A revision of the genus Neosclerus C (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae) Author Assing, Volker text Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 2011 2011-05-16 6 1 89 148 journal article 0005-805X Neosclerus carinatus sp. n. ( Figs 135-142 ) Type material: Holotype : " Taiwan , Pingtung Hsien , Pietawushan [sic] Trail at 2000 m , 23.V.1991 , A. Smetana [T91] / Holotypus Neosclerus carinatuscarinatus sp. n. det. V. Assing 2010 " (cAss). Description: Pronotum and elytra uniformly reddish-brown, other external characters as in N .. configens ( Figs 135-136 ). : posterior margin of sternite VII weakly concave in the middle, near this concavity with cluster of numerous weakly modified setae ( Fig. 137 ); sternite VIII anteriorly with rather broad and long carina with few long setae and posteriorly extending into a short bifid process, posterior excision broad and V-shaped, its depth approximately 1/5 the length of sternite ( Figs 138-140 ); aedeagus of highly distinctive morphology, 0.83 mm long, ventral process very slender, apically with median carina (ventral view), internal sac with rather long and massive dark structures in apical portion ( Figs 141-142 ). Etymology: The specific epithet (Latin, adjective) alludes to the apically carinate ventral process of the aedea- gus. Comparative notes: As can be inferred from the similar modifications of the male sternites VII and VIII, the general morphology of the aedeagus (ventral process notched and dentate, internal sac with pair of large, dark basal structures), as well as from the similar external characters, N .. carinatuscarinatus is closely related to N .. configens and allied species. It is readily distinguished from them by the chaetotaxy of the male sternite VIII, the broader anterior carina with shorter posterior processes, the distinctly longer aedeagus ( N .. configens : approx. 0.7 mm ), the much longer, more slender, and differently shaped ventral process, and the massive apical internal structures. Distribution and bionomics: The holotype was collected in the Peitawushan , Pingtung Hsien , southern Taiwan , at an altitude of 2000 m in May, by sifting humus, debris, and fallen leaves along fallen trees in an old broadleaved evergreen forest (SMETANASMETANA pers. comm.) .