, body with radiating columns of larger mycalostyles, base with columns of smaller mycalostyles | mycalostyles 600-(1067)- 1753 x 21-(37)-50 | mycalostyles mycalostyles 1087-(1879)-2962 408-(704)-965 x 14-(34)-45 x 20-(29)-45 | palmate anisochelae 61–92 | absent | sigmas 18–24 spined rhaphides 693-(1089)- 1374 x 3.4-(7)-8 | Burdwood Bank, Tierra del Fuego, bathyal | |
Arborescent erect, dichotomously branching, bottle-brush filaments, short stem with basal disc holdfast | 217 x 124 | Axis of branches and stem with mycalostyles, filaments with smaller mycalostyles, styles- anisostrongyles in basal disc | mycalostyles 916-(956)- 1006 x 18-(19.8)-22 | mycalostyles 580- (642.6)-705 x 11-(14)-17 | styles- anisostrongyles 502-(555)-608 x 20-(26.6)-32 microacantho- tylostrongyles 93-(102.6)-112 x 1-(1.5)-2 | Anisochelae 1, 48–59 Anisochelae 2, 9–10 | absent | sigmas 16–18 | northwest of La Jolla, California, bathyal |
Hestetun, Tompkins- Macdonald & Rapp, 2017: 11–14, Fig. 8 | Stipitate erect, long stem, pinnate upper stem with 4 rows of filaments paired on opposite sides, basal attachment unknown | 140 x 2–3 | Axis tightly packed mycalostyles with points towards apex, lower stem with outer layer of acanthotylostyles, filaments of subtylostyles | mycalostyles 581-(731)-918 x 16.0-(23.8)- 34.2 | subtylostyles unknown 514-(638)-810 x 11.0-(15.8)-20.3 acanthotylostyles 75-(111)-142 | arcuate anisochelae 42.7-(49.3)- 57.2 palmate anisochelae 8.6-(10.6)-12.6 | 20.3-(23.0)- 31.6 | absent | NW Atlantic, mesophotic- bathyal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) | Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range |
Arborescent erect, flattened anastomosing branching, filaments project from sides of branches, no basal plate | 110 x 10 | Stem with parallel ascending bundles of mycalostyles, filaments with bundles of a similar size projecting at right angles, dense mesh of mycalostyles and acanthotylo- strongyles. | mycalostyles 675–864 x 17–40 | undifferentiated | mycalostyles 567–807 x 24–36 Aniso-acanthotylo- strongyles 113–154 x 2–3 | Palmate anisochelae 11–14 | 11–14 | absent | Seamounts off Tierra del Fuego, meophotic -bathyal |
Arbuscular erect, dichotomo usly branching stem with two rows of tightly set filaments, small basal plate | 14 x 1 | Axis main stem with longitudinal mycalostyles and layer of confusedly arranged subtylostyles surrounding stem, filaments with perpendicular subtylostyles | mycalostyles 445-(588)- 718 x 11.8- (19.2)-32.5 | subtylostyles 224-(271)-323 x 5.3-(7)-13.4 | Acanthosubtylo- strongyles 54-(65)- 79 | arcuate/ unguifer ate anisochelae 20.1-(21.7)- 24 anchorate/ unguiferate anisochelae 9-(10.5)- 11.7 | 11.6- (13.9)- 16.1 | absent | Southwest ern Indian Ocean Ridge, bathyal |
Pedunculate- stipitate erect, short peduncle, finger-or feather-like filaments in 2 lateral rows, slightly widened basal holdfast | 12–16 x 1–1.6 | Axis and filaments with longitudinal and perpendicular tracts of mycalostyles, respectively, acanthotylostrongyles form basal holdfast | mycalostyles 236–944 x 5–15 | undifferentiated | Acanthotylo- strongyles 38–118 x 3–5 | Palmate anisochelae 8–15 | 20–45 | absent | Campos Basin, SE Brazil, mesophotic |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) | Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range |
Stipitate- arbuscular erect, long stem with apical bottle- brush of filaments, base bulbous | 55 x 1–2 | Axis of stem with longitudinal bundles of styles, filaments with longer styles inserted parallel to stem | styles 1600–2900 x 20–32 styles 374–1200 x 9–15 | styles 1500–3800 x 10–18 | absent | palmate anisochelae 14–19 | absent | absent | Kermadec Trench, SW Pacific, hadal |
Arborescent erect, short stem, basal holdfast disc, dichotomous branching, long filaments in single rows either side of branches | 4 x 1 | Axis of large styles/mycalostyles arranged longitudinally, also oxeas and styles/ anisostrongyles occur in axis, microstrongyles form a confused outer layer, mycalostyles core filaments, also with confused outer layer of microstrongyles, styles/ anisostrongyles and spear-shaped microtylostyles present in base | oxeas 216-(424.6)-77 x 5-(10.0)-20 styles/mycalostyles 420-(552.4)-70 x 8 8-(18.0)-30 | mycalostyles/ subtylo styles 185-(314.3)-585 x 5-(9.4)-13 | styles/oxeas/ anisostrongyles 125-(256.8)-510 x 13-(19.5)-28 | palmate isochelae 23-(31.3)- 43 palmate anisochelae 10-(10.7)- 13 | 18-(21.9)- 25 | microstrongyles 30-(51.3)-75 x 5-(7.3)-8 microtylostyles 23-(26.3)-30 x 8 | Diego Ramírez Archipela go (south Chile), bathyal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal Chelae attachment (LxW μm) (L μm) | Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range | |
Arborescent erect, fan- shaped in a single plane, short stem with repeated dichotomous branches, short basal plate | 80 x 160 | Axis of large styles mixed with few substrongyles near base, dense cover of microstrongyles on lateral sides of flattened branches, lateral processes with axis of small styles perpendicular and protruding through layer of microstrongyles, basal stem with microtylostyles | axial styles 200–1025 × 20–45 axial substrongyles 80–500 × 15–30 microstrongyles 25–60 × 5–7 | styles 180–350 × 7–9 | microtylostyles 25–45 × 4–7 | arcuate anisochelae 72–90 palmate anisochelae 10–15 | absent | absent | North Fiji Basin, bathyal |
Arborescent erect, dichotomously branched, branches flattened, filaments on lateral sides of all branches, no basal attachment present | 15 x 1–2 | Axis of stem with larger mycalostyles with micro-strongyles, filaments corerd by single smaller style, base with mass of styles, microstrongyles and microtylostrongyles | mycalostyles 562–678 x 15–30 | mycalostyles 208–265 x 5–10 | mycalostyles 209–606 x 20–39 strongyles 37–53 x 5–12 anthomicrotylostrong yles 22–32 x 3–8 | arcuate anisochelae 32–43 palmate anisochelae 8–11 | Drake Passage, Sars Seamount, bathyal |
Species | Reference | Morphology | Total height x width (mm) | Skeleton | Spicules of main axis (LxW μm) | Spicules of lateral filaments or body (LxW μm) | Spicules of basal attachment (LxW μm) | Chelae (L μm) Sigmancistras (L μm) | Sigmas (L μm) and other microscleres | Locality/ depth range | |
Stipitate- arbuscular erect, apical bottle-brush filaments, long stem, no basal attachment present | 8 | Axis of stem with bundles of styles and oxeas, filaments cored by subtylostyles, base with monocrepidial desmas | styles 470–500 x 11 oxeas 425–525 x 15 | sybtylote-polytylote styles 290–310 x 4–6 | desmas 435–630 x 15–20 | palmate absent anisochelae 11 | microsubtylostyles 11–12 x 5 microstrongyles 23–95 x 1–3 | Canary Islands, NE Atlantic, bathyal |